
High in drugs ? Probably not.

Advika POV

I realised that ignoring him won't do me any good. If I want to leave from here , I can't go on silent treatment mode. Just looking at him is enough to turn me red from head to toe. I wish I can swap my body with someone else. My own body is a betrayer.

"Reyaansh , You have to stop doing this. You can't keep me here forever ! Soon everyone gonna notice that I am missing !! If you are done with whatever you wanted, just let me go now. Please" I am looking at his direction but refuse to meet his eyes.I attempted to convince him. No point in arguing with a wall. I would rather leave from here as soon as possible than staying with him. God knows what he will do next.

Leaving this house right now is my first priority.

Leaving him is another thing I will plan later.