
Becoming the king of apocalypse as a Zombie

This novel will be paused for the time being. A former underground boxer decides to live a good and normal life. after deciding to attend the concert of his favourite Japanese idol to have a good time he wouldn't expect that his fate would change forever. a sudden blinding flash of light in the outer atmosphere followed by a loud bang caused everyone to lose consciousness. 1 day after everyone passed out people started to wake up. when Joseph woke up he saw that people were vomiting blood and falling down and after several seconds they would get up and attack people that were unaffected by what had happened the scene of seeing nearly 50000 people fighting and running for their lives made him realize that he needs to get out of there no matter what but as soon as he decided to get up and run... Hi this is my first time writing a novel and English is my 3rd language but I will try my best to write an interesting novel pls go easy on me ^-^ Read the auxiliary chapter for more information

Miyuki_Cat · Fantasi
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29 Chs

A sudden life and death encounter p.3

Grandma continued by explaining how one can control their mana.

To control mana, one needs a general understanding of the mana and its affinity, each type of mana has its advantage and disadvantage no mana in this world is flawless your mana in particular has a Big disadvantage while it also has a very good advantage.

Joseph was feeling like since his mana is holy mana in its purest form, there won't be any problems but it seems like there are. he couldn't help but feel like he was scammed after the pain he felt before obtaining the Holy Mana.

Grandma saw his disappointed face but she had no choice other than to continue telling him about the mana.

Well, your mana doesn't have any offensive capabilities but its healing and defensive capabilities are otherworldly its simply phenomenal if you can utilize it well.

right now I will leave you alone so you can focus on how you are going to utilize your mana.

She then left with a smirk on her face she knew that Joseph would be able to come up with a good way to use the mana.

Joseph was baffled about the fact the extremely kind Granny left without helping him any further after all Joseph didn't know mana existed, he didn't really read any novels before nor watched that many anime either. unlike other main characters who would use their knowledge as professional otaku to figure something out, he didn't really know what to do.

sitting there wondering what to do he laid all of the possibilities in front of him

First was using lower-tier zombies as subordinates and supporting them with healing and support magic which would never work he would kill them instead of helping them.

The second was monsters that weren't undead but then again he remembered that after reaching the first rank every monster would do anything to get their hands on evolution materials which meant taming them would be impossible if not extremely hard.

Third was teaming up with humans after he evolved and could speak but there wouldn't be any sane human that would team with him after all they didn't know why the earth became like this and blamed monsters for it.

Joseph's Fourth and last option was that bruh there wasn't any even if all of the above were possible how could he explain everything to macho and get out of there alive after all he wouldn't be able to defeat him by just using his holy magic on macho his mana was limited Joseph didn't know what to and sat there without any idea of what to do.

Joseph suddenly remembered that one of his homies from the back, when he was 16, was a gamer and since Joseph was his only friend he would always talk about games to Joseph even though Joseph never had the chance or any interest to play games.

Joseph remembered one thing clearly something that he never cared about.

It was his friend constantly talking and saying Bruiser this Bruiser that just so he wouldn't make his friend feel sad and to just form some sort of conversation he asked him about what Bruiser was and he told Joseph that Bruisers are a type of character that has a high amount of health and damage sometimes they would either have skills that increased their defense or skills that healed them either overtime or by dealing damage to other characters.

Joseph didn't know why he suddenly remembered such a minor detail from back then but he was glad that he did he finally had a clue of what to do he rushed to his newly met Granny like an excited little kid.

After explaining to Grandma what he wanted to do Granny sat there in deep thoughts about how to come up with a skill that would help joseph.

She told Joseph about a popular skill among very very high-ranking saints that were less than 20 in the universe.

The skill was Holy shroud which enveloped one's body by holy mana increasing their defense and offense the reason why it was used by them was that it increased their offense but Joseph's Holy mana was very pure which meant it should only be used to help and protect others not to kill.

Grandma modified the skill and removed the offensive part adding healing instead, she told Joseph what she had done and told him that he needs to solve the offensive part on his own when he went back to reality.

Joseph was hoping to become a bruiser But right now he was more of a tanker.

With no choice left Joseph listened to grandma's guidance on how to use his new skill, the instructions were rather simple he just had to envelope himself with mana and since he was a zombie he had to focus on his crystal core that constantly gathered mana from the surrounding rather than focusing on how to utilize the mana in the surrounding atmosphere.

After four days on the day of departure, Joseph asked Grandma about the fact why he couldn't get in touch with Godiva which she replied.

Don't trust that BIT... excuse my manners don't trust her she is influencing your thoughts and ridding you of your humanity I will now put a spell on you which will secretly collide with her and stop her from influencing you but for now she is useful as she is providing information and doing things for you but remember never trust her and her evil gods.

Upon hearing this Joseph wanted to ask her who she was but he remembered her saying it was still too early for him to know her true identity but Joseph felt like if there was anyone in this world that he could trust it would be grandma Joseph's instincts helped him to avoid numerous life and death situations so he put his trust on his instincts one more time and went on.

after returning to reality first thing he heard was Godiva yelling with a worried expression.

[Joseph pls don't die to get up he is coming]

Joseph immediately used the modified Holy Shroud and regained some of his health and fixed his body enough to fight back.

Since Macho was an undead monster Joseph's body that now was covered in holy mana scared him making him cease his advance after all despite his big a*s body he was a Pu*sy in the heart.

Joseph took the chance and got up he immediately rushed the macho hitting him with a one-two after he was in range Joseph hit the Macho with his signature move left hook for the first time macho fell down the amount of damage done by holy mana was too great for him to withstand Macho immediately rolled to the side and got up before Joseph could get close he once again used his p*ssy boy strat and hit the ground as hard as he could but joseph saw trough this and jumped forward hitting the macho with a superman punch Macho staggered backward a bit.

After landing, Joseph followed up by a roundhouse kick stopping Macho from regaining his balance he continued to combo the now unbalance Macho by using different martial arts Macho stomped the ground and brought his body forward in an attempt to regain balance but it was futile Joseph was on the roll using martial arts he had never practiced before but thanks to his skill he felt as if he was using them for decades.

As macho was trying to regain balance Joseph used a pretty simple but powerful Jump kick and hit Macho right in his head Macho was bleeding all over his face but Joseph thanks to his new skill holy shroud had already healed to full HP his mana was low so he decided to finish it as fast as he could, after the impact from the kick Macho was falling backward he was falling backward and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't stop himself from falling he just slowed the process down.

Joseph seized this chance not letting it go no matter what, he rushed forward and jumped right above the Macho hitting him with a vertically downwards whirlwind kick,

Kicking Macho in the head with his heel, from the previous combos Macho's skull was damaged and the impact of the last kick crushed his skull leading to Macho's death.

Godiva was left speechless.