
Beacons Of The Dark Age

An apocalypse that wiped out 82% of humanities population. Myths that seemed to come out of a kid's story book or folklore and the 'Curse of time' that lingers on every human's skin. In a world ravaged by mythical creatures, where one must kill in order to live and see another sunrise. Vic is born into this post apocalyptic world, where he watches his father succumb to the curse of time. By becoming a beacon, he swore to evolve himself to the limit and destroy the 'void of myths' that had caused suffering and misery to the remaining population.

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After everything was cleared up, like someone who wasn't planning to make a run for it, he stared at her for a minute before asking

"Does this mean we're going to stay here until everything is over?"

"None of us needs the time, but one of us surely needs training" with a sarcastic tone she added "I even adjusted to a Trancender's speed and you still couldn't react in time"

Vic's cheeks turned red, previously after Anna revealed how she gets her additional time, his body had even refused to move, if it was a life or death situation then at this moment he would already be dead.

"We now have a month before your tattoo, from now on till the next shadow you'll be training till you break."

Vic looked at her and cold shivers run down his spine, he could tell just by how cold her gaze was that she wasn't joking.

A day and some couple hours of training made him feel like he was at deaths door, a month of that training and he was literally gonna break.

Before that, might as well know how the world was like before this damned apocalypse Vic pondered before finally asking.

"How was it like before the apocalypse?"

He had asked his father this question one too many times, but he was never detailed enough, being born after the apocalypse hit, he too wasn't well versed. Not having the confidence to ask anyone else from his group, Vic just accepted the little details.

But now he found someone he was comfortable with, and judging by how she explained her previous encounters, she seemed to have been born before the apocalypse, he couldn't help but ask.

"How old do you think I am?"

"I don't know, over sixty"

"Well you're not wrong" she didn't want to dwell on the age, so she decided to just acquaint him with what she knew.

"Before the world fell I was still young so I was yet to see a lot of the things it had to offer back then, I had seen my fare share, but I don't think it will be more than what everyone in your group had seen"

"It will"

Seeing the curiosity on his face, she was momentarily taken aback before finally starting her trip back to the old days.

"Let's see, where should I begin?" Scratching her chin "I assume you know where we are? Right?

"A city"

"No the name of the city or even the country"

It has another name? Vic pondered before shaking his head.

With a frown Anna continued.

"This is Nairobi, it was one if not the most developed city in Africa, It was the capital of Kenya, the country we're in right now"

Kenya I've seen a name like that before Vic nodded in understanding.

Vic was lucky, his father had been tought how to read by his grandfather, and in return instead of teaching Vic how to fight in this apocalyptic world, he decided to teach him how to read and write. Even though Vic threw a tantrum whenever the lessons would begin he was very grateful for the education, after all it helped him learn a little bit about the world in books and keep himself company when his father was out.

"There was the schools where kids the same age would gather and learn"

"I've heard of that one, my dad told me all about it when he was teaching me how to read and write"

"You can read and write?" Anna was surprised, being born in a world filled with terror and the first thing he learns is to read and write?, I don't know if he knows this but he's a very lucky kid.

"Yeah, my dad tought me"

"How about television, computers and smartphones?" She asked looking at Vic who inturn shook his head.

"There you could watch cartoons you liked, funny cat videos, movies, some even showed series where the world was somewhat similar to this one, there was even apps where you could read any book ever wrote"

"What are movies and videos?"

Anna was very bad at explaining things but nonetheless she tried her best.

She went on to talk about planes, VR games, she even went on to explain how humans would interact with the many animals that were yet to go extinct.

They went on until dawn broke, the void opened and myths once again appeared on earth.

Inspite of that, Anna still went on, even after the growling of myths in a far away distance that were now audible even if only a little, she still persisted.

Ignoring them she went on and on like a young girl taking about her first love.

Vic was sitted beside her keenly listening to her, he would nod in understanding from time to time.

He was well ammersed in her stories, even forgetting what day it was, the snarling of the myths brought him back to reality for a moment, and after remembering who sat beside her, he went back to not caring.

She was a Manipulator there was nothing a grounded myth would do to her that she couldn't return tenfold.

After two hours of ranting on about everything she new of the old world _ or rather what was remotely relevant, she stood up.

The recurring noises of myths and humans crushing that were so far for Vic to hear and for Anna to be barely audible, still ringered.

"That's more than enough for a break, there won't be another one for a month" Anna said, with her ethereal now cold voice.

Vic just smiled helplessly before standing up.