
Becoming Pokémon

On the way home Alex is summoned to another world, a Pokémon world. He makes friends and join to their team. On the way to the town to register him as official member of the team he had an accident and got turned into a Pokémon but there's problem. What was that problem? Read to find out :)

Domini_Goz · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Chapter 9 The new life...

When Alex and Aninga returned to the guild it was sunset already. John and Bob were waiting in the main hall. When they saw Alex they quickly walked towards him

"Alex! What happened?!" Said Bob

"Hi guys. It's nothing. I will survive... Heh... Where is Alice?"

"She is with guild master... We don't know what he wants from Alice but she is there for some time now..." Said John

"Oh... Well in that case I will wait here..."

"You want to wait here with wound on your leg?" Said Bob

"Yes... It's not like I'm going to die from this wound... I will wait" said Alex with smile

"You guys done talking? I have something very important to announce" said Aninga and everyone looks at him

"Alex passed first stage of my exam"

They said nothing for some time but was looking at Aninga. Then Alex broke the silence

"First stage? What does that mean?"

"It that you have to pass second stage to fully pass my exam. But before that you should go to medical room. I want you on your full strength on the exam"

When Aninga said that he left them and gone somewhere. Alex turned and said

"Where is medical room?"

"Follow me Alex. I will show you. And in the meantime I want to hear what happened on this first stage of the exam" said Bob

They left and left John alone in the main hall



Some time later Alex and Bob was standing in front of the medical room door. It was more like gate that door. It was brown with very impressive details. Above the door was sign which says 'medical room'

"Hmm... Interesting..." Said Alex

"What is so interesting?" Said Bob

"This door. It looks more like gate than door and has vary well made details... Something... I don't know... It just makes me impressed"

"So... You don't have doors like this one in your world huh?"

"Only very old buildings... And most of them are castles or churches... Now... Doors are only plate mostly made of wood without any details... If you want doors like this one in your house you must have lots of money... And most of people are poor so... You know what I mean..." Said Alex with sad on his face

"Well... Let's go inside. We have to take care of your wound"

Bob opened the door. Inside was lots of curtains and beds. Whole room was white

"Oh hey Bob! What brings you here?" Said tall green-white pokemon

"Hi Geni. I came with Alex. Aninga said that he need to recover here for the second stage of Aninga's exam" said Bob

That tall Pokémon looked at Alex and saw his bandage and said

"Oh my! What happened to you lucario?"

"Well... I've got stabbed with tail in the forest after I took the purple flower that Aninga told me..."

"Oh I see... Well follow me. I have to take a look at this wound"


[Meanwhile in the main hall]


John spotted Alice going down from the big stairs. She wasn't looking well. She seemed to be angry. John quickly walked towards her and asked

"How did it gone Captain?"

"AHH... Don't even ask... *she looked around and didn't saw Bob* Where's Bob?"

"Bob took Alex to the medical room"

"What happened to Alex? And why is he here? Did he... Did he failed the exam?" Said Alice and almost her voice cracked

"No he did pass the first stage of the exam. He got just hurt in the leg. I don't know the details but he will be alright"

"Uff... That's a relief... Wait what do you mean by 'fisrt stage of the exam'?"

"Well... Aninga said that he passed the first stage and he has to go to the medical room. So Bob took him there. Can we go there Captain?"

"Yes of course. Let's go"

When she said that they gone to the medical room.


[In the medical room]


"Okay. You must be lucky to got hurt only in the leg. Wound should be healed tomorrow so please stay here for the night"

"Thank you. What is your name?" Said Alex

"My name is Geni. Geni the gardevoir. If you get hurt come here and I'll help you"

"Ok. I will. And thanks again"

She smiled and left him on the bed alone. Then Alice and John came

"Oh my Arceus! Alex! What happened to you?!" Shouted Alice

"I just got stabbed in the leg... Nothing bad" he replied with smile on his face

"Well... That's a relief" she said

"By the way Alex... What happened on the exam?" Said John

"Well... The short version is that when I get the flower some snakes attacked me. I killed them but one of them stabbed me in the leg"

"Well... I'm glad that you didn't ended up like last time..." Said

"Captain we should go. It's getting late now. Alex are you coming with us?" Said John

"No I have to spend the night here. Ms Geni said so"

"Oh... Alright. Then see you tomorrow Alex" said Alice and they left leaving him alone again



Later that night mew visited Alex again

"Hello mew. You want to take me to your master right?" Said Alex

"Yes. You agreed that I will take you in the night today"

"Yea I know. Heh... Let's do this"

Alex stood from the bed and walked closer to mew

"Close your eyes. I'm going to teleport us there"

Mew took Alex's hand. He closed his eyes and moments later they are gone

The end of chapter 9

Hi guys!

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I hope you like it :)

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