
We meet

Rebecca and Jesse helped christabel upload her stuff. "What a nice painting you got there" Jesse stares at it. Can I touch it, Rebecca asked? Sure christabel replied. Did somebody pay you to paint this Jesse asked. Nope he is a friend of mine, Rebecca and Jesse burst into laughter, sorry Rebecca said reacting to her strange look. That is the funniest thing I heard from a newcomer Jesse said trying to control herself.christabel was confused, we did they laugh, did I say something funny she thought? An unknown number called her, it was mike. You left without me, he said, I am coming for you. Where are you christabel laughed. At the entrance mike replied, cutting the call. Christabel meets him. He was waiting. Hey Mike christabel said, he ignored her. Christabel didn't follow him, he stopped after realizing christabel didn't say a word. Christabel I forgive you, you can talk now he said. Christabel smile, Mike was always like this. Mike show her around oh the basketball game is today, I brought tickets in advance he said handing christabel one. She collected it, thanks she said smiling at mike. Mike was happy christabel has never collected anything from him and now, she even smiled. See you at the entrance of the basketball court he said, leaving for his dorms. Christabel looked at the tickets, she almost forget Sam loved basketball, this is a perfect chance to find him. She rushed to her dorm. It will be time soon.

Samuel, you should come for the basketball game tonight, Terry said to Sam. It just a practice game, Sam said, I have things to do. You always have Terry said frowning. He cut the call. He won't make it he said to Jessica. He will, Jessica said, I understand him she said smiling at terry, go on with the plan. I should go prepare, she said.

christabel tried different clothes, she wanted to look good tonight. She finally saw the jacket Marcel brought for her. This will look good, she said. Rebecca and Jesse were also planning on attending the basketball game. They kept staring at christabel as she change into different clothes. They went their separate ways. Christabel later found a better one, the dress Sam saw last. She remembers that day vividly. She walked slowly to the entrance, she spotted mike already waiting for her. He was like a security guard. You look beautiful he said spotting her, thank you christabel laughed. They heard a voice from their back, Mike quickly left the way for them to pass. Christabel looked at him strange. Those are the school icons, he finally breaks the silence. Jessica Olen, every guys dream girl and the fourth to the richest in the school. Who is number one christabel said, me mike said raising his shoulder, christabel didn't react to it. Okay, I will show you later. I should introduce you to the first mystery, he said looking around. The basketball team captain, always wear a girl's jacket. A girl's jacket, christabel repeated. yeah, that one of the mystery in this school mike open the door for christabel. They located their seat, which was far back. Even though mike brought the tickets early.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Jessica Olen. There was noise suddenly, Jessica I love you, some boys screamed. Christabel looked at every direction. She lifts her hands signifying silence, and the crowd went mute. Christabel stared at her, how can only one person control the crowd. She started singing, she has a good voice, christabel admitted. After she finishes the basketball game, kick off. The team was fantastic. They play better than Marcel team, she said to herself. She spotted the captain, he was tall, good-looking too. Mike whispered to her, he is not here. Christabel finally leaned back to her seat, then she heard everybody standing up, the Court was full of noise suddenly, he is here she heard someone whispered. That him mike said, christabel tried to get a view, but she couldn't. She stops after trying multiple times. What am I doing, she asked herself. I am here for Sam, not some rich kid. She looked around, but she didn't spot any familiar figure.

she turns to her left immediately, she spotted something strange. She looked at the shirts the girls around were wearing, it was confusing, it looked like Sam but with a dark hair. She stare at it closely. It sure does look like him, she concluded. He is getting on. She heard someone in the front row. This is the jacket mike said, he wears it every match day and it looks fake. Christabel stands up from her stands. She sat back almost immediately, her heart was like a Ferrari engine. She got scared instantly. Mike stared at her what is the problem he asked surprise on what just happened. That my jacket, christabel said. Mike burst into laughter, you scared me, he said. Maybe Sam gave him, she said, she couldn't get a view of the person, she only saw her signature In the arms of the jacket.

Samuel gets to the court, he made three pointers on his arrival. Everyone started screamed "king Samuel". She didn't bother to look at the play, the name already confirmed it. She buried her head down, the thought of her jacket with another person runs through her. Maybe Sam is being bullied, she thought. She heard a loud screamed, "Wow" she glanced to the court. It was Sam, it pops into her heart. He is playing in the court, christabel smile. That is Sam christabel said, pointing to him. no, that is Samuel mike corrected. His name is Sam, the one I was telling you about she added. That is the basketball captain mike react to her strange words. Christabel watches closely, he wore the captain bands. She was shocked. She wanted to wave at him. But the crowd seems to be excited whenever he is with the ball. She finally realised that the shirts she saw were Sam pictures, no wonder those girls laughed at me. She stares at Sam. He played like a pro. Everybody was screaming his name as soon as the match was over. They won as always, Mike said. Christabel couldn't summon courage to walk straight to him. He seemed very popular and the icon Jessica Olen was with him. She stands up and set to leave her legs were shaking, she tried to compose herself.

wait, ladies and gentlemen, today's victory we like to spicy things up. The spoke man walked to the center of the court. "What is this" Sam frowns at terry, he maintains himself quickly knowing he was in public. If your seat number is called, you can down and take a picture with the captain, the crowd went viral.