
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Fountain of Masculine Perfection

Becca's POV

"That bastard had the guts to actually think I'd fall for his bad boy charm" I say as I squeeze the trigger of the gun in my hands.

"Well he's definitely the only thing on your mind so I'd say he pretty much won" my best friend James says as we duck behind a barricade to avoid enemy fire.

"He's only on my mind because I want to set that smug face of his on fire" I say as I stand up and take out 3 of our attackers.

"Or maybe cause he intrigues you and you want to solve the puzzle behind those dreamy blue eyes" James replies.

"Hard pass, I've already got him all figured out. He's a playboy, rich, arrogant, scared of commitment and a fucking damn good actor" I say as James and I take out an additional 5 targets.

"You're just mad because Marcella likes him" James says with a chuckle

"Damn straight I'm mad. All she's done since he visited is ask me when I'm going to see him again" I say in frustration.

"But seriously when are you going to see him again cause I'm more than happy to marry him if you don't want to" James says with a coy smile.

"Back off!!! I'm still mad at you for Ricky" I say in mock anger

"I remember him. He was yummy and large if you know what I mean" he says with a chuckle

"Life was so much easier before you came out. Before you helped me get guys but now I have to be worried about them deciding to spend the night with you instead" I say with a sigh before jumping over the barricade as James lays cover fire for me to get to the other barricade. He joins me a few seconds later though.

"It's not my fault that they want to drink of this fountain of masculine perfection" he says as he flexes his muscles and smiles at me.

"I thought you said Nathan was masculine perfection when you saw his picture" I say with a chuckle before jumping over the barricade and running straight for the other barricade as I take out two guys who were on the ledge above us. James joins me some moments later

"Don't act like you don't want to jump his bones" James says with a smile.

"I don't" I reply with a straight face

"So that slight red tinge on your cheek is totally imaginary?" James asks with a chuckle

"Shut up" I say as I try to hide my cheeks from him. We laugh about it for some minutes before standing up at the same time but we're both taken down almost immediately.

A buzzer rings as my grandmother's voice comes over the speakers "the winner of our monthly paintball tournament and the man who is getting a month of paid leave is David from the legal department" she announces and I swear she sounded so happy that for the first time in the 2 years since I started working here I lost the paintball tournament.

'What the fuck is that blue eyed demon doing to me' i think to myself as i watch David and his friends celebrating in disbeleif

Nathan's POV

I'm in my office looking at some shipping manifests when the telephone on my desk starts to ring. I press the speaker button and the voice of Amy my secretary rings through my office

"Sir you have a visitor at the front desk, a woman" she says

I quickly adjust my tie and try to look more pristine before clearing my throat and saying "send her in"

The door bursts open as a very fiery redhead walks in with murder in her eyes.

"You fucking bastard" she screams as she hits me repeatedly with the newspaper in her hand.

"Angie chill" I say as I push my chair backwards to create some distance and run to the other side of the table. We run around the table like children for sometime before Angie finally gets tired enough and collapses into a chair.

I quickly get her a bottle of water which she gladly accepts. She gulps it down quickly as a smile of satisfaction spreads on her face.

"So why are you trying to kill me?" I ask her as I take a gulp from the bottle of water I'd gotten for myself.

"Because you ran off and got engaged without telling me." She says angrily.

"That wasn't my fault, I didn't even know I was getting married until yesterday" I quickly reply in an effort to save myself from certain death.

"You still didn't call me. I can't believe that I had to find out that my best friend is getting married from a newspaper" she says sadly as her anger completely disappears.

"Wait, newspaper?" I ask completely surprised by this.

"Yeah, you and your new lady friend are all over the new York times, all the TV stations. Fuck, even the E channel has news of your marriage playing repeatedly during every commercial break" she replies

"Fuck" I mutter under my breath and pick up the remote. I flip through all my favorite channels and see that Angie is right but what hits me the most is that fact that it's on the sports channel too

"I'm going to fucking kill my dad" I say through gritted teeth as the remote in my hand starts to crack lightly

"Yeah your old man really messed up this time huh? But I'm really interested to see how you think you're going to keep this away from charlotte" she says as she stands up and goes to raid my snacks cabinet for some chips.

"Oh I already told her" I say as I reach above her head to grab a bottle of tequila and two glasses

"Well we're drinking the heavy stuff by 2 o'clock so I'm guessing it didn't go over so well with her" she asks as she places a sympathetic hand on my shoulder.

"Nope. She decided that we should spend some time apart" I say as I take a large gulp of my drink.

"so you expect me to believe that she just calmly left without any objections?" Angie asks in surprise

"oh she didn't. she tore all my shirts, broke my plates,wrecked my kitchen,set my bed on fire and then locked me in a room with a burning bed" i say as i count them off with my fingers.

"Well she did say 'some time' so maybe there's hope" Angie says before her phone rings and she's summoned back to work but before she leaves she turns and says.

"Good luck with charlotte. And from what I've heard this Becca chick is actually quite nice so don't hurt her. Also just because it's an arranged marriage doesn't mean you can't actually get to know this chick before you spend the rest of your life with her so text her, ask her out, get to know her" she says before placing a kiss on my cheek and sauntering out.

I toy with the idea of following her advice and finally give in so I text her.

Becca's POV

When I get home I'm tuckered out from my day at the office so I plug my dead phone in and decide to take a bath. When I come out Gloria has already set out my nightgown and also cleaned up the trail of clothes I had left in the living room of my penthouse apartment.

I quickly get dressed and decide to switch my phone on and check my messages. My phone suddenly chimes with a text from an unknown number that says

'I do value my family jewels but kissing you was worth it. I don't mean to sound too presumptuous but I'd like to see you again sometime this week'. I blush as I read it knowing it's from Nathan. I almost ask him how he got my number but then I remember his number 1 cheerleader my grandma. So I simply smile and save his number as 'blue eyed demon' before sending him a 'sure, why not?' and then I switch the lights off and eventually drift off to sleep.