
Prelude of Chaos 

Jayr POV - Earth, New York City - 2022

It took quite a while for Becca, Butcher, and the others to calm down after I resurrected Becca, and even more to explain to Becca what happened since she died, something that almost made her rush back to her son, Ryan, but we all calmed her down saying that for now he was safe, and after that, they changed the topic and talked about me and my plan to deal with the Vought and the other Supes, especially a certain, using Butcher's words, "Cunt."

Of course, the "I am really an almost omnipotent being" revelation also made them very uncomfortable and unsure on how to act in my presence, especially Anne who is the most religious among them, and Becca, who I just resurrected.

So I had to explain to them that I'm not that much different from them because first of all, I was born as a normal human and only recently reached such a level of power thanks to a hell lot of training and many fortunate coincidences, that I feel happy, sad, bored, amused, horny like everyone else, the only difference between me and them is that I can basically live forever as long as I don't get killed and that I have a different awareness of the reality that surrounds me that makes me able to manipulate it as I desire within a limited set of rules, of course, I avoided the more simple answer of "I am really a God" as it can cause more problem than is worth.

At this point of the discussion, a genuinely curious Frenchie asks, "If you are like some kind of God, does that mean that you also have some kind of religion or I don't know people who worship you?"

Hearing that, I sigh and say, "Hah. Funnily enough, I had a religion before I even became so powerful. You see, almost 2 years ago I saved a world from an evil tyrannical God that manipulated the people of that world into an everlasting war just for his own amusement and after I killed him, as I didn't want the hero worship treatment, I asked to not let the people know that I was the one that dealt with him. But after that god showed his true face trying to wipe out all life in that world, the people needed a new pillar to lean on, and one of the rulers came up with the "brilliant" idea of introducing a new god that saw the plight of the people and choose to save them."

After that brief summary, I end this by explaining, "Moreover, that queen used my persona as a template of this new god, and to avoid possible conflicts between the people, I also helped in coming up with a simple doctrine and even wrote a "Holy Book" with clear ideas on what that god stands for. And so Jayceon, God of Healing and Justice was born."

Curious, Anne asks, "Wait! Do you mean that you have a world's worth of people praying to you?" to which I reply, "Actually yes..." while thinking 'But luckily I have to focus on it to hear them, something I do for a couple of minutes a day, and I only answer them if the problem they are facing is something that is truly outside of mortal competence, which is something very rare, in the other cases, I simply nudge them in the right direction after all for most of the mortal matters my healers and judges are enough.'

Having enough of this topic, I change the topic back to the plan to bring down the Vought and the corrupted Supes, and we start to talk about how to deal with the aftermath of the revelation of Vought's dirty secrets and Homelander's public exposure and defeat so as to fully and swiftly bring everything down before the Vought could try to fix it.

At this point, Meave suggests contacting all the Vought's political enemies, at the same time, she and Anne will leave the Seven and the Vought for good pulling with them all the Supes they know that truly want to help while publically denouncing everything they know the Vought and other Supes did taking advantage of their current popularity.

Meanwhile, Butcher will talk about it with the former deputy director of the CIA, former leader of The Boys, and his mentor Grace Mallory, who will use her expansive contacts to further eliminate every chance of the Vought recovering from the shitstorm that is about to hit them, but it tells me that he will need at the very least half a day to prepare everything.

At this point, Anne says, "That's perfect! Tomorrow night there will be a big special for Homelander's birthday and it will be shown on every Vought channel all over the world!"

Realizing what Anne is implying, Meave adds, "That means that almost everyone in the world will be watching it! That's the perfect time to oust the Vought and Homelander."

Hearing that Butcher smirks and adds, "And for sure that leading lady cunt will snap when his special occasion gets ruined in such a fuckin' way."

I nod and say, "Okay then I will act tomorrow night during the big special for Homelander's birthday. Anyway, I told you guys everything you need to know about my plan, and now you also have your own part in it to follow. Now let's stop talking about this boring topic and let's have a nice dinner."

As I said this, I led everyone into the kitchen and continued, "Now, to thank Hughie and Annie for letting me use their place, I thought it was a nice idea to prepare a very delicious dinner. So here is it. A true to god Italian made pizza, nothing like the abominations you are forced to eat here!"

Everyone then looks at the seven still fuming, thanks to a temporal stasis, palate-wetting pizzas, making everyone exclaim in wonder, while Frenchie asks, "You made all of this?"

I look at Frenchie and reply, "Of course, I did. This is a genuine product, all made with Italian ingredients."

Then I start to proudly introduce them, "First we have the four classics, the Margherita, the Quattro Formaggi (Four Cheese Pizza), the Capricciosa, and the Tonno e Cipolla (Tuna and Onion)."

Then I point at the three special ones and say, "After the four classics, the last three pizzas are what can be considered gourmet pizzas, my own personal creations, and probably something that every regular human being should consume only once a month. The first one is the Incazzata (Pissed Off), a very spicy and delicious pizza, its topping is made of fresh provola, Calabrian 'nduja, fresh sausage, baked Tropea onions, and olive oil. The next one is sweeter but also very delicious, its name is the Noce (Walnut), and its topping is made of milk cream, walnut cream, baked tropea onions, fresh baked sausage, and flakes of Parmigiano Reggiano. The last one, is a royal one, the Tartufata Bianca, (White Truffled), its topping is made of white truffled cream, porcini mushrooms, milk cream, and provolone del Monaco, then once this base is baked, I pull it out and add buffalo milk cherries and pistachio grain. This is all, Buon Appetito."

After I'm done with introducing the pizzas, I hear everyone loudly gulp as they admire my masterpieces, at least until I hear Hughie mutter, "Too bad he did make a Pineapp-." but before he could finish the sentence and anyone else could react, I turn around and use one of Saga's favorite techniques, Demon Emperor Fist.

With a quick movement of my hand, I shoot a beam of light that goes through Hughie's brain at the speed of light, and then I say, "Repeat after me... That kind of pizza doesn't exist."

Hughie with a blank gaze repeats, "...That kind of pizza doesn't exist."

Hearing that I nod with a smile and continue, "I will never put pizza and pineapple in the same phrase ever again in Jayr's presence." once again Hughie repeats after me, "... I will never put pizza and pineapple in the same phrase ever again in Jayr's presence."

Right at this moment, the others finally react to what just happened, and Becca asks worried, "Isn't that a little excessive?"

Meanwhile, Frenchie adds, "Bloody hell! Why do you hate the Hawaiian Pizza so much? Are you Italian perhaps?"

I look at Becca and assure her, "Don't worry, he will be fine." after that I answer Frenchie's question, "Yes, I'm Italian, but we don't hate pineapple on pizza as much as you think, in fact, most don't even care as we put all kinds of things on a pizza to try to find new combinations, it's just that for my taste all the ingredients of that abomination don't mix at all, sure some may like it, but for me that is just a failed product and should never be made again... Anyway, let's stop talking about the pizza that should not be named."

After that small instance, we all sit around the kitchen table and everyone takes a slice of the pizza they want to try and start to eat together.

As soon as they take the first bite, every one of them goes through a real foodgasm, as Anne's glowing eyes clearly indicate, in fact, their reaction is so strong that for a moment, I'm worried that they enjoyed themselves so much that soiled their underwear.

Luckily such a thing didn't happen, at least not to everyone, and soon they started to devour their slices and the rest of the pizzas at a record time.

After we are done eating, Butcher lets out a contented sigh and comments, "Goddamit! For a moment I was worried that I needed a clean pair of briefs... It's almost illegal how good that was!" making all the others agree.

Then they quickly recompose themselves and soon we start to leave Hughie's apartment to start the preparation for tomorrow and give him some alone time with his girlfriend.

Kimiko and Frenchie will go back to the headquarters to rest, Meave will go back to the Vought Tower to prepare for tomorrow, while Butcher will bring Becca to Ryan and will tell Grace Mallory to call her contacts and tell them what is about to happen.

Meanwhile, once outside the apartment, I start to walk around to search for a good place to start my broadcast while thinking, 'It needs to be in some secluded place so that in case Homelander comes there won't be collateral damage.'

But after walking for a while, an idea suddenly appears in my mind, 'Wait! Maybe is better to shoot my broadcast in the Vought Tower and more precisely from the Meeting Room, that should piss off Homelander even more!'

And with this new direction, I don't hesitate anymore and simply teleport into the Vought Tower, more precisely into one of the empty apartments dedicated to the Seven on the 99th floor.

Soon I find myself in a medium-sized apartment with marble floors and walls, of course, as soon as I appear in the apartment, I make sure to mask my presence with Space Magic making me undetectable to almost anything.

There are two segments, an open living space and a bedroom, the living space is two stories tall and contains a large chandelier, while the bedroom has a queen-sized bed with dark covers directly opposite to the archway leading into it.

Looking at it, I find it somewhat familiar, and after searching my memories, I finally mutter in shock, "Damn! Isn't this the nazi's apartment!? Let me purify everything here before I touch it."

Then I instantly use my Spiral Cosmo to erase everything here from existence leaving behind only the floor and the wall which are now spotlessly clean, after that, I recreate everything I deem necessary like a bed, some chairs, a table, a flatscreen TV, and other simple things.

Done with that, I move to the bedroom and lay on the bed to rest and wait for tomorrow, the day Vought International will fall.

Butcher POV - Earth, Kerhonkson - 2022

As I'm driving in the middle of the night, I continue to take a glance and the woman sitting on the passenger seat of this car from time to time, still somewhat in disbelief that such a miracle truly happened in front of my eyes, and even more so afraid that all this is only a fucking dream, so much that more than a few times I pinched my thigh, but as the expected pain comes so does the incredible wave of joy.

While thinking that, I finally arrive in front of the military's roadblock and stop as a soldier checks my security clearances for Ryan and the Colonel's safe house, while also telling the guy to inform her of my presence.

Getting the clearance, I slowly drive toward the house, at the same time, I notice that Becca is getting increasingly more nervous as we get closer, so I take her hand and try to reassure her, "Don't worry, I'm sure that Ryan will be more than happy to see you again. You're his mother after all. Everything will be fine now, that Cunt and the Vought's days are now counted. The day after tomorrow you will be finally free."

That seems to work a little, then I stop the car in front of the house, get out, and instantly see the familiar stern 1,78 meter-tall middle-aged woman with blonde hair and blue eyes waiting as she stands in front of the door, she is my mentor, Colonel Grace Mallory.

(Image Here - Grace Mallory)

I walk toward her, and once close enough she asks, "Why are you here again and at this late hour? Did something happen?"

Hearing that, I hold back my smile and reply, "Something really fucking happened!" at the same time, I hear the sound of the car's door opening and notice that the Colonel's gaze moves toward the person coming out of the car and see her eyes widen in shock as she recognizes Becca, and mutters, "What the hell is going on here!?"

At this point, I'm unable to restrain my smile anymore, I simply say, "I fucking met a freaking... I don't even know what to exactly call him, let's just say very powerful being from another planet, universe, or whatever the hell it is. And he is gonna make a move against the Vought and its Supes. This is our best chance to bring them down once and for all."

After that I started to explain my meeting with Jayr, his plan, how he revived Becca in front of my eyes, and so on, meanwhile, Becca, after greeting the Colonel, rushed inside to watch over the sleeping Ryan.

Jayr POV - Earth, New York City - 2022

A new day comes with the sun's first light of the day illuminating the bedroom and I open my eyes, jump out of bed, and walk toward the bathroom to have a relaxing cold shower and take care of my personal hygiene.

Sure, I don't really need to do it anymore as I could easily take care of that in an instant with my powers, but it is more of a habit than a necessity.

After that, I sit on the couch and turn on the TV, and the first thing I hear is the almost iconic movie announcer's voice, "This Thursday on VTV: Television for Women..."

And soon after that starts a trailer of featuring the Deep which tells the story of the Deep, who is trying to redeem himself and fix his career after getting kicked out of the Seven.

To do so, he ends up joining the Church of the Collective, the usual blackmailing abusive cult, who promises him that they can give him everything he wants and more, however as time goes on, he finds out that everything has a cost.

After finding out that the Church is violating his and his wife's, Cassandra's, personal privacy and that they have been lying to him, he comes to the conclusion that the only choice is to run, and so his "heroic escape" from the Church of the Collective is beautifully narrated.

At the end of the trailer, the announcer's voice says, "Not Without My Dolphin. Brought to you by Lean Lady frozen dinners, by Vought." and I can't help but comment out loud, "What kind of shitty movie is this? Oh, wait! This is the parody of that really old movie Not Without My Daughter..."

Just as I was saying that the images on the TV change and the close-up of Homelander with his soulless eyes and a fake smile appears as he says, "Tonight, simulcast live across VBS, VTV, VNN, Vought Soul and Voughtemundo, join me for my annual Birthday Spectacular, along with my cocaptain Starlight, as well as Emeril Lagasse, Rascal Flatts, Supersonic, the cast of Riverdale, Dame Judi Dench and, of course, my dear friend Black Noir..."

But I have enough of this shit and turn off the tv and bring out my laptop and turn it on, then I start to further study all the information I have, and focus to prepare my speech for tonight, as I have to make sure that everything is delivered clearly for maximum effect.

Butcher POV - Earth, New York City - 2022

I'm standing in front of the door of M.M.'s apartment after leaving Kerhonkson, leaving Becca with a happier than ever Ryan, as the Colonel is gathering all the allies she can to prepare for what could very easily be the fucking happiest day of my life after yesterday when that kid revived my Becca in front of my very eyes.

The reason I'm here is quite simple, I want to give M.M. the good news and also tell him what I learned about Soldier Boy, moreover, I think he would be interested in the company that Jayr and the others want to build to regulate the Supes and safely distribute and protect the Anti-V.

I take a deep breath, knock on the door three times, and wait for M.M. to open the door.

After a few seconds, the door opens and a 1.8 meters tall, buff African-American man with black hair and eyes, and a short boxed beard opens the door and lets out a sigh as soon as his gaze lands on me, he is my friend and second-in-command Marvin T. Milk aka Mother's Milk, M.M.

(Image Here - M.M.)

I smile and greet him, "All right, mate?" then I notice the young girl that just moved to his side, his daughter Janine, and says, "Bloody hell, Janine. You shot up. You remember your Uncle Billy, don't you? Here. I got this for you. You and your dad can build it together. 523 pieces of family fun." and offer her the gift I brought on my way here, a model kit of the Vought Tower, not something I'd like to give to a kid knowing what I know, but she likes such things.

Once inside, I tell M.M. everything, about the kid, his plan, the Anti-V, Becca's resurrection, and Soldier Boy's fate, I also tell him about the plans for the new and better company that will take the Vought's place, so that it can truly regulate the Supes and make it so that only those that truly want to be out there to save and help people will remain while those that only bring harm will be stripped of their powers and put behind the bars or even put down, and that if he is interested, the doors will always be open for him.

To say that M.M. was shocked by the various revelations is a fucking understatement, but just before I left, he also said that tonight he will join us at the HQ to see with his own eyes what is going to happen, bringing a smile to my face.

??? POV - Earth, New York City - 2022

'It's been a day since I was suddenly transported here for the Random Battle, and luckily it is a world that I know, the world of the TV show The Boys, while I don't remember much about it as too much time passed and the show itself wasn't among my favorite ones, I know that thanks to have awakened all my potential, the only one that could maybe a truly kill me is the other Champion. But even if that isn't true, my situation is still a bad one, I'm alone now and I can't use my most versatile tool, my magic, and the power granted by my blessing is still weak so it is possible that if I'm truly unlucky I'll... No! I will still find a way to survive and reunite with them no matter what!'

While I was thinking that, and walking around the streets of this shitty Superhero infested version of New York City, I hear the voice of a man nearby as he yells, "Oh, my God! Don't jump!"

Hearing that, I rush toward the point of origin, and see many people looking up at a young Caucasian girl with blonde hair as she stands on a rooftop, planning to kill herself by jumping.

At the same time, I notice that the parody of Supermen lands on the same rooftop, and remembering what kind of person he is, I focus on my hearing to listen to them and hear Homelander as he says, "Hi, Chelsea. It's your lucky day. Well, considering. You're-you're my annual birthday save."

The girl, Chelsea then says in a shaky tone, "D-Don't come any closer." but Homelander ignores her and continues with his speech, "Life is a precious gift. To throw yours away would be a real slap in the Lord's face, don't you think? You don't want to go to hell for all eternity, do you?"

Chelsea then simply states, "I'm Jewish." making Homlander stop for a few seconds in an awkward pause, then he says, " I... All right, well, regardless, just step back from the ledge, please?"

At the same time, I hear a woman's voice as she commands, "Okay, that's good. Just don't be afraid of the zoom. You're not Roger Deakins. Mike, frame up. He could be flying down any second." making the cameraman reply, "Yep. You got it." but suddenly I hear a phone chime and hear the same woman curse out loud, "Oh, fսck." making me have an uneasy feeling about the current situation.

Meanwhile, Homelander continues, "Come on, look. I'm here now. If you jump, I'm just gonna fly down and save you anyway. It's all futile and..."

But suddenly he stops and I look at the nearby big screen, where the news clip of someone named Stormfront dying by suicide is being shown, and at the same time, I hear him mutter, "Sh-She wouldn't... It's my... It's my birthday. She... She..."

The bad feeling I'm having grows stronger as I see the images of Homelander and this Stromfront together, jolting my memories about her.

Then after a pause, Homelander says in an aggressive tone, "You probably don't know this because, you know, Jew, but Jesus wasn't born on the 25th of December. That was piggybacked off a pagan festival, and guess what. Today is not my birthday, either. Nope. Don't know when it is, but it sure as hell ain't today. This was just chosen for me by a marketing department. I mean, I can't even have a birthday at all. I wasn't born. I was just poured out of a fսcking test tube. Immaculate conception. I know exactly how he must have felt. Jesus."

Then he exhales and continues as the anger in his tone grows stronger scaring the shit out of the poor girl, "You give and you give... You give your whole fսcking life, and what happens? People just tear you down. Why do people destroy their gods? H-How is it fair that you get saved, while a beautiful, perfect god gets killed?"

He makes a long pause, and I already have a hint of what is about to happen so I get ready to act because there is no way, I'll let that bastard hurt her.

Then Homelander says, "You know what, Chelsea? I think you should jump."

Now truly terrorized, the girl says, "I-I don't think I want to." but he doesn't stop and says, "You don't want to? Why don't you show a little follow-through, Chelsea? Jump."

About to cry, she pleas, "Please, I... I just want to get down." but again he ignores her and says, "I'm not suggesting anymore. Jump."

She is now fully crying in despair as she steps back and begs as she realizes that she has nowhere to escape, "No. No, please. Oh, God, oh, God."

Homelander quickly chides her, "No, no, no. No, God. The only man in the sky is me."

At this point, brought to despair the poor girl jumps, and at the same time, I make my move, I start to run at my full speed becoming a blur for all the other humans, and quickly move and safely grab the falling girl, who in the meantime passed out, thanks to my superhuman strength and by manipulating the gravity around me making her body lighter and her fall slower, then without hesitation, I continue to run, to bring her as far as possible from here.

As I get away, I look at the passed-out girl in my arms with tears running down her face and can't help but think, 'What a piece of shit! He is lucky that I can't use my magic to give him a very slow and painful death! Maybe I can grant her the power to take revenge with her own hands... No for some that could very well be a curse.'

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

Odyincreators' thoughts