
The Battle of Teppelin 2

Jayr POV - Earth, Teppelin - 1007 AFA-SW

After wishing good luck to Lordgenome, I teleport outside of the Dekabutsu's tower where Lordgenome's throne room is located bringing with me Guame.

Then I surround our bodies in a sphere of Spiral Power that not only lets us float in the air but also hides our presence from everyone else.

Done that, I take a quick glance at Dekabutsu which is still shedding its towers.

The Dekabutsu is extremely bulky and has a very uncomplicated humanoid shape with tiny legs and massive arms, one arm has a three-fingered hand, while the other ends in a giant hammer.

(Image Here - Dekabutsu)

And now that I take a good look at it, it's clear that the tower on top of Dekabutsu's head is its docking point for Lazengann, at the same time, I also realize, 'It can be assumed that, after Lazengann docked with Dekabutsu, the tower was constructed around it. Moreover, the tower also provides a unique interface, allowing Lordgenome to control the entire Gunman without needing to be inside Lazengann.'

Another thing that I realize just now is how the Dekabutsu itself seems to project Spiral Energy to all allied Gunman, as Beastmen-piloted Gunmen are usually unable to function during the night, which they doing right now, basically Lordgenome is powering up all his forces Gunmen by himself, that is quite a handicap to put onto oneself.

But my thoughts are interrupted by a still bound the by effects of my telekinesis Guame, who complains, "H-hey Jayr... Can you please put me down? You know that it is very rude to treat an elderly like this!?"

Hearing that, I chuckle and say, "Sorry, sorry. I kinda forgot about you for a moment."

Then my Silver Core Drill shines and soon after I find myself inside Cratergann, which then quickly combines with a newly summoned Galeon forming Crater Gar, of course, I also enlarge the Spiral Barrier around us to contain Crater Gar so that we can remain hidden from the Dai-Gurren's sensors.

Quickly after that, I teleport Guame into the lion face's cockpit, and through the internal communication system, I ask, "How is it? Better now?"

On the display, a window showing Guame sitting in the cockpit appears as he replies, "Yeah... thanks. I'm not used to flying with my body." then he pulls out his pipe, but before he could light it up I say, "Hey! No smoking inside Crater Gar. Even if it is harmless the annoying smell is still very similar and something I quite dislike, especially in enclosed spaces. If you really have to do it, then open the cockpit."

Making Guame frown before he opens the cockpit and starts smoking from his pipe while muttering, "What a brat... He doesn't understand the fine art of posing..."

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, the Dai-Gurren Brigade regrouped after fleeing from the collapse of the towers that made up the capital Teppelin, which destroyed some of the Gunmen piloted by the reinforcement, of course, I prevented them from dying crushed under the rubbles with a little bit of Telekinesis making sure that the debris would position in such a way that they can easily survive, 'Well they still need to be rescued, but that can be done by those that were able to escape Teppelin's collapse unscratched.'

At the same time, the members of the Dai-Gurren Brigade are stunned by the sight of the gigantic Gunmen, and I sense Kinon inside the bridge of the Dai-Gurren, looking at the radar and saying, "There is a reaction coming from what's left of Teppelin. This patter is..." and after a few moments, she exclaims, "Eh? No way! This reaction is... Gurren Lagann! There's another reaction that's completely identical to Gurren Lagann's!!"

Hearing that, I smile and say to Guame, "It looks like the dramatic final battle against the evil tyrannical Spiral King is about to start..." making him grunt in agreement.

Simon POV - Earth, Teppelin - 1007 AFA-SW

Hearing Kinon's words, I remember what Aniki told me about the Spiral King, how he also has a Lagann of its own, and so without hesitation, I make Gurren Lagann fly high above the sea of clouds to take a look at the top of this gigantic Gunmen.

Once there, I instantly notice a tower built on top of the Gunmen's head and mutter, "What's that?"

At the same time, I will Gurren Lagann to zoom in with its sight to take a closer look at it, and as the image gets closer and clearer, I mutter, "That's..."

When the top of the tower is clearly shown, I see a circular glass dome, and inside, in the middle of a mostly empty hall, I see a spiral throne, and sitting on it is a menacing bald man with his head resting on his left fist with a grin on his face as he looks at me.

As the image I'm seeing is sent back to the Dai-Gurren, I hear Nia shouts, "Father!!" making me realize that I'm indeed looking at our enemy, the Spiral King, Lordgenome, Nia's father.

At the same time, I hear Kamina as he yells, "Damn, Simon. That's some mean-looking father-in-law! I feel sorry for you!"

But I ignore his comment, as the only thing on my mind is to bring an end to this conflict that brought so much pain, and so I yell, "That guy... If I could defeat that guy...!" while making Gurren Lagann rush toward the tower drill first.

But soon the immense hand of this gigantic Gunmen appears in my path and Gurren Lagann's drill clashes against this Gunmen's finger, and no matter how much I try to push through, I'm unable to do so.

Then suddenly the gigantic Gunmen flicks its finger blowing Gurren Lagann away making us spin in mid-air like a whirligig until Dai-Gurren catches Gurren Lagann making us stop.

Still a little dizzy, I hear Leeron's voice as he asks, "Simon, Kamina, are you guys okay?", and looking at the window on the display that shows the inside of the Bridge I reply, "I guess...", followed by Kamina who yells, "This is nothing compared to what Jayr made me go through... But damn it! Like this, our drill can't penetrate at all!"

Just as I'm about to think about how to overcome the defense of that gigantic Gunmen, I hear Nia's voice as she says, "Simon, I have a favor to ask! Please take me to my father."

Stunned by her request, I can only mutter, "Nia..." before she continues, "I... wish to talk with my father."

Then as I think about her request, I hear Rossiu as he yells, "That is absurd! Lordgenome won't let us approach him that easily. Instead of trying to negotiate, planning ranged attacks would be a better move..."

But then Aniki's voice interrupts him as he says, "Why not? After all, Ojou-chan may be able to talk some sense in her father and stop him and make him change his ways. You'll never know unless you try!"

And Leeron adds, "He is right! And Rossiu, did you forget? The girl came all the way here to have a talk with her father. Making a woman's earnest wish come true is the proof of a proper man." while Nia continues to stare at me and says, "If you would be so kind!"

Hearing all that, I smile as confidently as possible and say, "Let's go, Nia!" making Rossiu once more question, "Are you serious, Simon-san?" and I reply, "Yeah, I'm serious!" making Kamina laughs out loud, "Ha, ha, ha. That's my Ototou!"

At the same time, I hear Kittan's voice as a window opens on the display he yells, "I'm coming too, Simon! I won't be satisfied until I kick that bastard's ass!" followed by all the other pilots that agree with him.

But then Dayakka says, "Sorry to disappoint, but it looks like you can't. As Rossiu said, approaching won't be all that easy."

As he said this, we all notice what he means as the countless Gunmen coming out of that huge Gunmen, making Kittan exclaims, "Just how many are there!?" followed by his younger sister Kiyal, "This feels pretty good to me, Kiyoh-sis!" and the oldest sister, the blonde Kiyoh adds, "Yeah, these many enemies are perfect for finally showing the power of the Black Siblings!"

Moved, Kittan can only say, "You two..." but when Kiyal asks, "Isn't that right, big brother?" Kittan replies, "Yeah, that's true... but you got one thing wrong."

And when his sisters show their confusion, he yells, "We're not showing them the power of the Black Siblings. We fight as the Dai-Gurren Brigade!" then all of their Gunmen raise their hands pointing at the sky using Aniki's iconic pose, as all the pilots of the Dai-Gurren Brigade cheers.

Then Kittan yells, "You guys, go! We'll clear up a path for the Dai-Gurren!" followed by the others who also cheer us on.

I move Gurren Lagann closer to the bridge, then I reach with its hand and wait for Nia to come, the window of the bridge opens and she quickly jumps on the hand, and I bring it close to the cockpit, making Nia jump into it, and as she sits on my legs she says, "Thank you, Simon."

I look back at her and with a smile, I say, "Let's go!" to which she replies with a, "Yes!" before I close the cockpit and prepare to break through all defenses to reach Nia's father, the Spiral King.

Jayr POV - Earth, Teppelin - 1007 AFA-SW

I watch as the two forces gather for one final assault, Gurren Lagann is standing on the Dai-Gurren's deck as they want to combine their power to push through Dekabutsu's defenses.

Soon the Dai-Gurren lift off, followed by all the Gunmen of the Dai-Gurren Brigade and the forces of the reinforcement and they move toward the advancing forces of the Beastmen.

Then the brutal fight between the two opposing forces starts with King Kittan leading the charge and the Dai-Gurren firing its cannons to open a path.

Guame, seeing this scene, let out a sigh and says, "Haa... Once more, this familiar scene appears in front of my eyes. A brutal war for survival... And like all the wars, the loss of life is a casual affair that happens way too often... I'm surprised that you'd allow this to happen, I took you for the type of guy that would have tried to stop this..."

I look at the scene of the two forces brutally fighting each other and say, "The me before I became a Saint would have... At that time, I was a simple doctor, whose only desire was to save as many lives as possible... But now... I'm not the same, I still desire to save as many lives as possible, something I'm doing even now as I'm discretely saving as many lives as possible, but I also understand that sometimes to save something, another one has to be destroyed..."

After I said this, we fall into silence as we continue to watch the two forces fight, meanwhile, I continue to discreetly save as many people as possible, of course, they won't come out of this conflict unharmed, but at least they will live and recover.

Suddenly, a path opens on the right side of the battlefield, and the Dai-Gurren, with Gurren Lagann still on its deck, rushes into it as it picks up speed aiming at the tower on top of Dekabutsu's head.

As Dai-Gurren rushes toward the Dekabutsu with Gurren Lagann standing on top of the deck with its drill ready, I hear Simon yells, "If we combine Gurren Lagann and Dai-Gurren's power...!"

But soon, the Dekabutsu makes its move and raises its massive hammer hand to meet with the charging Dai-Gurren and soon the two crash, and the Dai-Gurren pierce it pointed front into the hammer.

Then to get the Gurren Lagann past the massive hand of the Dekabutsu, the Dai-Gurren blasts a path through with its weapons, then launches its pointed front part with the Gurren Lagann riding on it.

The combination of all this allows the Gurren Lagann to pass through the massive hand crash into the Spiral King's tower, but it also leaves the Dai-Gurren in very bad condition.

Seeing that, Guame can't help but comment out loud, "Damn it... even if I saw how they usually act in the move, seeing it in person is a whole other thing... these guys are truly crazy! They really pull one impossible stun after the other." making me reply with a wry smile, "Well, their motto is: Kick logic to the curb and surpass the impossible. Something like this is at the very least expected of them."

Meanwhile, as Simon heads for Lordgenome posing as the Spiral King, the Dia-Gurren, who received too much damage, is clearly about to explode, so the rest of the crew ejects the main part of the Dai-Gurren with the bridge and detonates the other part, causing a massive explosion that causes the destruction of Dekabutsu's arm.

At the same time, I make Gar Cratergann float toward the tower, and arrive just in time to hear Lordgenome say, "So you managed to get here somehow, spiral boys."

Under Simon's control, Gurren Lagann takes a step forward, but it is immediately stopped by their first challenge, which comes in the form of Viral and his upgraded Gunmen, the four-armed Enkidudu who says, "Well dodged. As expected from you guys, Simon! Kamina!"

The Enkidudu is mostly the same as the previous version of the Enkidu, but it replaced the sickle crest with an extra pair of arms, meaning the Gunmen can now fight with four blades.

(Image Here - Enkidudu)

The reason why Viral is facing Simon and Kamina despise now knowing the whole truth is because he still wants to have a fair final fight with them to truly understand the power needed to save this world and to vent all the frustration he has accumulated through all his previous the failures, but still, he accepted that if he can't defeat them, that he will still play his role until the end.

Soon, Kamina's voice is heard as he says, "Viral, huh... I see that you are quite different from before... Simon, leave this one to me!" making Simon reply, "Okay, Aniki!"

Hearing that, Viral chuckles and says, "Heh, that's right! I'm a little different today! I've been given a body that can fight to no end without resting!" then Enkidudu rushes forward and starts to relentlessly attack Gurren Lagann with ferocious speed and power.

But under Kamina's control, Gurren Lagann easily parries and deflects every attack with only one hand as Viral continues to yell, "I've gone beyond the limits of ordinary Beastmen! This is your grave, humans!"

Unfortunately for Viral, the Gurren Lagann's first punch breaks the Enkidudu's swords making him yell, "That's impossib-." and the second drill-punch blows through it and knocks it across the room as he yells, "Why I can't win!?".

Seeing that, I let out a sigh and say, "It is still way too soon for Viral to compete with Simon and Kamina." Guame agrees with me as he comments, "That's right. Sure he has that immortal body granted by Lordgenome and as a complete lifeform he can now even produce Spiral Power, but he still doesn't know how to wield it... Too little time passed since his change. There is no way he can compete with a human that has awakened his Spiral Power and a freak like Simon, who can produce an almost impossible quantity of Spiral Power."

At the same time, Lordgenome plays his part and says mixing truth with some bullshit, "Viral... you're helpless. That power I granted you is not one used for fighting against humans. Beastmen can't even dream of defeating a human who has the power of the spiral. Viral... I did indeed give you a body that lives forever. But that was not so you would fight with it. You will be the one to live, passing on the story of the Spiral King's victory for all eternity. You will witness the last days of the foolish humans' existence... And then, tell the future generation how standing up against the Spiral King... is completely meaningless."

At this point, Nia then gets out the Gurren Lagann to speak with her father, and seeing her, Lordgenome, quickly morphs the relieved smile on his face into a mocking one and says in an amused tone, "Nia, eh?"

Nia looks back at her father and says, "It has been a long time, father." making Lordgenome reply, "You seem healthy. I didn't expect to see your face again."

Then she questions him, "Why do you do this, Father? To trap humans underground, killing anyone who comes to the surface... That is a horrible thing to do! Why did you give such an order? Is it really because of that Antispiral guy? If so please stop! Together we will be able to find another solution!"

Lordgenome narrows his eyes, then he starts to chuckle which quickly turns into a full blow laugh, then he says "Ignorance is a thing to be feared. You might think you're doing the right thing, however... The one protecting this world is me. I, Lordgenome, am the very guardian of mankind."

But Nia quickly counters, "A guardian should have no reason to kill humans! Do you not realize how wrong this world has become? There must be some other way!!"

Lordgenome then quickly says, "Nia. The world I created is the only kind of world where mankind can survive. Breaking free from it means that you will awaken an even bigger evil. That means that I can't let you do as you wish any longer. For the rest of humanity... you may die."

At the exact moment that he finishes saying this, a drill bursts from the ground aimed at Nia, and although the Gurren Lagann is able to deflect it, Nia goes flying off, but then Gurren Lagann is able to catch her with its hand.

Lordgenome then stands up as the spiral throne sinks to the floor and declares, "Your Spiral Power is quite strong. I'll teach you ignorant humans that such power will lead... to your very doom."

At the same, the girls of his harem let out a sensual moan and turn into human-sized drills as he continues, "It's about time you realized your foolishness."

The six drills then sink into the floor that opens and reveals Lazengann's figure that glows in bright green light as it sits in the Dekabutsu's cockpit.

Then as Lordgenome boards the Lazengann while his drill concubines merge into the mecha to help Lordgenome power it up, he continues his speech, "You are not the only one with the power of the spiral. I'll show you what true Spiral Power is. With this Lazengann!"

And the Lazegann in all its glory, rises and faces Gurren Lagann with its arms crossed, making me admire one of the coolest-looking Gunmen of this universe.

The Lazengann is a tall, black mecha, with a tail used for attacks, a helmet adorned with a single horn, and a mouthplate on its chest armor, and like Gurren Lagann its body has multiple holes in it from which drills can protrude.

(Image Here - Lazengann)

Then without giving them any time to react to the new situation, Lazengann jumps high in the air, and with a spin, it quickly comes down to hit Gurren Lagann with a powerful smash done with its fist.

Lazengann's attack misses and lands on the floor creating a big crater in it, at the same time, Gurren Lagann jumps back just in time to avoid this attack, but Lazengann quickly chases after it and hits it with a knee strike to the chest that sends Gurren Lagann into the air, quickly followed up by a spinning kick that sends Gurren Lagann crashing into the ground.

Seeing this, I mutter, "The Lazengann clearly has an upper hand in both speed and power, despise Simon having overwhelmingly more Spiral Power and Kamina having fully awakened his, they are still way behind Lordgenome in their use of Spiral Power."

Guame then adds, "Of course! Those brats are still too wet behind their ears to be able to match the current Lordgenome... after all, this isn't the Lordgenome that lost himself in his despair anymore, but it is once again the man that fought with everything he's got to protect humanity. Despite his skill being still rusty, his drive can't be compared to the weary Spiral King."

Meanwhile, the fight continues to Lazegann's advantage but soon pauses a little as the two mechas lock their hands and start to push each other for dominance, and, at the same time, Lordgenome starts a new speech, "Once there was another man who fought like you guys. He didn't know this power could bring the fall of mankind, either." making Simon question, "What do you mean!?" followed by Nia, "Father is this the reason you surrendered to that Antispiral guy? What is going on!?"

But Lordgenome ignores their question and says, "You don't need to know. You're going to die either way."

Lazengann breaks free and kicks away Gurren Lagann, then attacks Gurren Lagann with one of his long, slender drills, which is deflected by Gurren Lagann's Glasscutter.

Gurren Lagann then throws its Glass Cutter like a boomerang, which split in two in mid-air cutting through another set of slender drills shoot by Lazengann and pinning it in mid-air starting the iconic finishing move.

Gurren Lagann summons its Giga Drill while Simon screams the attack's name, then it flies towards the pinned mecha, however, the Lazengann catches the drill in its mouth and breaks it, and Lordgenome has no trouble breaking free and counterattacking, sending Gurren Lagann flying with an uppercut then piercing it body and pinning it to the wall with countless slender drills, of course, the drills "casually" miss the cockpits so Nia, Simon, and Kamina are still unharmed.

Kamina's voice is heard as he yells, "Do you think something like this would stop us!? Right, Simon?" then as Gurren Lagann slowly stands up once again, and Simon replies, "That's right, Aniki! We'll go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb! I believe in me and I believe in Aniki. We can still fight!"

Kamina and Simon yell together, ""Who the hell do you think we are!?"" and Gurren Lagann starts to unleash a torrent of Spiral Power that pushes Lazengann back and razes the dome to the ground.

At the same time, I hear Guame cackle in glee as he says, "Ah! They said it! They said the catchphrase!!"

Seeing that, Lordgenome chuckles and says, "Heh. You still have all this strength? However... struggling is useless!" and Lazengann rushes toward Gurren Lagann who does the same.

Once close enough, they both throw a punch at each other, but with his drill punch, Gurren Lagann is able to then break one of the Lazengann's arms, but the black Gunmen responds with a drill through the Gurren's cockpit.

It "luckily" hits Kamina's shoulder, so he's still able to pilot, but worried, Simon asks if Kamina is okay, making Kamina reply, "I'm fine!" then Kamina makes Gurren Lagann grab Lazengann holding it in place, and simply yells, "Simon! Go!!"

Simon instantly understands and proceeds to separate the Lagann from the Gurren.

Then he attempts to drive the Lagann down into the Lazengann with his Lagann Impact, but Lazengann uses its tail to bring down Gurren taking it out of the fight, and breaks free, then it uses its hand to defend against Lagann making Lagann drill through it and start the take over process.

But instead of letting the Lagann take over, Lordgenome says, "Trying to capture this Lazengann, eh?" and blows up the Lazengann's other arm.

Then Lordgenome says, "I see... looks like you didn't get this far with luck alone. But this is the end for you! You have no chance of winning without your body!"

But Simon, who refuses to lose, quickly yells back, "Stop blabbering around! We won't lose! Nia, Aniki, Yoko, Rossiu, Ron, Kittan, Dayakka... everyone in the Dai-Gurren Brigade believes in me! I, who believe in myself... I will never lose to someone like you!"

His Spiral Power surges once more powering up Lagann even more as it brings out its drills from its arms.

Seeing the Lagann power up, Lordgenome says, "Interesting! If that's the case, I won't hold back in crushing you!" and with his own Spiral Power surging so much that the green fire erupts from his scalp

Lordgenome also uses all his power and changes the Lazengann into one huge drill, and soon Lagann's small drill, and Lazegann's colossal one start clashing, neither gaining an advantage over the other.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

Odyincreators' thoughts