
Between three Worlds

The souls of two young people are taken to another world, which is a mix of their two favorite video games. They find themselves on a complicated mission: to become strong enough to defeat the tyrant king with his army of undead. Only then, they will be able to return to their bodies

DaoistUcIahR · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Incursion

Sarah is a 17 year old blond girl with green eyes and an athletic body, quite used to being the popular girl at school. She is also bored by the school trip to the museum since none of the materials on display is entertaining to her. The only thing that catches her attention is this one piece of rock with diamonds and emeralds stuck in it. "Why is a rock like that here? There's not even a plaque explaining where it came from or for how long it has existed". Her thoughts are so deep that she doesn't even realize a small red light was flashing and a sound was starting to come out of the rock. A tremor was felt and it was possible to hear voices. 


As she hears screams from the other students, her heart starts to beat very fast and she is in a cold sweat, but she can't move. Her gaze is fixed on the rock and fear makes her start to cry. Suddenly, a great light takes over everything. In her vision, she feels as if she is flowing. She doesn't feel her body but her mind remembers every moment of her life and her desires, such as having a romance and living in her favorite video game. 

Once she wakes up, Sarah finds herself in a forest but it's clearly not a forest of this world. The leaves of the trees are purple and pink, the roots of the trees penetrate the earth and rise again, like a half moon. She realizes then that she is not wearing her school uniform but what looks like a peasant outfit, seemingly straight out from the middle ages. "What outfit is this? Did I die? Where am I?" 

Her uncertainties are interrupted when a woman in white and gold robes appears in front of her. She begins to explain about the strange world while her voice echoes throughout the place: 

"???: Welcome, player, you wish for a world like your favorite game was granted. However, there was a little interference by someone with a dream similar to yours, so you must now-"

"A: wait! What do you mean 'my wish'? Who are you and where am I?"

"???: Well, my name is Dianah, I am the guardian of the worlds. Thanks to the fragment of another world sent to yours, you were brought here with another person from another world, upon your wish. You would have died if you hadn't wanted something from the bottom of your heart, because it was thanks to that that you two ended up in this world, which is a mix of your favorite games."

"A: uh... how can there be a world based on a video game from my world?"

"Dianah: There are infinite worlds, they coexist with each other. When someone goes from one world to another it is called an incursion. Now you will move between your world and this world, but don't think that things here are the same as in your game video game, it has somewhat... lethal differences"

Sarah appears to have understood most of the explanation, and she does not despair since she still thinks this is a dream.

"Dianah: Well, now I'm going to explain everything to the other person who came here with you"

"A: Along with me?"

"Dianah: You'll soon meet him, all I can say is... this is going to be the most interesting of the incursions."


What will happen to Sarah now in this new world, who will be her mysterious partner and how will she return to her world permanently?

All answers will be answered in chapter two

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