
Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Prince Ron’s life was saved by a silver haired hero. It was love at first sight but the hero disappeared after the exchange of a few words. The young prince accompanies his sister to a mysterious Kingdom where she’s going to be wedded to the King but on getting there, they’re told that the King wants to call off the wedding. Being the good brother he is, he goes to confront the King but doesn’t expect to find his silver haired hero sitting on the throne! He had fallen in love with his sister’s husband to be! What is Ron going to do?

Zhee_Aliyu · Fantasi
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252 Chs

Chapter Twelve

Zedekiel and Ludiciel froze while Mariel's heart started to beat faster. Before Mariel could answer, Ron sighed and dropped her arm. "Forget it. I'm sorry. I can't do it"

"What?!" Both brothers shouted.

Mariel felt wronged. She wanted to cry.

"I'm sorry Mariel" Ron apologized again. "I just wanted to prove something to your brother"

"You!" Zedekiel shouted, jacking Ron up by the collar.

"It hurts, doesn't it?" Ron sneered and Zedekiel's hold loosened, gazing at Ron in disbelief. "You don't like seeing your sister hurt just as I don't like seeing mine hurt. Be lucky I didn't go through with the act. I'm not like you. I can't bear to hurt your own sister because she's innocent in all this"

Ludiciel let out a tiny smile. So that was Ron's plan. He had also tried to convince Zedekiel not to call it off but he didn't listen. Maybe Ron could make him see reason.

Ron placed his palm over Zedekiel's hand. He lightly shivered for the hand was cold. The touch seemed to awaken Zedekiel so he quickly released him. He was confused. Why was this prince doing so much for his sister? Humans care for no one but themselves. Why was this one different? Was there a hidden motive?

"Three months" Ron said, not breaking eye contact with those beautiful violet orbs. "Three months is enough to know if you like someone or not. Court her for three months and if you still don't like her, we'll leave and never mention this again. Ashenmore will also remain on friendly terms with the North. This, I promise you"

He hoped Zedekiel would agree. This was the only thing he could think of. With this, both he and his sister will get enough time and chances to win the King's affection.

Zedekiel looked at Ron suspiciously. "Will you also stay here for those three months?".

Ron pushed out his chest like the good brother he is. "Of course I will. You don't expect me to leave my sister in an unknown place do you? I will also monitor the progress of your relationship"

And compete! He also had to compete!

Beside, he also wanted to eat golden berries and drink more golden berry wine and touch the walls so he could feel if they were really cold. He wanted to know how the castle stays so warm and who the magnificent cook was. He wanted to take a stroll in their Kingdom and see the people and witness their lifestyle.

How could he possibly leave?

He also wanted to spend some time with Zedekiel. Even if they couldn't be together, they could at least be good friends.

It was really a good idea. Even if nothing works out, peace would still be maintained between both Kingdoms. Zedekiel didn't care. He wanted nothing to do humans. Ludiciel knew how strong headed his brother was so he called him aside to discuss.

"I think you should do it brother. It's just three months" Ludiciel whispered.

"But you know I can't stand them" Zedekiel argued, glaring at Ron who quickly averted his eyes.

"Yes but Prince Ron really won't leave until you both come to an agreement which will be satisfactory for both of you"

"You mean beneficiary for his sister" he sneered. "You know how they are"

Ludiciel sighed. "This deal doesn't just benefits his sister but also you. I have a feeling that this one is different brother. You have to give them a chance. I see no harm in courting her for three months. You might even like her"

"I will never like her or any human"

"Then it's very simple. They will leave and we'll still be at peace with Ashenmore. I'm not telling you to forget everything and trust him. I'm telling you to try"

Zedekiel gazed at Ron then thought for while. At the end, he agreed. Ron let out a relieved sigh. His job was done even though his heart hurt.

He just hoped he could do this. After all, all is fair in love and war.


"I sincerely apologize for my brother's behavior, Prince Ron" Ludiciel said as he cleaned and bandaged the cut on Ron's neck.

Ron didn't mind at all. In fact, after thinking about it, he was quite pleased that Zedekiel didn't love his sister. If not, they would be having wedding preparations by now and he would be in a corner sulking or trying to repress his emotions.

"It's okay. I understand how he feels. Imagine being forced to marry a person you do not love. He won't be happy and neither will my sister. I'm glad he told me the truth"

It allowed him to find a way to stay in the North so he can get close to the King.

They were in Ron's chamber, sitting on his bed. The cut on his neck very thin so he didn't need the help of royal physician. He would have done it himself but Ludiciel offered.

Ron is lazy by nature and someone wants to take care of him. Why say no?

Ludiciel asked; "When are you going to tell the princess?"

That was what Ron was actually worried about. "I don't know honestly. I took a big decision about her life. About her future. That too, without consulting her. Instead of convincing the King to marry her, I gave him a way out"

"Why did you do so though? Don't you want your sister to get married?"

"Of course I do" Ron answered. "But, what's the use of making her marry a man who doesn't love her? They'll both be miserable. Isn't it better to have a trial? Maybe after three months, she'll realize that what she feels for him isn't love or maybe he'll fall in love with her. Who knows? Besides, what did you want me to do? Threaten him? Force him? Don't forget that he nearly killed me today"

Ludiciel couldn't help but laugh. "He didn't want to kill you Prince Ron. If he wanted, you'd be dead by now. My brother never misses a target"

Ron recalled the way Zedekiel brutally butchered those robbers and saved him. It mean Zedekiel was just toying with him earlier. "Why does the King hate me so much?" he asked. "All I saw in his eyes were hatred and anger. As if I did something terribly wrong and deserve a very heavy punishment".

Ludiciel tensed. "I-I don't know. Maybe he was just in a bad mood. You know, mood swings"

Ron raised a brow. "Mood swings?"

"Yes yes. Mood swings" Ludiciel answered. "And he gets them a lot so don't be surprised when he looks at you like that next time". Ludiciel thought Ron wasn't really like other humans. He was genuinely worried about his sister and he didn't try to take advantage of the situation. "At one point, when you mentioned the deal, I thought you were doing it for your own gain"

Ron let out a nervous laugh as he lightly tugged on his reddish brown curls. "For my own gain? What will I gain from such a deal? I just want peace"


He wants to compete! But it wasn't a bad thing. With the huge amount of hatred he saw in Zedekiel's eyes, it was very possible that Zedekiel will never ever love him.

"How about I tell your sister the news?" Ludiciel asked. "I'll calmly explain everything that happened to her"

Ron wasn't sure. "Prince Ludiciel, you're already doing so much for me"

"Nonsense! We're hoping to be brother in laws in three months aren't we?"

Ron smiled his usual radiant smile. "Yes"

Ludiciel was a bit dazed. This prince was really handsome. "Then consider this as helping a brother out. Don't worry about anything. Just stay here and relax"

He helped Ron get into bed. Not that Ron couldn't do it himself but he just felt like taking care of the beautiful human.

The said beautiful human, didn't mind it much. In fact, he was quite happy. Ludiciel once again assured him that everything would be fine and then he left.

Ron sighed and stared up at the ceiling. He really hopes so.