
Being a Villain isn’t So Bad

One chance isn’t enough to understand why you were meant to exist. It takes initiative and sacrifice to understand yourself and reach your goals along the way. Sometimes your methods have to be ruthless and cutthroat and kindness won’t always fit in the world order. See as Aless places himself on the edge in this new world filled with fantasy elements belonging to a novel he used to love. Taking steps into doing what he couldn’t do in his past and stop the hero from intervening. “Is the regent to my dukedom really the main villain?” “That means… I was reborn in a novel?” “But he is right… the hero is flawed and honestly he was quite annoying some times in the novel” *I don’t claim ownership of the cover, it just looks cool.

Athelnz · Fantasy
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7 Chs


I have to admit, that was kind of insane, and not in the alarming way but more in the "What did i just witness? Should I start running?" kind of way. The only thing that really sets me at bay is that I'm familiar with his character and I share some philosophical alignment with the guy. The author really explored some ideas that would seem rather unconventional for a villain. If anything the villain traits or lack thereof really made him stand out from many other archetypes. His reputation and strength did not come from his noble status but rather from an unlucky card after another.

The author's goal was to humanize him as much as possible so that the lines between evil and good were not visible. This gray area made him a strange character that could hardly label him a villain but his actions seemed to contradict the definition of good. As a child Ezekiel grew with little parenting from his biological parents. Not that they were neglecting him, but they were always away entangled in the kingdom's matters. This was rather unfortunate for him as he was growing amidst a difficult time for the kingdom. It had found itself in conflict with multiple nations as a war almost comparable to a world war occurred. I'm not exactly sure what was occurring as I hate filler and it was rather long so remembering was almost impossible.

Regardless, he went through many obstacles that would surely discourage the average John Doe. What he had just done was a prime example of what his ethics were and although a little crude it got things done. If anything it was a mission accomplished in my books regardless of the process. Is that a little insensitive? Well, he is dead anyways so i doubt he minds my opinion.

As soon as he was done with the message he put the crystal back in his hidden pocket in his chest and turned to look at me with a serious face. Not another word came from his mouth and we traced our steps back to the carriage. I wonder if my facial reaction was satisfactory? Actually, I'm not really sure if i even showed any expression at all. Whelp, I hope it wasn't that important.

We made our way back to our residence without another word said, and were then greeted by the unusual people that I definitely know their names. Right, Estefan! He greeted Ezekiel with all the formalities and then took me to my room without any other exchanges. Damn them... I wanted more information, but I guess they'll discuss it in private much to my disadvantage.

Once we arrived at my room Estefan proceeded to say something unspeakable...

"Mr. Aless, allow me to undress you and prepare you for bed."

uuuuuuuuuuuu... when will this stop.....


As I finished with Master Aless I left the room and closed the door behind me gently.

"That was rather, interesting."

Master Aless seemed annoyed and I slightly felt that he reacted as if his kingdom had fallen... Although that might be from his trip earlier with Duke Ezequiel, which I'm sure must have been exhausting. He almost never takes Master Aless away from the residence unless he feels that he absolutely needs to.

Although i shouldn't be speculating much, he had called for me to his office so he must have something he wants to refer to or address with me about the young master. So I began heading my way towards his room which felt almost a bit more somber than before.

Once I arrived I knocked on the door to present myself.

"You may enter."

Entering the room I noticed his face was away from the door and directed towards the window left of him. Rather a more thoughtful look about Duke Ezekiel that I'm used to and much refreshing. He began to explain his mood.

"Young Aless, seemed a bit interesting today. I felt that his mannerism were a bit unusual."

"Master Aless has shown a bit of a different attitude today than what we are used to."

"I should probably inform you that I have gotten rid of the culprit that was responsible for the death of Young Aless's parents."

What? Did the royal family accept the evidence? Is that why Duke Ezekiel took him to the city? Then his mood was most definitely derived from this event, then as if to answer my thoughts he continued,

"The Royal court deemed the evidence fit of delivering the judgement myself, although most regrettable they will take his body for a proper noble burial with his family."

"Most regrettable indeed, however, how was Master Aless unusual today?"

"I let him presence the punishment of the pig."

That is... for Master Aless to see that. For a child that kind of scenery is traumatic and specially from the process which Duke Ezekiel uses.

"However, he didn't twitch a single time, in fact, there was no expression to be seen on his face. He had a stare that I could not explain to be anything else, but apathy."

"From such a young child? Although Master Aless had not shown much of expressions, there is still no reason for him to not wince..."

"I have to agree, I had meant this to be his first exposure to such methods and acclimate him to the necessary actions that must be taken to protect yourself. Yet, his reaction was the one I was aiming for in the first place."

"Most concerning, Duke Ezekiel."

Although, there are rumors about previous members of the Luna family who showed extreme levels of apathy consistently. Sir Angelo's Grandfather was such a person, which could explain Master Aless, but continuing rumors is crude activity.

"This might help him in the future, there is power in being unaffected by the trivialities of life and focus on accomplishing his goals. There is more to strive for when human restrictions are removed."

As harsh as it might sound he is correct, being part of the nobility is wearing a target to your head and disputes almost certainly eliminate families at times, as the case with the Luna and now Sol family. There certainly is a benefit for Master Aless to be apathetic, but it still is concerning as we don't know the reason.

"I'm sure our worries are misplaced. More importantly, the Sol family has lost an influential piece and will soon scramble to gather their wits. I'm expecting retaliation in the coming weeks so I'll be more busy than usual. After all, they are still an influential family and this surprise attack isn't going to keep them on their knees forever."

"As I'm sure they will be Duke Ezekiel, you will succeed as you have before."

"Alright, Estefan you may take your leave."

"Of course, please excuse me."

Leaving the room, my thoughts wandered towards what would await young Master Aless and how he would tackle all these events directed towards him. I'm sure Sir Ezekiel will also provide him with aide.


Damn... I didn't have enough time to explore other areas of the residence with the whole Ezekiel fiasco. Although, it made it clear that this was a novel I'm still unaware of my surroundings, which makes me regret not being obsessed with the novel. Anyways, I need to start learning what this world has set for me seeing as it's supposed to follow the main story. Some bits are coming back to me but I still don't know what exactly I need to do to prevent my death. I also need to take into consideration that I'm part of the equation.

I'm a new factor that might change the course of the world, but I'm not afraid of causing any changes. I've already faced death once, which to be honest is more than enough to be confident about my choices. Maybe I've become too desensitized about my life but what can you expect? I've gone through some shit and I won't let that be another obstacle to the many I already have.

That aside, something to note is the fantasy nature this world has and the beings that exist here. In the novel, magic has a lot of liberty in what it can do that it's basically another field of study similar to science. The ability to use magic, however, is limited to a privileged few and the level of strength is determined by multiple factors that really work as if you were training for any sport. Thus, magicians here weren't considered innately strong, but had the ability to be.

For example, strength training in this world allows you to become extremely strong naturally without the use of magic. So both magicians and people adept with weapons could stand in equal footing. This allowed the creation of many types of professions that games had like druids, magic knights, necromancers etc. Very versatile as you can see, but what really makes this information so wonderful is how you can tell you can use magic. Magic users here can see particles around the air that seem shiny and fluorescent, can you guess what I can see? Those famous particles. One of the biggest upsides so far and it's why the air feels so much different than back in that pollution ridden planet.

I must train diligently from now on, I want to be able to explore every small crevice in this world and learn what it has to offer. I must learn and not stop, there is so much danger in being ignorant and I want to have every card on the table on my side. I need to also bring some memories back into my head about the novel, it was honestly one of my first reads and I only remember a couple things, which to be honest was because of that old man.

I wonder why this world...


It's been a week here and everything has gotten a little easier to get used to, luckily I've been able to travel into more places around the residence. I found a very aesthetic part of the garden that I'm currently using to practice reading. This Alina maid or something has been teaching some words every day and their language is easy to understand. Maybe it's this baby's mind that makes it easy, but it doesn't matter as long as I'm able to catch it quickly It's all i need to know.

I've also become more in tune with the way that magic works here and it's also not as difficult as it appeared in the novel. However, I've discovered barriers that weren't fully explored in the novel. The author never did fully explain them as they weren't important to the plot but I'm not wishing he had. The first problem I encountered was the immense difficulty to surpass the initial usage of magic. It required you to gain this new sense that sort of resembles a 6th eye, which was almost a riddle to get. It took a couple hours of shuffling in my mind to find it but once I did my head felt disconnected from my body. Left me unconscious for a while, but I was in my room so it technically counted as sleeping. After that, my ability to use it grew exponentially, just not as strong that word made it sound.

I just gained the ability to use it to use "spells" at the basic level, which is not as amazing as it sounds. I'm just able to create water, fire, earth, and control the air around me to a small degree. Now that i think about it, the novel had a category system for the different types of magic that can be used. If I'm correct I'm at the first tier of mastery which is satisfactory at the moment, but each tier higher was inversely squared to the tier before it. There are 10 tiers that exist currently with tier 10 having only one person recorded to have achieved it. So that was the current limit of humanity, which I pray to the universe that it is. Tier 10 is mentioned by the author, according to the book, to be comparable to being able to level a village.

You might say: That can still kill you!, but have you seen these other outrageous authors that make characters that can destroy a whole city? I'm lucky mine was more sensible about the scope of their powers.

Anyways, they are able to categorize magic by a system they created that basically resembles a standardized test of either physical or magical ability. By the way, physical strength isn't categorized in this world so strong individuals are usually just ranked. I guess the strong are just considered strong, which is a little barbaric. Definitely needs some restructuring.

Also, depending on what path of control you take you will get locked into it the more you practice it. So if you chose to continue mastering fire other parts of controlling magic becomes harder to master, which I'm not entirely aware of as to why. The book wasn't focused on the specifics of this world but explored more on the philosophical and ethical aspects of the story.

"Master Aless, we are done for the lesson of today. We shall take a break for now and continue on verbs tomorrow."

oh no. I spaced out.

"We must head to the physician for your medical examination."

Well, I hope I don't have a terminal disease or something It's a nice day after all. Full of clouds so dark it seems it's about to rain hehe.