
Battle Royal Lost Souls

When the game Lost Souls Battle Royal came out it was a hit. The idea was that as the player you would play in a match of 36 others. The player would preselected two weapons and abilities when they created their avatar and so much more. But when I kid dies he goes back to the past when the game first came out. He will become a legend of movement or the worst player ever. In this story we see how magic and technology mix in a battle royal where you create your own avatar.

The_Kings_Author · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


I make my way out the tunnel into a large neon and black city. The city worked with three levels. The top level was were the best most expensive good were but you had to reach level fifteen first. The second level also known as mid was where the good quality items where with security to stop fights. But the last was one was in the slums. The glass of broken shops and wet littered side walks was the most risky but rewarding place for knower players. Stealing was allowed and there was no laws there. The only law really if you get it without didn't or losing it, then it was yours. I made my way for the bottom section knowing how there are certain items called black tier items can only be found there. Then tier to each time could vary but black tier was very strong and broken by design.

Tier system.

Black tier.

Sun Tier.

Diamond tier.

Gold Tier.

Silver tier.

Basic or bronze tier.

That is how the ranking worked. Sun tier items could only be found on the top where the sun could be felt. This far down the only light was from old and broken neon signs and lamps. This area was where criminals and hackers could be found as no one in the law dared to come here.

I kept my head low wearing a black baseball hat I got for free as it was a free cosmetic item. I walked down the streets remembering where to go like I never stopped playing the game. I walk around a corner to see a door that I knew to well. I came up to the door and knocked.

"What you want kid." The sound of a old man said.

"Profit is the key to life." I say as the door opens allowing me to enter.

I walk in and see and the items on the shelf's with normal dimmed lights hanging over them. A short old man about five feet walks ahead of me to a counter where he stood up on a stool.

"So what you want." He says.

I remember how in my other life someone came here a found a black tier shotgun bolt and sight. I could mess up the future for that guy but right now this is the present so who cares.

"I want the black tier shotgun and and sight" I say placing my basic pump shotgun on the table.

"How much you gonna pay kid." He say with a greedy smile.

"Well that depends on how much you want a constant income sir. You see I am willing to come back here plenty of time to buy items as long as your willing to sell for let's say a decent price." I say seeing his face go stone cold.

"How much we talking here. I know how the games pay well for winners." He say clearly trying to think this through.

I bring up my stat screen as he watches my hand move on a invisible panel.




Class Skills- twenty percent speed boost when shot at or hit. Pistol weapons deal plus ten extra damage.

Class weakness's-twenty five less health,cannot trade with battle guards, cannot use snipers.


Sun Coin-1

Gold coin-50->10

Silver coin-20


Leader board rank #1

"How about 40 gold coins with 250 credits old man." I say while a bag of coin and a bag of credits appear in my hand.

Each gold coin is a hundred silver. Credits allow people to purchase caches.

"That seems like a good deal but what about the future as you said." He says as his greed comes back.

"Will that simple. You have the best items so I'm to make my deals here with and trade items you might want." I say thinking this through.

"Well kind of trades." He asks curiously.

"Trades that will let you eat under the real sun." I say knowing he must accept.

"The sun huh. I always to know what it feels like. Okay we got a deal" He say looking happy.

When walked out the door I heard it lock turn and click. I made way to the second section without trouble and looked and the stats of my shotgun.

Basic pump shot gun.

Level 2/5

Black tier shotgun bolt. Shotgun deal stun damage and fire rate is one second. Stun lasts for two seconds.

Black tier sight. The sight was attached to the top and looked like two bits of black metal evenly placed- this sight allows to see a person exact health and creates a red dot only the user can see where all pellets will focus on that spot instead of spreading out. Also allows user to gain plus five percent speed while aim down sights.

Okay these where all really cool but I needed to get off for now. I went into hotel and spent five silver coins so I could exit the game for three days not worrying about my avatar.

I open my eyes as the foam goes back down slowly leaving no trace of it on me. But my entire body was soar. I looked online and found that a sun coin is worth five thousand dollars as it is only guaranteed for the first win. And considering you can only have one account this would be hard to mass produce considering you only have a chance to get one by winning multiple games in a row.

I found that clip of me destroying four people with my movement and all the comments were about how I did it and if I would join their guild. To think people really want me to join them. Before it took me a years to learn that before I had to stop playing because I needed a job. My parents kicked me out saying unless I could earn money to pay the bills I would be forced to leave. Wait till I show the.

I set my alarm for school and go to bed unsure about how school will go. When I arrived at school everyone was talking about Lost Souls. Later in the game after your account reached level ten you could use basic spell such as ice wall or create a flaming bolt.

"Look at this guy. The game has been out for only three days and he already won a 1v3." Random

"Yay according to the video his name is night but no fan friend him because his on private mode" random.

"Imagine if he goes to this school. If I can find I'm I'm going to ask him to friend me." Random

I walk by chuckling to myself from their conversation as they look at me like I'm some kind of freak. To be fair in this time I was very unpopular and never talked to anyone. I went to all my classes and during this class last class a girl sitting next to me seemed annoyed. We ad finished our work and class was going to end in five minutes so our teacher let us take out our phone. When I noticed who she was and what she was watching I almost died. She was Emilia Henderson. Her daily was very rich and well known in all things esports related. I saw she was watching the clip of me killing the guy from his point of view. I saw my name pop up in his screen as killed by night. That when I noticed who she was watching. She was watching herself in the video. I had just killed her game.

It's probably not best to tell considering I didn't feel like getting killed while in or or asleep. My front door doesn't even have a working lock I have to use a code lock on it. So if she or someone else who hates me in game finds out where I live I could be in for it. She looked at me as I was trying look away but she noticed.

"What you want dude."She said calmly.

No what forget what I just said I'm doing and then moving out of that apartment.

"Sorry for destroying your team in the game." I whispered to her.

"What do you even mean." She said.

"You know what I mean. Your team was killed in a 3v1 against me and clearly saw you watching the video." I said as I noticed her face changed to curiosity.

"Wait who are you exactly. Because as far as I know your a no body." She said as if I didn't exist with the last word.

The bell rang and got out of that class and ran home and locked the door behind going straight for the pod. I enter into the to the waiting room. I saw as more people started to appear that mothers was more people on the board.

Blaze, Guild Bone- #1 five crowns.

Night, Guild none- #2 three crowns.

Everyone else below me has only one crown. I know that if I want to make the most of this I need use more information in the future better. I spent all my gold and silver coins to buy a shadow mask from the old man. The mask would allow you the change how your character looked while making name randomized or to create a knew name. The best part is that there is only three on the entire game. I put it on and sent a message by using all my credits to the ice rose guild. They were in the top ten strongest guilds. The message was simple and straightforward.

"The sword of ice is a powerful indeed. Want to talk send someone to the middle floor at the Leaf hotel" I sent this for the hotel in a somewhat nice room.

"Emilia ice will be on her way." When I saw the name I almost died but it made since.

Emilia ice was Emilia Henderson actually and man was I about to be rich.

About thirty minutes lady a person I had seen in class today walked in to my hotel room ready to get a third rank legendary item. She sat and waited for a second.

"What do you want and what's your name." She said but clearly she wanted the item.

"To start mrs Henderson, I work for a company called Kings Grip and we're willing to offer some information for a price." I say while intentionally leaving the name out.

"I take it as the information is about the sword." She says.

"Indeed it is and we have the exact location for where it's at." I say

" I don't know your company and I don't think your telling the truth." She says.

"Trust me. We are very real and if you us well you can have the ice sword." I say smoothly.

"Than prove to me how you sit here while looking at me as a equal when I never heard of your company." She says.

"To start with you where destroyed by a level one player that works for us. Second is that we know the location to a few weapons of black list tier so we don't care about legendary as much." I say while knowing it's the truth.

"Here's a thousand gold now where the sword." She says rushing through it.

"To start with the sword coordinations are being to sent you but you should also know that trying to assassinate me or any of those in my company will end poorly to you. So please call off your pet behind me." I say after using the small spoon on the tables reflection to see someone behind me.

She seems shocked I know but she seems like she understand now.

"Okay their gone. So what do you want from us." She says

"I want you to challenge bone guild to a guild war allowing a player of our to join." I say knowing this has to work.

"Okay we were to start a guild war with them anyways so who's this player." She say questioning me.

" I'm certain you know him already. Hie name is night and we want you to allow access for him to join but not to interfere with him."

At this she seemed taken aback and seems to think that we have very strong players with us now. I take the gold as she gets the cords to the sword. I leave the room as she gets a second message.

"Sorry to tell you, but our company only reaches out to players never the other way around.