
Beyond The World

SakimoAisuku · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: The place to call home

It's been two months since the group left heading to Coremellion. Coremellion, a small kingdom with a giant castle in the center, the city is full of nice people who don't judge anyone no matter the specie's. Human, elf, orc, hell even hybrids are welcomed there, the king and queen are nice people who loves their kingdom and their children are always energetic, Coremellion is King's home actually. King, Cynix, Pain, and Xero are all royalty born in noble families who gave their children up for the good of the world,

"Do we really have to go to that city?" "I doubt they'll be happy to see me" King said to Xero, "Luckily your parent's are nicer than the rest of ours, so they'll be more understanding" Xero replied to King as they continued their journey to Coremellion.

Nearly reaching the kingdom the group crossed through a field with tall grass, the grass was taller than King which made it an easy hiding spot for bandits. The group walked up to the front gate of the Kingdom however the guard's weren't interested in seeing them, "You people can't go past this point!" one of the guard's yelled, "If you try and stop us I can't promise your safety, so please don't stand in our way" Xero responded. The guard's didn't seem fazed by this, hell actually they felt a little relieved it seems they wanted to kill the group before anyone else noticed, however their plans failed when a man appeared, his arms were covered in tattoos, he wore a tee-shirt, jeans, and round sunglasses with black military boots on his feet and dog tags on his neck something seemed familiar to the group, then he spoke "My name is Hunter, I'm military from the moonlight city's devil forest, and these people are with me" The man began to show the guards a special tag allowing him access and the group followed behind him, once inside they stopped Hunter "Thank you for your help" Xero said, "Don't mention it, anything for my king's two son's" Hunter replied, he began walking towards the castle while Xero and the other's headed towards a nearby store to buy clothes.

Inside the store the group found a variety of clothing, Xero and Kookie ended up buying three outfits for a good cause however they didn't tell the other's why. The group headed to a nearby inn and rented three rooms two sharing a room each, Xero shared a room with Kookie, Cynix with King, and Pain with Brodon. They all rested, and that night Xero took his clothing and went into the hallway changing into a black robe with a hoodie and full white face mask, Kookie wore the same thing however her robe was white and her face mask was black, Kookie opened the door after getting dressed to let Xero inside "Master Xero what's the plan?" Kookie asked, "We've been being followed ever since we left Mahligito by three different group's, one is The Nineteen Crunch, next is Karma League, however I have no idea who the last group is..." Xero seemed confused but instantly began feeling excited "The thrill of going into enemy territory really hypes me up" he said as he began sheathing his dagger's and putting away his third outfit into a black and white backpack before the two left the inn.

Xero and Kookie walked down the streets the robe's were keeping their weapon's concealed and their masks and hoodies keeping their identities a secret as they both started heading towards the tall grass outside of the Kingdom the two managed to jump over the city wall and sneak past the guard's, Kookie used her magic to make the two blend in with the grass, and Xero used his magic to scan the area so they can locate other people nearby. "Thirty nine people scramble all throughout these field's, it seems our enemies are working together" Xero said prepared to move closer, "There's a tent with three people inside must be the Captain or Captain's of this assault, do me a favor and report what's happening back to the guards I'll see how many I can take down before I have to retreat" Xero said to Kookie, as soon as possible Kookie ran towards the city sneaking back inside meanwhile King was waking up after a nice nap.

Once up King walked around checking up on everyone but noticed Xero and Kookie weren't in their rooms, something seemed fishy and king wanted to figure it out so he went out alone and began searching for the two, "Those two have been close ever since we left that village and now they're sneaking around with each other, this is annoying we won't be able to get any work done like this" King quickly noticed that both the front gate guards were knocked out, something Xero missed while leaving "The hell is going on here?!" King immediately rushed over the help them up but as soon as he did he felt an unknown presence behind him, King immediately dodged as a blade came down to strike him "Who are you and what business do you have here?" King asked without hesitation, the person spoke "I'm sorry dear I'm not very good with sword's however I'm skilled at magic" The person said completely blowing off King's question, The person pulled their hood off revealing a black haired woman, she seemed to be around King's age but he didn't care, "What's your name?" King asked as he prepared himself for an attack, the woman quickly responded "My name is Rose, I'm from Karma League and I was sent here to take care of any guard's that are guarding this city, but honestly I'd rather take a bath" She responded seeming bothered but brushed it off as she put a witch's hat and began chanting.

The woman began shooting large fireball's at King however he used a light barrier to dispell them, "You have talent, tell you what if I manage to beat you you'll have to join Karma League and work under me deal?" Rose asked King "Alright but if I beat you you'll have to join me and my crew, you'll also have to be my maid deal?" King respond once he said that Rose blushed in anger as she agreed to the terms and began firing off large water missile spell's which King easily dispelled, King prepared to attack Rose with a light chain binding spell, once he did the chains of light held Rose in place as King attacked Rose with a sword of light, before he could hit her Rose admitted defeat and King backed off. "So you're my maid now how does that feel?" King asked Rose and she immediately replied "It feels like hell!", however this battle in Coremellion City is only beginning.

What'll happen to Xero and Kookie next? Find out in the next chapter.....