
Earth is only a speck of dust.

1909, Washington, White House.

Three of the most powerful man in America, reunited around a drink, for Theodore the president of the United States its a martini, Charles the Attorney General of the U.S taked a whiskey and Sammael drink an excellent wine, a wine with blood add in the recipe of course.

" Gentlemen, I would like to talk to you about an idea I had. " say seriously Sam.

" Oh, so you really want to do what we talk about together ? " ask Charles with curiosity.

" Tell me more, if you two talk about it together considering the fact that you can't stand each other, it must really be interesting. " add Theodore with a devious smirk.

" If you insist. " respond Sammael with a cunning smile. 

2 hours later, outside the White house. 

" You sell it to him. I can't believe it, you truly are a snake, this is exactly why I don't trust you. " say Charles glaring at Sam. 

" What are you talking about, I had to make him a donation and give him my support for the next election. If there is a snake, it should be him. " respond Sammael. 

" You didn't offer him enough for the kind of power he gave you today. " interrupt Charles. 

" The power he gave to us you mean, you are after all the official founder of the new Bureau of Investigation. Goodbye Charles, give my greetings to Martha. " say with amusement Sam. 

" She'll probably hate you if she knew you. " answer Charles. 

1910, Unknow location. 

" We already discussed and voted on this, a conflict is what the world need, the world is slowing down and a war is the perfect way to push it forward. " say September. 

" We all know your love for war September but even for you, a war of this magnitude is unnecessary. " respond February. 

" I have to side with September on this matter, the decision as already been taken. " add October. 

" Silence. The decision has already been made. " finish December. 

7 years later. 

World War, even Sammael who saw a lot of wars, note that humans capacity for destruction can sometimes be truly shocking. 

Sam on these troubled times, traveled around the world, relaxing and indulging himself in his favorite activity learning, he also take time to write and publish his numerous theories under fake names. 

He is and have always been a scientist. 

1942, America, New York. 

World War 2, is as horrible and murderous if not more than the first one. Millions of victims, civilians and military. 

But as the world burn an ambition start to grow inside Sammael. 

On the mont everest, at the highest point Sam watch the starry sky. His vision can see so much more than a human, he can see Mars, Jupiter and the moon. 

Appreciating this beautiful view, Sammael ask himself what its like, up there in space. 

1951, Washington. 

The tensions between United States and Russia present a perfect opportunity, the rivality push the two country to compete against each other in every domains. 

Sammael investments thrive in this period of unrest, for his new ambition to push the boundaries of space exploration, he used his multiple contacts in the upper echelons of power to participated and accelerating the foundation of the spatials program. He gave funds discretly to the spatial program of Russia and America, with his fortune estimated in billions, it didn't ruin him, he also used the influence of his organization to make the governments invest in space conquest. 


" Today is a day that will mark history, for the first time a man is going to the moon. Sergueï Avdeïev the Russian astronaut aboard the Spoutnik is getting ready to land on the moon as we speak. " all around the world TV presenters report the event. A majority of the global population is in front of their television, watching history being made. 

Hours later. 

" I am informed right now that Sergueï Avdeïev land successfully on the moon. We still don't know if he will get out of his ship. " say the TV animator. 

Minutes later. 

" Ladies and gentlemen, humanity can be proud. For the first time in history, a man set a foot on the moon, this is his words. "

" The power of Russia prevail once again and proved its superiority, spatial conquest as only begun but we will continue to pursue the stars. " say Sergueï from the moon. 

1966, Washington. 

The BOI has been renamed FBI, Sam built it based only on an idea, and now many years later it became an agency assuring the security of all the United States. 

The FBI also allow Sammael to have the perfect way to cover up the experimentations he make all across the states. 

Space exploration is still the priority of the strongest coutries in the world, nobody expected Russia to go to the moon first. 

It had unforeseen consequences, in response the America launch a mission inhabited with the purpose of finding water on the moon. 

The mission was a success, they find ice inside a crater. 

Three years ago 2 new objectives was defined. Installing a base of operations on the moon, and going to Mars. 

While the brilliant minds of the space program do their work, Sammael started to experiment on genetics, the potential of genetic manipulation is enormous. If he master it he could control evolution. 

A contraint also appeared, the more the technologies advances the more it become hard to hide his activities, fortunately with the FBI he can easily bury and erase his tracks. 

The name of his organization also start to pop up this last century, some people find clues about its existence, for now, no one give these conspiracy theories credit but he will have to make a back up plan if the Deorum de Terra is exposed. 

1971, France, Paris. 

" What do you mean he want to give up the mission on Mars ? " ask Sammael to the other person on the phone. 

" Yesterday 2 options were given to Nixon, focus on Mars or on the space shuttle. He is in favor of the space shuttle. " respond the other person. 

" I don't care about what Nixon want. Fix this, I want the objective to be mars, end of the discussion. " finish Sam. Noise coming from the bed can be heard, a sumptuous woman is waking up and stretching on the luxurious bed. 

" What was it about ? " a velvet voice ask. 

" Don't worry about that. It doesn't concern you. " answer Sammael dressing himself. 

" So cold, after the night of passion we just had you could be more gentle with me. " add the woman. 

" This was purely sexual, I admit that our bodies work very well together but it doesn't mean that our relationship goes deeper than that. " explain Sam. 

" Don't lie, I know you love me, how could anyone resist my charms. " respond the woman getting close to Sammael and encircling him with her arms, teasing him with her hands and trying to excite him. 

" Katherine, while it's true that you are the most intriguing doppelganger I have met, do not delude yourself. I appreciate your intelligence and your pragmatic way of thinking, but the fact that our sexual chemistry is so high is just a coincidence, neither you or I is looking for a lover relationship. " clarify Sam while enjoying the hands of Katherine running on his torso. 

" Hmm, I love it when you say dirty things to me. " answer Katherine laying kisses on Sammael neck. 

3 Hours later. 

" You saved me, that night when I ran away thinking I was going to die. Why ? Why did you turn me into a diurne ? " ask seroulsy Katherine. 

" When you lived as long as me, you start to slowly forget what you were like at the beginning. When I saw you, I saw a little bit of myself in you, your burning desire to live, your desire to be free and to be the only master of your fate. I wanted to see what you would do if I gave you the keys Katerina. " answer Sam. 

" And did I satisfied your curiosity ? " ask playfully Kat but still wanting to know. The only response she get is a mysterious smile. 

" Goodbye Katerina, enjoy your time in Paris. " say Sammael before leaving.

1977, America, New York.

" I can't tolerate this any longer, we have to eliminate them and soon. They are trying to take control of the city, the serial killer its them. " explain January.

" I said that I agree, calm down. The Stryx is not to be underestimate they have old vampires, a few souldn't be a problem for you but we don't know how many there is. " say Sammael.

" Then come with me, with you I wouldn't have any problem in fixing it. I know that you and November are obsessed with sciences but in the old days you partake in a few wars. " add January with enthusiasm.

" Do you have a location ? " patiently asks Sam.

" I do, shall we December ? " answer January.

" Tomorrow. " conclude Sam.

1 day later, 23h32.

Two men walk stealthily toward a mansion, the base of the Strix. One of the men is wearing a very expensive tailored black suit and the other wore something more casual but he have a sword in his hand. 

" A sword, really ? " asks rhetorically Sammael. 

1 hour later. 

A bloodbath, corpses decapited, burned, some with their heart rip out of their ribcage other with missing limbs. 

" You said they are old vampires, but they are like cattle waiting to be slaughter. " say January beheading a vampire with his sword simultaneously. 

" They are 600 years old if I have to judge by their strenght, it's considered quite old. " answer Sammael before taking out a gun and pointing it in the direction of January. 

He shot a bullet killing a vampire trying to attack January in the back. 

" You talked about my sword but you brought a gun ? " exclaim January looking with surprise the weapon. 

" I like the design, and the bullets was made specially for vampires. " respond Sam while snapping his fingers, using telekinesis to broke the neck of the last three vampires surrounding him, he shot a bullet in the heart of each vampires. 

2 hours later, January's house. 

" We didn't get the leaders of the Strix. They weren't even there. " say angrily January. 

" At least they won't cause you troubles anymore Paul. " put into perspective Sammael. 

After discussing a little with January, Sam take his leave. 

1991, Florida, Jacksonville. 

His experiments on genetics produced surprising results, he discovered a latent gene present in all humans, the witches powers are the result of this latent gene being partially activated. His own gene is almost completely integrated with his DNA and activated. 

He still haven't find a way to manipulate this gene, but he know how to forced the gene to wake up, the results are unpredictable sometimes it gives the ability of Pyrokinesi, Telekinesis or Telepathy. The capacity to use all of them like the witches do requires the gene to be more active but he doesn't have the mean to do it. 

He also discovered that when "monsters" DNA is add to humans physical mutation like slit pupils or more prominent deformities appears. The conclusion is that the humans can't assimilate the DNA of monsters. 

But there is other ways to increase the physical capacities, werewolves are a good example of successful physical mutations, the curse responsable for their mutation must have modified the role the gene play. 

A subject coming from a long line of witches and with a large quantity of magic would be perfect. 

Maybe a doppelganger would work think Sammael. 

2001, Unknow location. 

" The project is underway. A decade or two and we will be ready to complete it. But it was you June who wanted this meeting, so what do you want to share ? " asks December. 

" I finally found Malivore. " explain June. 

" Oh, after centuries you have at least find it. " add sarcastically September. 

" Don't start September, I didn't find it earlier because it has been destroyed and reduced to a black pit. A society named Triad Industries tried to keep it a secret but one of my spy infiltrated Triad and gave me the information. " finish June. 

The meeting continues for an hour before ending.