

"I look so hard, I searched the whole city... but I can't see her. I know she's alive... until now, I can smell her. Or maybe it's just Eunica? I don't know..."

Everyone in the room was quiet.

It's as if they are mourning for Lara.

Jin looks at Eunica, she never met her mother, yet she called her when her cousin kissed her forehead.

"Maybe it's her," Jin said.

"Ah," The leader said then faced Jin properly, "I am sorry for my rudeness, I am Lucio Phantre, Eunica's Uncle," Lucio pats Jin's shoulder, "Thank you for looking after her."

Jin smiled and pats Lucio's shoulder back, "Jin."

Luke and his older brother went to him, "Hi! Sorry for playing around, I am Luke!" He smiled like the kid he is.

"I am Lucrious, or Rio, I am adopted," The older brother said.

Jin smiles at him awkwardly, 'Why is he so proud?' he thought.

Luke looks at him while pouting, "He's still Eunica's cousin."

"Anyways, can you tell me why are you here?" Lucio asks while sitting down.

"We want to get back the organization where they create hybrids using technology. The hybrids created are sent to wars. We are maltreated. Mr. Raye is the founder but Luinn takes over it," Jin explained.

"Yes, I saw it from Eunica's memory, I want to know what you plan on doing when you have already gathered everyone," Lucio said while resting his chin on his hand.

"We will take back the SINS."

"Don't you get how subjective this is? What if there are things that come up that you didn't think of? What if something went wrong and the whole plan crumbles down? I can't see the concreteness of this plan."

Jin's eyebrows furrows, "I don't understand."

Lucio sighs, "I don't know if I should tell you. This might come as a shock, but since you are still starting, it's better to say it early than when you have already spoken with the others--"

"What is it?" Jin irritatedly asks.

It makes him anxious, something is wrong.

"Raye, that dumbass, he sold us to the Luinn or Judge, that's what we call him, for money," Lucio clicked his tongue and clenched his fist.

"He holds the highest number of huntings of hybrids. He works for Judge." Luinn added.

Jin stared at him.

The words won't process in his mind.

He seemed to be lost.

His mind went foggy.

All his strength seemed to leave him.

"That... Maybe it's not Mr. Raye, he's Eunica's... he can't do that," Jin faintly answers.

He held his head, it's aching too much.

Lucio tilted his head, "Eunica's?" he asks.

Jin looks at him in disbelief, 'He doesn't know?'

"He's Eunica's father."

Lucio stands up, "CALL THE BRIGADE! WE HAVE TO HUNT!" He shouted in a deep voice.

"That guy is the as*hole that stole my sister," he said while grinding his teeth.

Luke just stares at him, "No, that will be the end of Phantre tribe if we suddenly attack that man, Father."

"That is right, Father. We cannot suddenly throw our brigade just because you found out he's the man who killed your sister," Rio added while nodding.

Jin clenches his fist while looking bitterly at Eunica, 'What will you say about this? What will you feel? He betrayed us. What will Hyung say? What will they do?' Jin thought.

"Can we go back now? We will return tomorrow... please let me think about this," Jin said while slowly carrying Eunica.

"Yes... I am sorry, but you need to know immediately. Luke will accompany you back," Lucio said while putting his hand on Eunica's head, "See you tomorrow, dear."

Jin puts Eunica on his back and went with Luke.

"I know this is a shock, but think over it carefully. We will help, we hate Judge as much as you do," Luke said as he hands Jin the keys to the room.

They are standing outside the room while Jin can't even look at Luke properly due to his confusion.

Luke frowns, "We'll meet at Iaz' bar tomorrow morning, take a rest, Jin, cousin needs you."

Jin suddenly woke up, 'Right, if I get down just because of it, I can't protect Angel,' he thought.

"Yes, thank you, kid," Jin said and went inside as Luke disappears.

Jin slowly puts Eunica down and kissed her forehead then suddenly he felt the urges again.

He blushed and ran away to his bedroom.

"This is not the right time to feel like this, I have to think properly," Jin said as he sits down on his bed.

The night pass by until he falls asleep.

But in his dreams, he can still hear Lucio's voice about Raye's betrayal.

The last hope.

The main goal.

The key.

The traitor.

Suddenly he woke up, still, the night is lurking.

He sighs, "Why does it have to be Raye? Didn't he thought of Eunica before working for Luinn? He was betrayed but now he betrays his own daughter and friends. Why? Money... it's not enough reason."

He stands up and took a glass of water then he took a glance of Eunica sound asleep.

"I don't know what you'll say when you find out. But don't worry, I will always protect you," Jin said.

"Even if it's your father, I will gladly kill him if he harms you or any of our friends."