
Being reborn with gravity manipulation in MHA

Gaming_Empire · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


My eyes shot open and I started to look around. I look down and noticed a small Uraraka hugging me tightly. So it wasn't a dream I really am in the my hero verse. I tried to get up but her grip on me was strong so I tried to wake her. I poked her cheek she started to nuzzle her face into my hand.

"Hey, time to get up;" I said in a soft voice trying to wake her. She started to stir and finally woke up after a few minutes. She looked up at me and started to hold me tighter.

"Hey, you ok?" I asked worried she just shacked her head.

"You were trembling last night, did you have a last nightmare?" She asked concerned about my well-being. I don't even know what happened last night I just remember Uraraka's warm embrace.

"Oh yeah, It was really cold last night. So that might be why;" I said not wanting to talk about it. She didn't say anything for a while. Or let me go she just stayed like that for a few.

"Kids!!! Breakfast is ready to hurry on down!" Someone yelled from under the floor.

"Mom's calling us come on let's go;" Uraraka said as she dragged me out of bed. and rushed me downstairs where I saw both of Uraraka's parents. They looked just like they did in the anime.

"Good Morning mom! Good Morning dad!" Uraraka yelled as we descended down the steps. They both laughed softly at Uraraka's antics.

"Good Morning Ochako, Good Morning Yuito. Did you both sleep well;" Uraraka's Mom asked.

"Yeah, we slept great!" Uraraka said why did she have so much energy in the morning.

"So how you feeling today champ?" Uraraka's Dad asked finally talking.

"huh?" I asked not knowing what he's talking about. He laughed to himself again.

"I talking about your birthday, your final four today;" He said so that how old I am.

"I'm feeling pretty good, I can't wait to find out what my Quirk is;" I said actually this was my first time thinking about my Quirk. I guess have a new life took most of my focus. Even though I know what my Quirk is I don't know how to use it.

"Well come on, once you finish your breakfast we'll head down the clinic;" Uraraka's Dad said the day wasn't that eventful the doctor told me what I already knew. But I do want to know how they identify someone Quirk.

"Well it looks like your going to teach your brother how to use his Quirk;" Uraraka's Mom said to her on the ride back to the house.

"Don't worry Mom, I'll teach him everything I know;" Uraraka said I'm actually glad because maybe she'll be able to explain how to activate my Quirk.

"I have a question;" I said aloud

"What is it champ?" Uraraka's Dad asked

"I just wanted to know what are your Quirks are?" I asked because I didn't know.

"Oh is that all, my Quirk is weightlessness it allows me to make myself weightless for a short time;" Uraraka's Mom said

"And my Quirk is heavy metal, it let me stay focused on any task that I have a strong feeling for;" Uraraka's Dad said I didn't know how that related to metal but ok.

"Thank you for telling me;" I said when we made it how Uraraka wanted to play. So that was the rest of the day for me. It also turned out that we had school tomorrow so that going to be fun.


It's been eleven years since I've come to this world I haven't done much other than going to school. I have been practicing with my Quirk and I learn two important things. First, when I asked for a strong gravikinesis I got a strong gravikinesis Quirk. I accidentally might have destroyed someone's house lucky for me it wasn't my house. And that person had insurance for it so it was fine I was told I couldn't come back. But I didn't care so it wasn't a loss, second I learned that Brain Drive works I just need to be in what I like to call the combat state or combat mode. I have to be fighting for it to activate it didn't matter if it was a real fight or a spar. But it did forcefully activates my Quirk and it gives me an amp. but I've never been able to experiment with it much because people stop fighting me after a while. I haven't been able to activate Brain Field I have no idea how to activate it either. But that's the future me problem.

"Hey, you've been spacing out a lot lately. Are you ok Yuito-Kun?" Ochako ask

"I'm fine Ochako-Chan, you worry too much, or is it because U.A. tryouts are today?" I asked

"Well maybe;" She said softly

"Come on, let's get something to eat;" I said after we got something to eat we headed to U.A. I was kinda nervous I didn't have much control of my Quirk. Even though I had so much time to practice with it. I just could never get the full handle of it.

"Are you ok?" I heard Ochako ask I look over and saw her ahead of me she was using her Quirk on someone with messy dark green hair. I really was spacing out well I just pass them and let them have their moment. I made my way to the door and wait for my sister.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Ochako yelled as she approached me she started huffing and puffing as soon as she reached me.

"Man your already out of breath already. You should really work out more or I'll become a hero ahead of you;" I said to her teasingly

"Oh shush it's about to start;" She said as she grabbed my arm we headed inside and took our seats. The test itself wasn't that hard I knew I missed some but I think I still passed.

We started heading to the testing area on buses I was on a different bus than Ochako. I'm guessing because we went to the same school. Well, I knew the ride was going to take a while so this was a good chance to get my energy back. I guess this is going to be my first "real" fight. That was my last thought as I let darkness overtake me.