
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Frosted Ice

Becca's POV

As we speed off Nathan turns around to see that we are in fact being pursued by five cars which if I had to guess are filled with some very trigger-happy goons who are probably not going to back off just because we asked them politely.

Nathan apparently agrees with my assessment of the situation because he presses a switch and the backseat of the SUV is suddenly more stocked than an actual munitions depot. He looks like he's about to say something when l cut him off and say

" l drive, you shoot, they die?" l ask with a smirk to which he just replies

"Never heard a more beautiful plan in my life and I also think it goes without saying that I'd very much like you to do your best to stay alive," he says and then plants a kiss on my cheek before rolling the rear windows down and with a well-placed shot to the radiator cap of the closest car, he presents our pursuers with a very strong incentive to turn the fuck around and run for the hills but like a hydra, two more cars just join the pursuit instead.

"Babe I think we need a much stronger deterrent than blowing up cars" l sarcastically say as we violently swerve all over the street to escape the deadly hail of bullets.

"I know that," he says as 3 more cars get blown up and are replaced just as easily as the first one.

As l swerve to the right to avoid what would have been a sure death l catch a Rocket Launcher in the back seat out of the corner of my eye

"Babe?" l sweetly say "Is that a rocket launcher?" to which he just sheepishly replies "yes"

"then fucking use it," I say as my voice rises a little towards the end causing him to flinch before mumbling something under his breath

"What did you say?" I scream right back, and once more all he does is mumble so in frustration l hold my tongue and grit out the question again

"Babe? Do you mind using actual words" and this time l do my best to give him my best 'I might murder you on your sleep look' and he seems to get the message cause with a sigh he finally meets my gaze in the rear-view mirror and says

"I haven't used the rocket launcher because I don't fucking know how to use one"

"wait what?" I ask in disbelief "Let me get this right. You're a fucking assassin who can't use a rocket launcher?"

"I mean I'm an assassin. I kill people quietly and get away with it. A rocket launcher is way too fucking loud for me" he says defensively

"unbelievable "I mutter under my breath before unbuckling my seat belt and speeding up

"hold on to something, "I tell Nathan before slamming my foot very violently on the brakes causing us to jolt forward as the cars pursuing us swerve wildly out of the way to avoid a collision as they're already going too fast to time the brakes exactly without dying badly.

As they zoom past us I recline my seat and hit the accelerator for a short burst of speed to throw me into the backseat as Nathan who had already caught on to my bizarre plan jumps into the front seat and starts driving off as he tries to reset the chair to his liking, an act he stops after the car almost gets wrapped around a lamp post.

Grabbing the discarded rocket launcher I stick my head out of the window and after taking aim I shoot at one of the cars that have all turned around and are heading straight for us. The resulting explosion was spectacular.

The car in the lead was thrown back by the blast with the frame taking out two cars and the doors planting themselves in the hoods, windshields, and roofs of the other cars setting off a chain reaction of explosions and shrapnel that takes all our pursuers out.

"Lucky shot" Nathan grumbles under his breath while I just laugh as we take an alleyway to get away from the blast and back to the airport cause Nathan says and I quote "Paris is no longer safe for us and I can't lose you" a little cringe but weirdly sweet right?

As we get closer to the airfield Nathan calls Ryan to repurpose the military satellite above Paris to find a clear path and scout ahead.

"One moment" Ryan says as the rhythmic clack of keyboard keys ring out of the car speaker.

"Nathan stop right now!!!" Ryan suddenly shouts out as Nathan slams on the brakes immediately throwing my head into the headrest of the chair before me with a dull yet painful thud.

"What was that for Ryan?" I angrily mumble out at him but instead of a reply we just get pings on both of our phones as they both display a satellite picture of Paris. All it's major streets and transport depots crawling with creepy Black SUVs that Ryan points out do not have license plates at all.

"Well we're fucked" I say as I throw my hands up and slouch back in my chair in resignation.

"No were not, I'll kill the bloody lot of them if I have to" Nathan says in determination as h slams on the accelerator.

Just then the sound of a single gunshot rings clear through the speakers causing Nathan to stop once more making me bash my lip against the headrest this time "Ryan?" Nathan asks, his tone laced with worry.

"The following is a message from Menelaus or as you so wrongly worded it, The man in the mask" Ryan says in a monotone voice as Nathan opens the center console and pulling it out like a cartridge he ignores the 50cal gun and picks a mini laptop up instead. He opens it up and patches it to his phone causing a map to pop up immediately and start to zero in on locations in Paris.

"Hello Helen. Did you really think that…." Ryan starts to say before he is cut off by someone in the background shouting in a french accent "Non, non, non, you're doing it all wrong. More flair, more emotion, more drama, really immerse yourself in the role. Now again, from the top "

Ryan clears his throat once more and starts again and this time it is actually pretty good. I mean he's not winning any Emmy's for it but who knows

"Hello Helen. Did you really think that you could run off with that runt, Paris?. No, Helen I'm the only one for you. You know I didn't wish to do this but you forced my hand. Helen I have your friends so I'd recommend following my henchmen to an undisclosed location where my friend will be waiting for you." He says right as a car pulls up beside us with white flags on the hood to show us that they mean no harm.

"As for you Mr Lover boy, don't worry I'll give you a chance to get her back in the 2 hours before I come to claim my bride so you better hurry. You my little Trojan friend need to go to the place that sees the sunrise but doesn't see it set. A place that has and does not have sight at the same time. Good luck little Nathan. You'll need it" Ryan says and then hangs up.

Ten minutes and one argument later I'm smack dab in the center of two meatheads, heading to meet 'Menelaus's friend' while Nathan heads on what he considers a fool's errand.