
Be my girlfriend

Christabel gets up to leave, wait mike tries to stop her, he suddenly realized tears in her eyes. What wrong he asked, being surprised. Christabel didn't respond, seat number 600 the spoken man called out loud. Jessica stared at Terry, who was confused too. Seat number 600, he repeated. Christabel that you mike said looking at her seat number. Christabel heart jumped up, everybody fixed theirs eyes on her. She buried her head on the floor. She battles to go or run away, until the spoken man called her full name christabel smith, please come down. Sam lift his head looking for the row, he soon spot somebody standing still. Christabel summon up courage, she was coming down to the court, she made a promise to confess her feelings to Sam that why she is here, she won't blow this opportunity she said to herself. She walked pass Jessica, who kept staring at her. The crowd went silent. Sam watches christabel as she approaches the court. Is her, Sam said, it christabel, he rushed to her christabel step on the court, she finally raised her head to see Sam. She saw him running towards her. Everyone eyes were opened without blinking. Christabel couldn't move. Sam rushed to christabel and hug her. There was a loud screamed in the crowd. Flashlight from cell phone pop up everywhere. Christabel felt like dying at this moment. Sam was hugging her tight and everybody was watching. Jessica's mouth fell up. Sam removed the jacket he was wearing, thank you he said, handing it over to christabel. She barely collected it. Sam took her hands, we have a lot to talk he said taking her away.

Sam took christabel out of the Court, they're finally outside. Christabel could say anything, she felt like a newborn baby with no voice. Sam smiles at her. Is this real he said, breaking the silence? Christabel blink multiple times. She tried to say something. "I am sorry" Sam said he went on his knee, I never met to hurt you he added. Christabel manage to nod. so, how did you get in, Sam asked curiously, on scholarship christabel finally said. Sam nodded his head. Where have you been, he asked searching for the answer in christabel face, did you go back to the house? No fell out from her mouth. Sam nodded his head. I am sorry, he said once more. I can't believe you are here he said to christabel smiling, it really you, he hit her on the shoulder. What dorms are you he asked, christabel told him, he offered to escort christabel back to her dorms. See you tomorrow, he said. Christabel shut the door. She placed her hands on her heart. "Geee I almost die" she said. She went straight to her bed. She slept off.

Terry what happened, I gave you a simple instructions Jessica voice is being heard far across the mountains. "I am sorry, I made a mistake with the numbers in the glass, I mistakenly took last year, numbers arrangement". Do you know what you just did, Jessica face him, her eyes can instantly kill, you gave my victory to another person? Terry bows is head down. Fix this Jessica said leaving, find everything about that newcomer, I want her out of this school. She came out the hall, she screamed to the top of her voice. Her phone ring, did it goes as planned. It failed right at the beginning, Jessica responded quickly. Why don't we try plan B. not, yet Jessica said cutting the call? She didn't get a perfect view of the girl. She opened the school app: who is the mystery girl, what happens next, then she scrolled down. She saw a picture trending. She viewed it. It was Samuel and the mysterious girl, why is Samuel on his knees.

Good morning a voice wakes her up. She opened her eyes slightly, it was Rebecca and Jesse. She finally wakes up when they jumped in her bed. Is Samuel Charles your lover? What your relationship with him? Jesse asked

first. She tries to process their questions. Oh my gosh Jesse stands up holding her hair, it all over the web, captain crush, captain secret lover, the secret behind the girls' jacket. Christabel gets up, I am just his friends, she said. You got to be kidding me, Rebecca said Olen has been his friend since childhood, they have never hug, Jesse finished the statement. How do you know him, Rebecca asked curiously, christabel couldn't process all these questions. Stop she yelled. The room went quiet. She walked to the door, I have to catch my breath, they pulled her back from unlocking the door. You can't go out today, Rebecca said. Your life is doom, Jesse added, then they heard a knock at the door. Yes Rebecca answer, is this christabel smith dorms the voice asked, no wrong one Jesse replied. They stared back at christabel, they are looking for you, they said together. Christabel fainted. She woke immediately, is this a dream, she wonders. They heard a soft knock on the door. They hide christabel. Rebecca angrily went to the door, she is not here, she yelled opening it. Hi, Sam said. Yes Rebecca replied stammering, Christabel, he said, yes, she replied. Christabel she called with a low tone. Jesse came out with christabel. "Care for a stroll". Christabel didn't respond, Jesse push her forward. I am Jesse, she said. Sam smiles at her and he took christabel hands. Where are we going, christabel said with her eyebrows down? She noticed a crowd in the exit of the dorms, she was right. It seems like the full school, they all held their phones high. "What is this" christabel turns to Sam, he was holding a microphone, "where did he get that" she wondered. Christabel, Sam said, would you be my girlfriend?

You acted like a baby on the court today

Sam, do you know her, Jessica said? I saw a photo of you two, people are spreading edits pictures already, you should be careful, she added. She is a friend for now, Sam softly said. Jessica was confused, "a friend for now". yeah, I will explain everything better tomorrow, Sam said, cutting the call. Jessica wasn't cool with this, but Samuel has promise to clear the air tomorrow, she was going to wait. Samuel got to school early, it seems everybody was waiting for today. He attracted crowds easily. The media department, stubborn as always, he thought. He walked to charitabel dorms, he spotted some people leaving. " That Samuel" one of them whispered, we should wait outside. Sam knocks at the door.

Christabel he took a deep breath, would you be my girlfriend, the place became noises. Christabel couldn't catch her breath, why so fast, this wasn't the way I imagine it. She could only hear her heart beat. yes, she said Samuel hold her hand and pull her to his embrace. There was silence once, nobody could correspond what was happening now, their eyes were widened, eyebrows on the top. They watch has Sam pull christabel away from the crowd.

It is screaming live in the sector 3 of the girls hostel. Jessica increased the volume, it was the famous cracker, Benton from the media department. "Wow" that the captain, with that strange girl. Jessica's watch closely. wow! the camera shake, the crowd were screaming, did the captain just ask her out. Jessica was vibrating, she hasn't said anything, Benton continue the live stream. Everybody around where jumping, somewhere crying. what is wrong with that gentleman Benton turns the camera, suddenly everybody jumped up, yes was heard. She agreed, oh my God, I didn't believe I will see, I Never expected this, stay tone for the follow-up Benton ends the video. Jessica kept watching the screen, expecting it was a prank. she left, threw her phone away. I will not lose Samuel to an unknown.

I want to show you something, christabel and Sam got to the school restaurant, as soon as they enter. Everybody stood up. Sam, finds a spot and they sat down. Sam, orders some food. "Take as much as you can eat" he gave it to christabel, she couldn't get a bite, everybody was staring at them.Sam she said in a low tone, he wasn't listening, "please more" he told the waiters. Christabel manages to get a bite. Sam stands up after that, "I want to show you something" he said, reaching for christabel hands. They walked on the street of the school, christabel kept staring around, she buried her head down when she noticed people approaching. Sam brought her to school library, it was a big building, pictures of them were taken at every step they make in the library

. Sam finally brought christabel to their basketball court. His teammates were training. Terry spotted christabel. Christabel followed him like a blind bird. "This is my girlfriend christabel" Sam said. Brown and the others burst into laughter, they suddenly stop, Samuel never joke around they thought. Brown steps forward with a bow. "I am brown" your personally assistance. I will guide when you stand between the deep blue Sea. "What is that for" Jake, the smallest of them. "I have heard a lot about, it is nice to finally meet you I am Romeo" Jonathan, Jake called. They are bunch of weirdos, Jake said to christabel. She was facing the ground. Our last check point for today, Sam whispered in her ears as they leave. Terry didn't say anything, he fixed his eyes on christabel, "she is just a baby". We see how long you will last here. They arrived at a (clothes)'s mall, this was outside the school. Sam holds christabel hands has they entered. "What would you want, sir"? I want all the girls clothes here. Sam said. Christabel looked up, she turns to Sam. "What are you doing". Relax he said.I will pick christabel said. Looking around. She picked ten, but Sam added 60, to be delivered to her dorms. Christabel wonders, how wealthy is he. He is popular because he is the captain of the basketball team. It was dark already, she was tired. They went to a water fountain besides the school. Sam kept saying "last for the day". The place was cool, and they were the only ones around. "Hey christabel" how was today. Christabel said fine. She wanted to sleep. Sam kept talking, and christabel couldn't picture what he was saying. Bye christabel walking away. Christabel Sam called repeatedly. He ran to her where are you going he said. Stop it Sam, she reacted. You have been messing me around, I have been hiding on under you all day, you didn't care about my thoughts, definitely not my feelings. I felt like a kid. She said walking fast. Hey christabel Sam screamed. " I have missed you, bad, I was filled with excitement, that why I couldn't hold myself" I am sorry he said. "Things are happening in a rush, I am afraid, when it finally stops the damages will be horrible". Christabel didn't face Sam, and she wasn't going to stop. She arrives at her dorms. Rebecca and Jesse were already waiting for her. "How was it" they said as soon they spotted her. She left them hanged. She went straight to her bed and slept off.