
Beyond The World

SakimoAisuku · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter 6: The Silver Flames user Hokima Zarv

The Chapter begins in silence as Xero watches his enemies with a fierce look, after a few seconds of waiting Xero made his way to the tent where he will meet his most formidable opponent. "This has danger written all over it and yet it draws me in" Xero said to himself, Xero continued to be on high alert as he walked up on the tents, using one of his dagger's Xero cut through the tent and found no one there Xero quickly noticed a hole in the roof of the tent then looked up, Xero could see a man with bright orange hair, round black glasses, and a professor coat as if he were working at an academy, the man's name is Hokima Zarv and Xero knew exactly who he was, each and every soldier working for Hokima began surrounding Xero they all were prepared for a fight "I can't believe the selfish leader of Karma League is actually working with other's a sight to be seen" Xero yelled to Hokima, "God of destruction Xero the fact you're still alive means Hunter's Haven failed to get rid of you and your pathetic group of weaklings go home or get killed make your choice" Hokima replied the two had one hell of a "I hate you" look. Xero got into a defensive position he was prepared to fight each man around him, "Fine I guess you choose death" Hokima said to Xero as he made a signal with his hand causing each soldier to rush Xero with the intention to kill, Xero jumped over the first guard's head causing him to run into a few of the other guard's after that they all were pissed off and began rushing at xero all at once, Xero dodged each one with ease causing them to either fall or run into another guard.

"You all are useless, seems I'll have to do it myself!" Hokima landed in front of Xero he opened his hand and in the palm of his hand silver flames formed, Xero immediately ran at Hokima however he wasn't quick enough Hokima shot a giant wave of silver flames burning not only Xero but the entire area behind him, the tall grass was completely burnt and Xero was badly injured, as Xero attempted to heal himself Hokima made rope out of the silver Flame's and the flames wrapped itself around Xero causing him to be burnt while not being able to move. One of the soldiers working for Hokima attempted to cut off Xero's head however in a split second his head was cut off instead, the flame's were cut and Xero was freed, standing up and wiping off her blade from the blood Kookie stood proudly next to Xero she kept her blade ready for any future attack attempts, "You are the type of people I hate, those jump one person because they're so weak"

Kookie said standing tall, Xero slowly began recovering and at this point he was fed up with Hokima, "Hey Kookie can you handle these soldiers for me I'll delete Hokima from this world" Kookie nods in agreement as the two began to split up running separate ways, "Handle the girl I'll get Xero" Hokima followed Xero just as Xero planned.

Kookie dashed at the enemy slicing through their armor as if it was only butter, with each soldier she killed a pool of blood was left, although being covered in blood herself she continued attacking, she jumped on a soldier's head and sent her sword straight into their skull she then kicked the soldier running at her into more soldiers, right after she went for his neck. Meanwhile Xero stood his ground against Hokima although being badly injured Xero was determined to kill Hokima, Xero began conjuring explosive light and dark energy, he trapped the dark energy into the light energy "Already giving up, it's useless you'll die either way Xero!" Hokima yelled at Xero not knowing what he was doing, Xero turned to Hokima and threw the ball to him "This is what I call the yin yang bomb, enjoy" Xero said, immediately Hokima cut through the shell and began laughing but what he wasn't expecting was for the dark energy to fly right into his face, "Kaboom" Xero said as the explosion went off causing Hokima to be blown to bits, there was nothing but Hokima part's everywhere and Xero didn't feel an ounce of sympathy, Xero went over to check up on Kookie however she sat on a pile of bloody cut up bodies while being bloody herself, Xero smiled at her while the two walked back to their room.

"Heh you need a bath" Xero said, immediately after saying that Xero felt a cold sinister presence behind him and high levels of energy, he immediately pushed Kookie out of the way as he turned around Xero saw a punch coming at him the fist was emitting dark energy, Xero knew only of one person who could be coming at him with such an attack and it was his own brother Jack. While thinking Xero immediately was hit, the punch sent Xero flying through coremellion's wall's and building's Xero almost ended up at the castle, the punch caused Xero to spit up blood as he attempted to stand but before he could stand he was being held tight by silver flame's, Hokima wasn't dead but Xero knew he killed him "What the hell is going on" Xero said to himself as attempted to break free from the flame's however he was too weak to do so.

Jack slowly approached Xero, he eyed Xero with pure hate "You're really disappointing me little brother, why won't you just die already you and your friends could've stayed in that little facility and lived but no you outsmarted them by making them think you were the strongest so they kept you under high security and the other's were mid, little did they know your friend king is a god himself, it's hilarious really" Xero kept his head down as Jack spoke, Xero didn't move nor did he speak he just sat there as the flame's grew tighter, in an instance Kookie was behind Jack and attempted to slice his head however it seemed as if time itself was slowed down for Jack with extreme speed he gut punched Kookie sending her into the sky, he jumped up to her hight level and kicked her straight into the ground rendering Kookie unconscious. It was odd for Xero no guard's came no civilians were in sight, coremellion seemed empty, Jack went back to finish Xero but before he could the man named Hunter appeared, he grabbed Jack's hand "Still working for that organization Jack, you could've been something better why choose to stay there" Hunter said, "Unlike you Hunter I don't betray my comrade's to live a better life, if I'm a criminal so be it however you made the group take responsibility for it and come back" Jack replied however Hunter shook his head no as he attempted to kick Jack causing Jack to jump backwards, Hunter used his hands as knives to cut the flames and it worked it freed Xero from Hokima's binds, Xero stood up and prepared himself to fight however Hunter didn't allow him too "Take your friend and relax, take a break before you die here".

"In the name of Hunter's Haven I'll defeat you comrade or should I say ex comrade" Jack said causing Hunter to crack a smile, they both stood there on the battlefield staring at each other.