
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · Urban
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Flexible in Different Positions

Becca's POV

Our moment is broken up when he suddenly pushes me away. Surprisingly I land on a one of a kind sofa that belonged to Marie Antoinette. I look up to see 'Mr. Blue eyes' being held by the collar and I see that his attacker is Mario Guevara who I'd talked to earlier, apparently Mario had a lot of plans for my 'sweet ass', his words not mine.

"you're going to pay for hurting my Rebecca" he screams as he looks in my direction hoping that I see the massive display of male dominance he's putting on.

'possessive much?" I think to myself as he pulls his fists back and drives it straight at 'Mr. Blue eyes'. The dull thud of Mario's fist being caught has everyone's jaws dropping in surprise. Then in a display of pure athleticism and flexibility 'Mr. Blue eyes' wraps his legs around Mario's neck and 2 seconds later Mario is on the floor and 'Mr. Blue eyes' is breaking Mario's wrist. 'Mr. Blue eyes' finally stands up and takes off his overcoat revealing a cheap white tux underneath which he also takes off. After he took off his coat the tux had given me the impression that he was one of the servers, but the golden Rolex that is revealed when he takes off the tux has me thinking 'who exactly is this blue eyed demon?'.

As he rolls up his sleeves carefully while revealing some pretty impressive ink on his arms he is suddenly attacked by another crazed suitor. Improvising, he quickly tucks the arm he had not yet folded up behind his back and instead sticks out his left arm. Crazed suitor number 1 tries to punch him in the face with a sloppy right hook while 'Mr. Blue eyes' swiftly leans back causing his fist to fly right by without making contact, but before crazed suitor number 1 is out of the way 'Mr. Blue eyes' comes forward and sticks the elbow of his left arm right into the attackers gut.

Crazed suitor number 2 rushes forward but his left hand is swatted away as 'Mr. Blue eyes' sticks his arm under crazed suitor number 2's arm and grabs his neck before carrying him into the air and dropping the back of his attacker's neck onto his knee with a sickening crunch.

Mario suddenly gets to his feet and pulls out a gun, I'm about to step in and help 'Mr. Blue eyes' when he looks right at me and with a flick of his finger orders me to sit down.

'The balls on this bastard' I furiously think to myself as I take my seat and fold my arms over my chest in annoyance. Mario begins to smile as 'Mr. Blue eyes' stays frozen, but Mario then makes a mistake that gives 'Mr. Blue eyes' the window of opportunity to strike. His right hand suddenly comes forward with the sleeve somehow fully rolled up, and with a flick of his wrist a very distinctive gold button which I believe belongs to Mario sails through the air and lodges itself deep inside Mario's throat. Mario drops the gun as his hands fly to his throat but 'Mr. Blue eyes' is apparently not done with Mario as he runs forward and plants his right foot on Mario's meaty thigh and then launches upward with his left knee coming up to hit Mario in the jaw. Mario staggers backward but doesn't fall which causes 'Mr. Blue eyes' who had already taken a few steps away to turn back around and launch himself at Mario again but this time he launches away from Mario and the tip of his left shoe connects with Mario's face causing Mario to stagger to the left and crash into the original Mona Lisa that we had put up in our house.

Crazed suitor number three tries to stab 'Mr. Blue eyes' with an antique sword in all the chaos but at the last minute 'Mr. Blue eyes' turns right around and dodges the blade before hooking his elbow around his attacker's neck and knocking him out with a sleeper hold. A minute later 'Mr. Blue eyes' drops the limp body of his attacker to the ground adding it to the pile of suitors that have just been dropped, leaving him as the last man standing as they all groan in pain.

After the initial shock clears up the parents of the other suitors immediately start clamoring for 'Mr. Blue eyes' to get thrown out. At that moment Giovanni who had been sitting down and doing something on his phone finally walks in.

"4 people in 2 minutes, that's got to be a new personal best Nathan" he says as he claps excitedly

"Thanks dad" 'Mr. Blue eyes' whose name is apparently Nathan replies.

The murmuring amongst the parents immediately dies down as they know exactly what the Romano crime family is capable of, but the suitors with their bruised egos continue to complain and none louder than Mario.

A sudden sharp whistle has everyone turning to my grandma who waits until we've all quieted down and then with all certainty she says in a calm, unaffected voice "thanks for coming Mr. and Mrs. Guevara, you're always welcome in my home but your son no longer is so I have to ask you to leave. Mr. Guevara come see me Monday so that we can discuss new prospects"

Mario makes a move to protest but the stern look that his father gives him shuts him up. Mario begrudgingly thanks grandma for her wisdom before turning to leave like an injured puppy.

Grandma suddenly turns on Nathan and says in an equally stern voice "as for you Nathan, why shouldn't I kick you out, after all you did destroy a fucking priceless artifact"

"Well Mrs. Esposito I can say with all confidence that that isn't the real Mona Lisa. And also, the next time you want something stolen from the Louvre don't send thieves so stupid that they sell the original off for 8% of the original price" he says and then snaps his fingers. Like clockwork the door opens and a man walks in and drops a large case on the table before bowing to Nathan and his father and leaving.

Nathan walks forward and opens the case and inside is the original Mona Lisa in perfect condition. Grandma looks at it closely before saying "as much as I'd like to trust your family, I do have reservations so I hope you'll understand if I want to hold onto this for some time. At least till my authenticator can verify it and then we'll talk price" she says as she closes the case and it is taken away by security.

"No need for negotiations. Think of it as a gift signifying our future alliance" Nathan says with a smile

"But I haven't chosen yet" grandma says

"Let's just say that I'm a very confident man" he says with a smug smile.

'Egotistical much' I think to myself as he and grandma talk and laugh with each other. We're eventually called to the table for dinner.

"Why don't you sit with me Nathan?" grandma asks him as we near the door

"It would be my pleasure Marcella" he says as he takes her hand and leads her to her seat while I wonder to myself 'since when are they on a first name basis?'

We get seated with grandma at the head of the table and Nathan on her left and I on her right. As the main course is being served grandma picks up a conversation with Nathan about business and soon enough the topic moves to what he expects I might be like.

"What do you think of loyalty between employer and employee?' grandma asks as she tries to assess the kind of man Nathan is.

"Personally I think of it as very important. And I also think Rebecca should be flexible in different positions concerning employee satisfaction and welfare" he says with a smug smile while looking straight at me.

Over the course of the meal he keeps throwing sexual innuendos into conversation at random. I eventually end up choking on my food and spilling wine all over my dress so I stand up and go to the restroom to clean up.

The stain refuses to come out and in frustration I slam my hands down on the counter "it's all his fault, him and his smug handsome face. Why couldn't he be normal, he just had to be egotistical and a total jerk. But I'm not giving him the satisfaction of thinking he's won" I say to myself as I give myself a pep talk to face him.

I open the door to see him standing there with his stupid rugged handsome face. I try to get around him but his hands placed on the wall have me caged. I look into his eyes that are looking straight at me and suddenly I feel as if I'm in a trance. His left hand wraps itself around my waist and he pulls me closer and starts to lean in as my lips part and my breaths get shorter. As his lips get closer I find myself closing my eyes as I wait for that same electric feeling I felt when we kissed last night, but instead I suddenly feel his hot breath fanning my ear as he whispers "it's quite flattering that you think I'm handsome, and also I'm pretty sure I've won" he says and then he smashes his lips onto mine. Sparks fly as I grab his head and pull him closer and I wrap my legs around his waist with my back on the door. As his hands explore my curves and his lips explore my mouth, my senses become clouded as my mind starts to fog over but the thought of his smug face has me unwrapping my legs and planting them on the floor before driving my left knee into his crotch causing him to double over in pain.

"If you value your family jewels I'd recommend that you never pull something like that again" I whisper into his ear and then walk off to change my dress. When I get back down he and his father are gone because of some family emergency that I'm sure i caused. The rest of the dinner passes by quickly as I eat in silence and avoid the rest of the suitors who have since tried to make conversation with me. After everyone has left I pop off my heels and climb the stairs quickly. I quickly freshen up and change into a nightgown before collapsing onto my bed. As much as I'd like to deny it, as I fall asleep my mind drifts to thoughts of his lips on mine and his hands exploring me and though I hate to admit it, I slept happily that night as my mind thought about what would have happened if I had let him take it further.