

Despite being locked in darkness, they knew what was happening.

They could feel the movement of the moving car, the way it slowed down, the way it took turns.

They also heard the whirring of the engine of the truck they were driving and heard it from passing vehicles.

They also heard the sudden whine of sirens and sensed a sudden twist that threw them to the floor.

A startled Julius bumped into Gustav. Their bodies collided hard. Their breaths merged for a moment.

If this had been a romantic movie, the director probably would have had them give a close-up on their faces at that moment showing the tension-filled and romantic emotions. He probably still would have had them zoom in and added romantic music.

Only, there was nothing romantic in this scene. There was only the tension of fear of the dangers awaiting them.

Awaiting? Julius sneered in thought. As if they were not in danger at that moment!