
Becoming a Superstar 1988

///Author note this is my first time writing a web novel so I apologize for my writing. However I will do best to improve and I would like to say I not against making small changes to the certain character if necessary. //// This is a story about how a young boy who receives information about, the future from advice called the 'Apuls '.Which helped strengthen his mind, giving him an edge over others, watch him use his future knowledge and devilish good looks to take over the world.As he take the responsibility of taking his family and friends out of the slamps and to a life of wealth and luxury. However, many aren't happy to see one family monopolies nearly all industries and will try to stop his rise to fame by any means possible. As he conquers the film, music, gaming fashion industry and tech industry by strom with the help of his family and friends. This story is similar to novel such as I in Hollywood but, don't focus to much of movies making heavily. But, the entertainment and business world as a whole. #No harem,

Shane_Delgado_03 · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs


The year is 2030 as a scientist by the name of Henry Jones, is walking along a spacious hallway while carrying a named bage on his clean white lab coat.

Henry Jones is currently 60 year old neuroscientist, standing at about 1.78 centimeter having an average appearance.

White short hair with a clean shaven face wearing a pair of rounded glasses. Walking through a spacious hallway.

He is a scientist who has specialised knowledge in neuroscience, a branch of biology that deals with the physiology, biochemistry, psychology, anatomy and molecular biology of neurons, neural circuits, and glial cells and especially their behavioral, biological, and psychological aspect in health and disease.

He also has a deep knowledge in mechanical engineering. Which helped him in his new research project. As Henry walked one of the security guard greeted him.

"Good evening Mr Jones, isn't it a little late to visit the facility?"

Henry looked at Mike a bulky black man and replied. "I'm fine, it's just that it isn't good for an old man like me to stay home alone ."

Said Henry smiling.

"Okey, but you know the rules everyone should leave the building by 11:30".

"Yah Yah I know" replied Henry as he entered his own lab.

Henry had been working here for nearly 25 years now. On his project called 'The Aplus Helmet' which was a device that he had been working on for almost 30 years now.

This helmet could help to strengthen the brain thought process, memory and could even implant new information directly into the brain. Thus giving anyone new information that they had never learned by themselves.

The US government seeing the great benefits this could bring them. Sent government agents to Henry home after discovering his break through in his work.

Immediately bring him to area 51 to continue his work here, just showing the level of importance they placed on his research.

As well as giving him a lot of funding for his research, along with giving the power to recruit people to help him in his research.

And for the last ten years or so Henry had done many tests implanting new information. In a few selected people from those with mental illness to those with average mental capabilities.

Turning many of these people into geniuses. Over a few days thanks to the strengthening and implementation of few information.

Some became master programmer's, expert mathematician gaining a photographic memory and so on.

Now Alex's has began planing on implant his own knowledge and all his memories into someone else's mind while the receiver still maintains his/her own self identity.

As Henry was working alone in his laboratory, suddenly a loud boom! came from outside of the room. Henry immediately began safeguarding all his important research.

The alarm went off all over the base and minutes later a large group of armed men came inside his lab. One of the men came inside casually, as Henry came out from under his desk with trembling hands.

"You must be the great professor Henry Jones."


"I'm a big fan your work. " Said the tall burly man wearing full a camo military suit which also covered his face with a jacket black mask.

"Please come with us peacefully professor, we wouldn't want you be disturb in your work, do we now."

The men who just set off an explosion begun grabbing his notes research and materials. Before dragging him of to another part of the base with all his research materials.

"Where are you taking me?" Asked Henry nervously.

"Oh don't worry you'll find out soon enough professor have a little patience." Replied the burly.

As they arrived at a large building, however most of the soldiers were already dead. "

"Are you guys crazy you know that this a US military base right?" Asked Alex as they continued moving through the military facility.

" US military what a joke, if it isn't for all the money you Americans spend on your weaponry technology. Your soldiers themselves lack strength. " Said one of the men as they all began to chuckled.

Henry remained silent as he knew they were right. The United States of America was no longer what it used to be. However, they were that weak to be easily taken down by others.

After walking into another section of the base entering into the large room Henry eyes opened up wide. In shock at what he was seeing with his very own eyes, as he couldn't believe at what was in front of him.

"Well it looks like their nearly done with it the first ever time machine." Said the mask hooded men who was also in shock.

"Well stop staring at it, and around up all the scientist and the research data we can get quickly." Said their leader.

Right as the men started getting to work. Henry who was still at a lost suddenly heard a familiar voice calling his name

"Henry over here." Said a middle age man who looked to be in his late forties to Henry. Still carrying the box with the helmet inside it Henry walked slowly to one of the scientist he knew there.

"Henry why are you here I thought you would be with your son and daughter." Asked Marcus a long time friend of Henry.

"I should ask you the same question; what is all of this a time machine why in the world would you build that?"

Alex replied. To Mark with a dazed expression stillon his face.

"No time to explain the details now you one's said that the Aplus could be linked to other advices right?"

What are you getting at, don't tell me you what to." Asked Alex his eye's widening in shock to want his old friend might hitting to. Mark shaking his head in regret saying.

"You and I are old now what's the point in trying to live longer. If I can get into the system of the machine I can activate it and cause a system overlord, we can stop whoever it is trying get our national secrets. "

Alex sighing in contemplation said "If there no other way do it but, you have be careful and quick their still watching as closely. "

"Sir we're almost done gathering everything."

Said one of the masked men instructing the other. "Good we don't have much time left so get ready to move ou...Huh??? What's that sound" Asked the commander as he turned his head around to see what was happening.

"Whooos! ....the fool who turn the machine? "

As the gears began the machine span rapidly and dangerously then an huge explosion occurred causing everyone sight turned white.

Now a young boy who looked to be around 11 or 12 was lying on a hospital bed as he slowly opened his eyes to see a hanging light on the ceiling.

Looking around as if waking up from a dream wondering if what he dreamt of was just a dream or some kind of vision of the future.


Scream a beautiful middle age woman with tears in her eyes as she looked at the young boy.

" You're finally awake sweetie. Are you alright? Are you hurting anywhere. Should I call a doctor? " Asked the beauty in front of him.

"I think I'm quite alright mother." Replied the boy confusingly.


19 June 1987 Brooklyn

In one of its hospital lied a charming looking boy with a confused expression, as he looked at the doctor in front of him.

As the doctor examined the young boy's condition he also had a confused expression. As well surprised at the results of his examination.

If he remembers correctly the boy in front of him always had a surveyor learning disorder from his case files.

Full name Alexander Robert Carter Williams date of birth 23 July 1975 sex male. Place of birth Brooklyn Hospital Center. Country of Birth United States of America.

Mother Martha Johnson Williams date of birth 17 December 1953. Place of Birth New Orleans country USA.

Father Matthew Oliver Williams date of birth 23 October 1953. Place of birth London country England.

He felt as if wasn't speaking to a 13 year old boy but, someone who had great speaking skill.

The boy didn't show any signs of having a problem mental, and could understood what they were discussing about.

Leading him to wonder if the case files he has were mistakenly swap with another person's.

However, his mother confirmed that the case files were indeed his, and everything in it was accurate about his previous mental condition.

After the doctor felt the room the middle-aged looked at her son with disbelief at how well her son spoke with the doctor. She clearly remembers how difficult it was for him to have a proper conversation with others.

Alex also stared back at his mother looking at her closely. As he knew from his memories that this woman was his mother Martha Williams

Looking at her appearance she looked to be around her late 20s. With a dark brown skin tone, jet black smooth curly hair with pure hazel coloured eyes appearing like gold. Overall she was a stunning woman, with a great figure, to go with.

Even the male doctor couldn't stop to take quick glance at her. Alex also has a similar appearance to her but, his skin ton seemed much lighter with soft facial features. She kept talking to him after ending her phone call with his father.

However, Alex thoughts were somewhere else as he could not stop recall what he had been dreaming of while in his two coma.

There were many things in his head which confused him but, somehow he was able to understand all of it. His head was filled with so much information and memories about movies, video game ,music, television series as well as fashion trends of a different time.

There were even devices that were several decades ahead of his current time that was hard for him to believe was possible yet. What was more surprising to Alex was that he knew how they were made and their internal workings of these devices that were in his head.

He also released that he had gained knowledge in certain fields that he never learned such as programming, engineering, Business management, hacking and so on.

His mind has basically been filled to the bream with various kinds of knowledge and ideas.

" Alex?.. Alex?"

"Hey! are you evening listening to your me? Honestly it's as if you have forgotten everything we taught you about respecting others."

"Ah... am really sorry mother," said Alex apologetically while lowering his head in embarrassment.

"Huh..It's fine, I'm just thankful that your okay know." Said Martha with a sigh.

"However,who would have thought that this incident would help you somehow help this way."

Looking at the son she has been taking care of being able to have a smooth conversation with him bought great joy to her heart. As she had always wished silently in her heart that this day would come.

"Well your father is coming over now with the you're brother to see you soon. I'm hoping that you will never sneak out of the house in the middle of the night after this again you hear me young man."

Said Martha with a very stern look in her eyes showing no room for discussion.

"Yes mother it will never happen again" Alex replied not daring to look her into her fierce eyes that looked like a lioness that was about swallow its pray.

Alex now recalls the event's leading to his current situation. He had sneak out of the house after hearing loud banging noises coming from outside the house.

As the previous him thought that they were fireworks that he had seen on television, sneaking out following the sound into an alley way.

However, after reaching the loction of all the loud noise he suddenly dropped to the ground after being hit.

Looking at his body properly now he found that there were bandages one his shoulder, belly and a few other places. He was shot a total of eight times it was amazing that he survived.

However, the doctor he spoke to told him that they didn't hit any vital organs meaning that there shouldn't be any problems in the future. So they could release him when they finished his check up.

Even though he nearly died Alex was still excited about what he had gained from this. As with this he was able to get rid of his mental problems and had become much more intelligent, exceeding that of Albert Einstein himself.

With this new found knowledge he could even conquer the world if he desires to. However, that would have to wait until he left the hospital however, he already started making plans on how to achieve his goal.

He still also needed to figure out how his mind and body was affected by this suddenly change, even if the helmet was only meant to improve the human brain.

From what he knows about the Aplus helmet it was never met to transfer memories through space and time. He wasn't sure how this even happened to him.

This is because Alex didn't have any memory of the event that took place in the future with the time machine.

It's still to early to celebrate over his recovery as who knows if this is only temporary. Who knows if he might just die from whatever is happening to his brain right now. So he needed to just what and see what happened next.

Look at comments section for character appearances

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