
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · Urban
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Third Person's POV

A dull click is heard as the latch on the window is unlocked. The assailant pulls back his knife and opening the window he quietly jumps in.

Around the corner stood Jake, a 22 year old varsity student on vacation in Paris, who was hired to wear a suit and look buff in repayment of a gambling debt. In other words, Jake is a sad sob who might die in the next few minutes but we'll get back to that in a minute because while Jake was watching some porn our assailant had already closed the distance between them and currently stands behind Jake.

"That looks fun, mind if I watch with you," The assailant says startling Jake who jumps forward with a scream so high pitched that even feedback on a speaker would pale in comparison.

"Yeah, just take a moment to compose yourself, big guy. You had quite the scare there" The assailant says as they lean up against the wall with their arms folded.

Jake baffled just looks on as the assailant inspects his nails while waiting for Jake to catch his breath. An action that Jake thinks is a mistake because while his focus is split, Jake reaches for the radio so he can notify his cousin who got him the gig.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," The stranger says without shifting his focus even once. Only using his free hand to tap a strap on his shoulder which Jake finally notices leads to a shoulder holster with a very real gun that can kill him sitting right in reach of this assailant.

Noticing the futility of his situation, Jake does the only thing that a truly brave man in his situation could do.

He dropped to his knees like a fucking pussy and begged for his life as shamelessly as he could.

"Well that was easier than I thought it would be" the assailant mutters under his breath before clearing his throat and in a clearly fake deep voice says "Well, right then. How many of you are here and who's in charge so I can kill them first" The assailant asks squatting down to Jake's level to hear his answer and Jake does not disappoint.

"Now was that so hard?" the assailant rhetorically asks as he stands up and pulling his pistol out of the holster he cocks it making Jake's eyes widen in fear as he begins to beg once more

"Oh shut up you pathetic moron, I'm not going to kill you," The assailant says covering Jake's sniveling mouth with his hand as a confused Jake mumbles "You're not?"

"No, I'm not. Even though you are a pathetic coward who only cares for himself, I'm sort of in a rush here so tell you what? Why don't you quietly get the fuck out of here after radioing the other goons and telling them to move to the parking lot to neutralize a threat" The assailant says as he fixes up a haggard Jake, even offering him a tissue for his runny nose.

A confused Jake carries out the stranger's instructions to the letter and sure enough over the radio, they hear the goons all crowding into the freight elevator after pushing out its occupants. A fact that the assailant confirms with some bulky x-ray goggles he fashioned out of some materials in the radiology department.

"A little help here," the assailant says standing in front of the elevator doors with a crowbar and Jake immediately springs into action and together they pry open the doors allowing the stranger access to the ropes which melt after he pours some liquid in a beaker on it. And sure enough barely 2 seconds later a loud crash is heard from the ground floor.

"You're a good kid Jake. Try to stay out of trouble the stranger says before disappearing up a flight of stairs.

Ripping off his mask Nathan moves towards the target room and pushing it open with the barrel of his pistol he sees two men standing over the bodies of a lot of goons.

Ryan doesn't even bother raising his head up as he tries to wipe some of the blood off his laptop while Isaac shouts "Hey Nathan" with the goofiest smile on his face as he stuffs pudding into his mouth, his arm still in a cast as he has on just a hospital gown and a coat.

Judging by the sheer number though it seems that all of them were taken out in a manner of seconds but looking at Ryan, Ryan just shakes his head indicating that he wasn't the one who did it, making Nathan wonder, just who exactly is Isaac to take out a room filled with goons with one arm more than literally tied up. But with no time to ponder they pack up quickly and walk out of the hospital just as a car pulls up at the curb the windows rolling down to reveal a stunning woman who smirks at them and says "Hello boys, need a ride?"

Meanwhile, somewhere in Paris Becca flinches as the lights suddenly hit her eyes after the bag over her head is sharply taken off. As her eyes adjust she notices a character lurking in the background sipping tea so in an effort to unsettle her captor she takes the initiative and talks first

"Menelaus, I presume," she says as she steels her nerves knowing that she must show no fear when she sees his face mask but when he turns around and steps out of the shadows all of that preparation goes out the window as her eyes widen in incredulous surprise….

And then she starts laughing because the character in front of her was french for one with the ugliest neck beard she had ever seen but that wasn't all. Because this was an overweight guy in a tracksuit and a cheap knockoff Rolex.

"Ok, that's enough out of you" the real life 'Kung fu Panda' that she decided to call Po said in anger at her raucous laughter.

"I'm sorry, I just expected someone a bit more fit but if you don't mind why don't you run along and go get your boss but be careful though. Wouldn't want you to have a heart attack on the way" Becca says with a smirk that infuriates Po even more

"Oh you little wench.." he begins to say before Becca interrupts him by saying "Oh you handsome, muscular devil" which confused Po who just says "what?" t which she replies

"Oh I thought we were calling each other things that we are not and can never be," Becca says with a smile that pushes Po over the edge as he moves towards her with murderous intent in his eyes but is stopped in his tracks by a goon who bursts into the room out of breath

"Bosss… turn on… the news" the goon says before collapsing from exhaustion.

Po grabs the remote and turns on the TV to a newsreel showing videos from outside the hospital where Nathan had just wreaked havoc.

Po stumbles back into the table in shock and as he turns his face away from the screen he sees Becca with the most stupid grin on her face.

"You're next," she says confidently without backing down from Po's glare.

Suddenly Po starts laughing as he approaches Becca "The Client's orders were not to hurt you but Remy is dead and honestly the client is a prick for not warning us that we were going up against some Terminator and Chucky hybrid couple" he says as he pulls on his hair with a crazed look in his eyes.

"I could beat you up till you beg me for death but that wouldn't hurt the client or the bastard who did that to Remy. So I'm going to do the only thing that can hurt them both" Po says with maniacal laughter as he pulls his pants down to reveal a micropenis.

As he approaches Becca she struggles against the restraints in futility and as he stands right in front of her she continues to fight that is until a second shadow appears around Po's shadow and the sound of a blade tearing through bone is heard as the end of a blade bursts forth from Po's lips causing blood to spatter in Becca's right eye.

As she blinks to clear it she suddenly feels a handkerchief dabbing the blood away and as her sight returns she sees a man crouched over Po's body on the floor and when he stands up Becca sees a still breathing Po on the floor but his face is gone and all that's left is his quickly darting eyeballs and his skull which is still covered in muscles. Standing up the man turns around to reveal a very fresh face mask on his face.

"Hello Helen, my name is Menelaus" he says with a grin so evil it churns Becca's stomach.