
Being a Villain isn’t So Bad

One chance isn’t enough to understand why you were meant to exist. It takes initiative and sacrifice to understand yourself and reach your goals along the way. Sometimes your methods have to be ruthless and cutthroat and kindness won’t always fit in the world order. See as Aless places himself on the edge in this new world filled with fantasy elements belonging to a novel he used to love. Taking steps into doing what he couldn’t do in his past and stop the hero from intervening. “Is the regent to my dukedom really the main villain?” “That means… I was reborn in a novel?” “But he is right… the hero is flawed and honestly he was quite annoying some times in the novel” *I don’t claim ownership of the cover, it just looks cool.

Athelnz · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Aren’t you….?


I can feel a slight sting in my eyes, and opening them reveals intruding sunlight from the nearby window. I guess it's slightly better than being woken up by an alarm.

Looking around, there is one thing I can definitely say without a doubt. Im rich! Or at the very least, I live in a luxurious estate. The room itself is pretty spacious and design seems intricate.

I can definitely tell from lying down that the bed is made firm but not too much. The sheet themselves are soft and perfectly fill the area of my body as if though it was hugging me.

The bed itself is arranged into an angled wall facing slightly to the right of the doorway. The frame itself has four rails extending to a canopy. The material seems to be wood and it's texture looks extremely smooth.

Majority of the room has furniture made out of the same material. It's appearance is of a brown-red color which matches with the scheme of the rest of the room. The walls are decorated in a vine-like design painted black on a striped background of brown and dark red.

I can even see some jewelry at the top of a desk and right besides it… there is a body size mirror.

Is it time?

It's time for the revelation, it's dangerous to not know what i look like. Making my way to the mirror I notice my clothing.

"Are you serious?"

It's a one-piece underwear?! Nope, as soon as I can I need to fix that. Avoiding glancing down again, I redirect myself to the mirror.

Facing straight into it I notice my facial features, and it is honestly hard to tell… I mean, what was I expecting? I'm a child after all. I definitely look adorable but being used to an adult face, makes me feel weird saying it.

I'm rocking slightly wavy brown hair with my sides being shorter than the top and grey eyes. The color of my eyes are definitely something that I'm not familiar looking at. At least it's not brown again, and since the maid from before still had an eye color prominent in my previous life, then it could be rare.

My face seems a little angular but it doesn't really stand out much, which means I won't be able to really tell how I will turn out to be.

I got lucky so far, hopefully there is nothing to ruin this, but thinking it now is way too early.

*knock* *knock*

"Good morning, Young master."

Oh, it's the same maid from before! Along with her she also has some clothes being carried in her left arm.

She makes her way towards me and glances at the mirror. Is she curious about what I'm doing?

We'll, f**k it.


I used my hand to signal her to get closer to which she promptly followed and stood next to me. I then pointed in the direction of her face through the reflection in the mirror.

"You have pretty eyes."

The comment left her stunned for a moment and only silence followed. Of course, I had the same eye color and I never received compliments for them.

She suddenly closed her eyes and took a deep breath to which she finally replied.

"Thank you… allow me to change you into your clothes."

Okay? She abruptly changed the topic with an odd look on her eye. Wait… She will help me dress?

"Please, can you lift your arms for me?"



"All done, Master Aless <3"

With a little excitement in her voice she finishes tidying my attire. Honestly, if it wasn't for her I could not have figured out how to put these clothes on. It would be disastrous if i didn't have this maid as my caretaker.

I seem to be wearing some sort of pseudo-suit without a tie. I have no idea as to how she was able to put this on me. As for the lower body, they seem to be a more relaxed form of slacks made from what I can tell is cotton. It was a nice formal yet comfortable clothing choice. The whole outfit is matched into various shades off black, and honestly looks great.

Also… I don't know her name. It would be out of place to ask for it though, assuming I'm supposed to be familiar with it.

I'll just wait and keep my ears open to hopefully hear it. I should probably assume the same to all the other people I possibly meet as of right now. I just hope that my silence isn't out of place.

The maid then turned to look at me through the mirror and with a slight smile in her face, she began to speak.

"Master, we are going to meet Mister Estefan. He will take you to see Master Ezekiel so you could spend some time with him~"

Okay, that's already two names down, so far success is in my name. However, it sounds so roundabout. Why can't I just be taken to meet this Ezekiel individual?

In response, I nodded my head and began to follow her as she made her way outside of my room and into the hallway. The same design of my room can be seen in the walls, but with a some minor carvings into the wood.

Before going further, I grasped the maid's hand lightly causing her to turn halfway.

"Something wrong?"


If I could, believe me I would try my hardest not to lisp some letters, but it's difficult with a tongue that can't reach all the way…

"Don't worry Master! I'll protect you from any danger!"

Awesome! Now I have a great body shield whenever I need it. The hallway is creepy though, so moving around like this keeps me on the edge.

Making a right turn, we enter a better lit area that seems to be the living room to this house/mansion. In one of the armchairs next to a rather big sofa in the middle of the room, is a man dressed in a black and white tuxedo designed similarly to my clothing. Obviously, his outfit makes him look more professional and impressive.

When the maid spotted this man, she called out to him in a mild manner.

"Mister Estefan, I have brought the Young Master"

So this is the guy, huh? I focused my gaze into the back of his head and waited for him to respond. He turned his head to us and his face slowly became more visible.

His semi-long black hair is slicked back, allowing us to see a scar that extends from the left tip of his mouth all the way into his cheek bone. Surely terrifying, he could probably take on the foot soldier from yesterday.

His eyes are like those of a predator. Probably the last thing some people saw in this world. He also has a sharp jawline that connects with his side burns. Are people in this world usually that attractive? Let's hope that's not the case for my sake.

"Thank you, Miss Alina. I'm sorry to have sent you in my place, I was running some errands and encountered some inconveniences."

With an apologetic look, the man known as Estefan, explained his dilemma to Alina. She then returned a flustered expression during his apology.

"It wasn't a problem at all Mister Estefan, I was glad to be able to accompany the young master today~"

Estefan's expression then turned into one of relief and a small smile formed as he turned to look at me, noticing the hand of Alina grasped by me. In return, I stare at him blankly which causes him to abruptly look more serious.

"Once again, Thank you. We will be heading to Duke Ezekiel's room now then."

As my curiosity beats me, I let go of a reluctant Alina and placed myself next to this Estefan individual.

"Farewell, Master. And good luck sir Estefan~"

We then slowly began heading into a hallway opposite of we originally came from. Leading to some stairs we continue walking in silence and stopped in a door with the word "guest" written on it.

Estefan then knocks twice before a voice from inside allowed us to enter. Entering, I notice that the room is less luxurious then the one I was located in. It was still pretty elegant, which probably fits the criterion to be considered a guest room.

Looking straight ahead, what I can assume to be the man named Ezekiel, is someone sitting on a desk faced to the door. Even as we entered, his focus remained to the papers in front of him.

"I've brought Young Master Aless, Sir"

The man at the desk then raised his head and faced our direction. His auburn hair matches the color of his eyes and his hair is styled in a ponytail with a short tail.

"You may leave."

The Duke then commanded in a low-rough tone while still sounding somewhat respectful. Estefan then stepped out of the room before glancing one more time.

"Good morning, Aless. Come, please sit next to me"

After greeting me and noticing my stiff posture, he gestured me to come closer. I slowly made my way into his chair and then focused my gaze into the desk that was stacked with the piles of papers. Staring for a couple of seconds I then furrowed my eyebrows.

"Don't worry, you won't be handling any of this until you are 16"

That's not part of my worries old man, it's the writing. I don't understand it, which is strange since phonetically it sounds the same but it's syntax is completely different. I really hope I go to school, I don't want to ridicule myself by not being able to read.

"Anyways, we won't stay here long so don't worry. There is something I want to show you."

After ending his sentence he stood up and brushed his hair away of his face with the tip of his fingers. To my surprise, he picked me up with ease and placed me In his forearm.

Did this m****r f****r just pick me up like that?

"Estefan! Prepare the carriage, we are going into the city!"

There is no way! We are going into the city! This will finally give me a better grasp of the world I'm in. I'm excited to see how the fantasy setting of this world is!


I can't see anything.

It's not that I'm too short or anything like that. The carriage is just built like a tank with no way to look outside. From the outside, the carriage itself looked elegant with golden lines along the edges and simplistic yet detailed carvings on the polished ebony that sealed the outermost surface.

There were no visible windows from the outside with only a small opening that allows to communicate with the coachman.

Entering, killed any hopes left that there could be a way to see the outside. The interior was matched with black leather seats facing each other with a small table in the center. Besides that, there wansnt anything else to be seen.

"Aless, I've noticed that you have been interacting with the servants more often"

Oh no… did I over do it somehow?

"That's good, being more friendly is a step closer to gaining their loyalty."

Ahhhhh, that's a relief. For a moment I thought I was being exposed, which would be outlandish. Unless doppelgängers exist, which could be a much more reasonable reason of suspecting me.

Suddenly, his tone became more serious.

"You know…. there aren't that many good people, Aless. The outside world is dangerous and merciless."

Why are you telling me this dude? I'm a goddamn 4 year old. If it wasn't because I was reborn, I would not have remembered.

Actually, he reminds me of this one character from a novel I used to read. A snob, cruel character that from time to time would do speeches on human empathy.

Sometimes, I would even agree with what he said and relate to it. Nevertheless, it was fiction and so it would be weird to say how similar I was with him. Specially, since he was a villain.

"I would like to build a great world for you, one that will not take anything from you. There is no boundaries that I wouldn't cross to make it true."

That is admirable, if I had the power to do so I would make the same claim. Why is he willing to do this for me though?

"And with the loss of you parents, I'm sure that it has eaten away some of your will. However, you are just a child. This isn't the end of your story, you need to make the individuals responsible prostrate under your feet. Were you will grant them the same mercy they did to your parents"

My parents were killed? That is….. infuriating. In my previous life, I was unable to become the beacon they needed me to be. I disappointed my mother, and I wasn't able to give her the life she deserved. Now, in this life they are… dead?

Why? Are my parents always meant to live unfortunate lives? Am I cursed? Is this my fault? Ha, it's mocking me. I won't let this f******g world pull some sick joke like that.

It's tempting in me, I know that. It feels like it knew my previous situation and decided to challenge me.

Is this what it wants me to see? Is it expecting me to do something about this?

Noticing my downward gaze, Ezekiel begins to speak once more.

"I want to give you strength, enough strength that even through you gaze, your enemies will cower and beg for your mercy. Although, your too young I hope that you understand this…. There is something inside you, I see it. It's shouting to be let out and I wish to free it. You may not understand, but he does."

He is pointing into my chest? Does he know about my soul? Maybe he can tell what the alteration was…

"My soul?"

Satisfied by my curiosity he then continued to explain further.

"It's a screaming white light , one that shares every wish to survive and understand who you are. If you begin this path with me, you will be able to expose its brightness to the world."

That's very vague, but it's at least a clue on what It is. I'm not sure if following him will allow me to understand it better… but I want to believe in him. If he could show me how to forge my path, then I could...

Suddenly, the carriage stopped and from the opening the voice of the coachman entered the cabin.

"We are here, Master Ezekiel"

Sir Ezekiel, then opened the doors and stepped down into the what seemed to a be a street made of stone. He offered a hand to which I only stared until he spoke again.

"Ill show you. You will see what needs to be done in order for our dream to be true."

With another second of thought, I reached his hand. Helping me step down of the carriage we both began walking towards the building. Ignoring any details of the street, we entered inside and made our way to our destination.

Inside, the walls look to be fallen apart and it's wallpaper is now exposing the wooding fittings used to build the house. There isn't any furniture and there is only one hallway leading to a door.

Arriving at the door, I notice several scratches near the handle of the door. Some bloody fingerprints can even be seen as stain through the wood, but it's red vibrant color has faded in a wine red.

Sir Ezekiel, pulled a key from a pocket inside his suit and then unlocked the path to finally enter.

"That man sitting there, is connected to the death of your parents"

In front of me there is a bloodied man dressed with only a white poet shirt and a mediocre undergarment that just seems like clothes bundled together. His face is completely shaved with not a single hair to be seen.

Is this man related to their death? What does he plan to do with him?

Hearing Sir Ezekiel's voice, he turned to face him with a terrified look and began pleading.

"Sir, PLEASE. I said everything I know already. PLEASE LEEEET ME GO, I have a child just like him!"

The Duke then inched closer to the man sitting down and kneeled close to his legs.

"People should beg like this to you, Aless. However, you shouldn't ….. FORGIVE THEM!"

Sir Ezekiel then used his index finger to penetrate where the left kneecap should be. The motion was fast enough to create and after image and strong enough to fully go in.


As he pulled out his finger, there was a hole left behind that exposed both ends of his femur and tibia. Blood began to gush out from the whole and the man screamed without end with agony.


Angrily, Sir Ezekiel then grasped his jaw with his right hand and the back of his head with his left. He then began to pull his head backwards and his jaw downward. This caused his cheeks to begin tearing apart, exposing the man's pre molars.


Then a crack was heard, which seemed to be the signal Sir Ezekiel was waiting for as he loosed his grip and stopped his earlier action.

And like nothing happened he began to talk to me again with a calm tone.

"You should teach them the way things need to be and stop them from further influencing undesirable behavior."

Sir Ezekiel then pulled a small crystal ball out of the same pocket the key was in. Small particles began to move from his hand and into the crystal, which caused it to shine. He brought it close to his mouth and began to speak.

"This is Duke Ezekiel of the Viram Family, I have discovered that this man was a traitor to the Kingdom of Cielo, and is responsible for the deaths of Duke Angelo of Luna and Madam Ariel of Luna. I hereby punish him, Duke Leo of Sol, to the death."

What is going on?

Why do I recognize this names and families?

I thought he was just a pure coincidence, but the Kingdom of Cielo? Sol and Viram family? These belong to a novel!

Without any delay, after finishing what seemed to be a recording device, he used his left hand to fully penetrate his chest. Leaving nothing but an empty hole, he turns back and looks at me with a red glint in his eye.

"This, Aless… Is what needs to be done."
