
Beacons Of The Dark Age

An apocalypse that wiped out 82% of humanities population. Myths that seemed to come out of a kid's story book or folklore and the 'Curse of time' that lingers on every human's skin. In a world ravaged by mythical creatures, where one must kill in order to live and see another sunrise. Vic is born into this post apocalyptic world, where he watches his father succumb to the curse of time. By becoming a beacon, he swore to evolve himself to the limit and destroy the 'void of myths' that had caused suffering and misery to the remaining population.

Overvoid · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Nothing is free

28 days later.

"Hah! You've improved faster than I thought possible"

Standing in the middle of the warehouse, her waist length black braids tied up in a knot, she was in a white vest and her usual military pants, in her right hand rested a makeshift wooden sword, face dripped with sweet she stared at the young man who laid before her.

"Ugh! Do you have to toss me every time we spar?"

Standing up, his black hair now dyed brown by dust, he asked as he glared at her.


The month was almost over, he had trained day and night without a rest, even when she would step out for less than a minute or for more than an hour, she would leave him with some kind of an exercise he was supposed to complete before she came back.

Throughout the entire month he received beatings that no normal human could endure, the warehouse had been cracked all over its concrete floor by his bare back.

In the curse of the month she went from teaching him the basics to sparing with him, and now she was currently teaching him swordsmanship. Previously he was earger to learn it, but soon after the lessons began he regretted it.

Doing arm exercises for over a day without rest was something he wouldn't ever willingly do, he believed that there was no limit to how long he could workout after becoming a trancender, but now he knew how much he had overestimated himself.

"Pick it up"

Vic stared at the makeshift wooden sword that was beside him.

He bent down to pick it up, but the lady Infront of him wasn't gonna let him, she raised her wooden sword and without hesitation she slashed vertically towards Vic's head.

With all the training Vic had endured, he could hear the vibration of the wooden sword in the air and his muscles were all worked out to their limit, his reaction speed was also top notch.

Picking up his own sword, he dodged the slash even though it was by a hairs length, he rolled to his left and stood up.

Before Anna had the chance to turn around and aim her sword, Vic had already shot towards her aiming to slash her neck off.

When Anna saw this her lips curled upwards as she took a step back avoiding the swing.

After training with her for more than two weeks the cold woman seemed to suddenly vanish, getting to know each other more while training, even if it was one every couple of days, she would occasionally smile.

Vic was momentarily flabbergasted by her otherworldly smile, before taking the initiative to launch another attack.

Leaping upwards, Vic spinned several times before unleashing a powerful vertical slash that aimed to cut her in half.

Anna moved an inch to the side, making Vic miss and hit the concrete floor, which inturn broke his wooden sword. She didn't really hesitate even after he broke his sword, and instead using her own wooden sword she slashed his back, making him crawl on the ground while wheezing in pain.

Damn it, she beats me like I'm one of those Believers of Time Vic pondered, but he couldn't bring himself to utter a word, everything in his body hurt, and to make the matter worse the last time he tried to bring the issue up he got twice the beating.

"Even after everything I've taught you, you still aim to finish a person with one attack? Here, use this one" Anna said tossing him her wooden sword.

Taught me? Vic just smiled angrily as he stood up grunts of pain escaping him.

He picked up the sword, ignoring the pain that roared throughout his body every time he moved, he started swinging it against her.

Today was the last day she as teaching him, Vic didn't know if she was gonna remain by his side after he got his tattoo.

After getting slammed on the concrete floor for 1000th time, Vic shot up picked up the sword before asking.

"How do you evolve from a Trancender to a Manipulator?"

Anna was surprised for a moment.

"I thought you were gonna ask that question alot sooner? Why now?"

"Well, I thought you were gonna tell me one way or another, but now I'm going to get my tattoo tomorrow, and you still haven't brought the topic up"

"What does you getting a tattoo have to do with the second evolution?"

"Aren't we gonna go our separate ways?"

"Why? Anna was confused.

"You have a promise to keep and I have mine"

"Hahahaha " Anna for the first time since they met was laughing to the point where you could even see her molars.

Vic was getting nervous other than the occasional smiles Anna has always had a cold look, and now she was laughing like a crazy person.

Ha! Panting for air, Anna looked at Vic her eyes watery from all the laughter.

"You didn't think, everything I've done for you so far would be free? Did you?

What? When Vic heard this his chest tightened, his breathing became hard for a moment, but this time wasn't like the last time, taking a deep breath, Vic glared at her and asked.

"What do you want?"

It's simple, help me get my revenge and we'll consider it even "

Vic gritted his teeth as he clenched his fist

"How I'm I going to go against Manipulators when I'm still just a mere trancender.

"Everyone has their uses, and because this will be more than what I taught you I'll give you a bonus, if you survive that is"

"What might that be?" Vic asked his face full of anger.

"I'll tell you the conditions for the second evolution and also where to find the scientist "

Vic was really angry, but he too had to admit that finding the scientist was hard if not possible, he had no sense of direction in the first place, so knowing the exact place and adding that to everything he learned and the conditions for evolving in exchange for hunting Manipulators and a Rezer didn't seem that unfair, if he kept his distance that is.

But even after everything, Vic was somewhat relieved, he couldn't tell why but he still trusted her, that's why he didn't have the heart to argue.