
Leaving Little Garden

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Little Garden - 20 GAP

I'm watching Koby from the distance and can't help but smile seeing how he just convinced both Darry and Brogi to stop their endless duel, something that not even the Straw Hats were able to do, then my smile becomes a wry one while I think, 'Not that they wanted to do it in the first place... if I remember well, both Luffy and Usopp quite admired the Giants' dedication to their belief and honorable value as warriors too much to see that there was another solution to their fight that allows them to keep their honor and life...' 

Thinking that, I let out a sigh while thinking, 'Well, I admit that I'm also kinda biased, as I personally think that honor isn't a reason good enough reason to die for, I feel that there are way better reasons for example to protect someone you care, save many lives, or even guarantee your kids future happiness and safety...'

Then I focus back on Koby and a proud smile once again forms on my face, 'Another thing that I'm pleased with is just how much Koby has grown in these 3 days of constantly facing the dangers of this island. He is now a lot more confident than before, as the old Koby would have never spoken out like that. And that isn't the only change he went through, now he is a lot more aware of his surroundings...' 

After that, I focus on his physical state, and I once again sigh, 'But as expected he went through quite a lot to reach this state... his clothes are ripped in many places, they are more like rags than proper clothes, but strangely his glasses are still perfectly fine. His body isn't exactly healthy either, there are scratches, bite marks, and even some cracked bones all over his body... Luckily he always made sure to take care of his wounds as fast as possible, so they weren't infected, and he was also careful with the water he drank, making sure to always boil it first, so he didn't ingest any deadly bacteria... but he was bit by quite a few insects, and among them there is also the bite mark of the tick Kestia which carries the Five Day Disease, but luckily I already made sure that Koby's immune system is strong enough to easily deal with such things.'

At this point, the Giants are happily laughing feeling ecstatic about the sudden end of their centennial duel, and thanking Koby for helping them realize God Elbaf's will, so I quickly teleport beside Koby and put my hand on his shoulder, I compliment him, "Good job, Koby. You were able to survive 3 days on this deadly island while receiving minimal help from Dorry and Brogi."

While saying that, I also take advantage of this moment to fully heal Koby's body from all his wounds and afflictions.

My sudden appearance obviously surprises everyone present, as Koby shouts, "Jayr-san!?" while Dorry and Brogi quickly raise their guard clearly wary of me.

But I quickly tried to calm them down by introducing myself, "Nice to meet you two. My name is Jayr and I'm Koby's teacher." I slightly lower my head and thank them, "Let me express my gratitude for allowing Koby to rest safely in your camp these 3 days."

This seems to work as both the Giants' tense bodies start to relax, and quickly after Dorry laughs out loud as he says, "Gegyagyagya! You don't need to thank us for that! It was nice to have some pleasant company after all this time." Brogi quickly follows after him as he says, "Moreover, little Koby also helped us figure out something really important! Without him, it is really possible that we would have continued our duel for another 100 years! Gababababa!"

Suddenly the biggest volcano once again erupts, and on instinct both Dorry and Brogi rush toward their weapons and then rush against each other to start to fight once more making Koby scream in panic, "Dorry-san! Brogi-san! Stop! Stop!!".

Seeing that, I can't help but whistle and say, "*Pwee* Wow, that is for sure some conditioned response... They fought so much and for so many years that as soon as they heard the sound of that volcano erupting they quickly started to fight each other disregarding everything else..."

Just as they are about to clash, I flare my Spiral Cosmo, generating a wave of spiritual pressure that acts just like the Haoshoku Haki (Conqueror's Haki), only this time, I don't aim at knocking them out cold, but simply snap them out of their frenzied state.

Gladly, it works like a charm as the Giants stop just as they are about to hit each other with their weapons, then they both look at me and mutter in synch, ""That was Haoshoku Haki (Conqueror's Haki)...""

At this point, Koby once again yells, "Brogi-san! Dorry-san! We just talked about how there isn't a need for you two to fight anymore! How could you start again so quickly!?"

Both Dorry and Brogi appear to be embarrassed as they scratch the back of their head staring at the ground, then Dorry apologizes and explains, "Sorry, sorry, little Koby. You see we did this so many times and for so long, that when we heard the sound of the volcano our first instinct was to fight each other. Gegyagyagya!" 

Brogi nods and with a laugh, he adds, "Gababababa! That's right, we just aren't used to this new sudden situation yet. I think that in these 100 years, we just got too used to fighting against one other, it will likely take some years to get used to it."

I smile wryly and say, "Well, a simple solution would be leaving this island and returning to Elbaf. You know without that volcano signal you won't be compelled to fight by the instinct that you have honed in these 100 years..." 

Koby nods and adds, "And it isn't like you guys can't fight anymore either, you can continue to do so as much as you like, just do it without the intent to kill, as you guys aren't fighting for your honor anymore, but just to keep your fighting skill sharp."

At this point, both Brogi and Dorry agree and nod their heads in sync, then Dorry says, "That's true, and since our duel finally came to an unexpected end. It is finally time for us to use the Eternal Pose and return back to Elbaf, only..." 

But then Dorry stops as he realizes something, and Brogi standing beside him concludes, "... Only we just realized a little problem. At the moment we don't have either a ship or a boat capable of bringing us back to Elbaf... we have to build a new one from scratch... And I don't know how much time it will take especially since we will very likely stop working and start fighting again each time the volcano erupts."

Hearing that, I simply smile and say, "That won't be a problem for much longer...I'll take care of that."

After saying that, I take a deep breath and focus as what I'm about to do needs very delicate control and pinpoint precision, at the same time, I also briefly release my self-imposed limits on my awareness to clearly feel and sense the full situation of this island and everything else in the surroundings.

Just as Brogi, Dorry, and Koby were about to ask what I was planning to do to resolve this problem, I relaxed my body and threw a powerful and precise punch bashing the ground with my fist, but for an instant nothing happened, in fact, I didn't even damage the ground. 

But, the next moment, the whole island starts to fiercely shake, so much that Koby, Brogi, and Dotty almost fall on the ground unable to maintain their balance, while all kinds of creatures are randomly escaping in panic.

But after a few seconds, everything stops shaking and returns calm, and finally unable to contain his curiosity a slightly panicked Koby asks, "What was that? What did you do, Jayr-san!?"

After confirming that everything is fine, I quickly restore my self-imposed limits, then look at everyone and explain, "Well, I'll try to explain it as simply as possible. Basically, I just shifted some moving masses of rock that exist very deep underground in such a way that they shut off the volcanos from the magma chamber beneath them, and so making it very difficult for the magma pressure or gas pressure to naturally reach the level needed to cause an eruption. To make it even more simple I just put those volcanos over there to sleep, they won't erupt again for a little over 100 years."

This seems to shock Koby as he once again asks, "Wait! Wait! Jayr-san! Are you telling us that you just put 5 volcanoes to sleep with a simple punch!?" 

In response, I simply nod and say, "Yes, but it wasn't a simple punch, you know? I had to be very careful and precise, I needed to use the perfect amount of power to just shift the masses underground just enough to shut off the manga chamber without causing any other unwanted damage. Too little power and I could have caused all the volcanos to erupt at the same time with such force that they could have very well destroyed the whole island. Too much and... well the results would have been very ugly."

While saying that I can't help but think, 'Too much power and in the best case I could have seriously damaged this world's crust and uppermost mantle causing countless natural disasters all over this world. In the worst, I would damage this world's core, causing a good old world-ending explosion... then bye-bye planet Blue Star. Well, not that I'll allow something like that to happen, even in the rare case that I made a mistake, I could always use Restoration Magic to bring everything back to its pristine state.'

Suddenly both Brogi and Dorry start to laugh out loud, ""Gegyagyagya!/ Gababababa!""

Then Dorry says, "Little Koby your teacher is for sure a powerful individual! I have never heard of someone able to stop a volcano from erupting with a single punch."

Brogi nods and adds, "That's right! I have heard and seen people destroying mountains, cities, or even whole islands with the power of their bodies. But stopping a force of nature like a volcano is a first even for me. How lucky you are!"

At this point, I look between Koby and the Giants, then I smile and say, "Well, since Koby completed his Survival Training, you guys resolved the issue with your centennial duel, and I temporarily fixed your problem with the volcano that triggered your conditioned response. I think it is finally time to celebrate with a well-deserved hearty meal. You are obviously invited. What do you think?"

Once again both the Giants laugh at the same time in perfect sync as they reply, ""That's right. At this point, a feast is a must!""

I nod then I say, "Well, I will go and prepare everything needed. You guys can find our ship on the river that flows through this island near the exit of the western side of the island, you know which one, right?" seeing both of them nod, I continue, "You can come when the sun is at its highest, and don't worry, I'll make sure to make some Giant-sized portions of both meat and mead!"

Hearing that the Giants smile widely as Dorry says, "Oh! It's been quite a long time since I had some mead! I can't wait for it! Gegyagyagya!" followed by Brogi who says, "It's a feast!!"

After that, Dorry and Brogi start to hack down the trees in the surroundings mostly to make use of them to build their boat to leave Little Garden, meanwhile, I and Koby start to walk back toward the Athena's God Bidoof, hunting all the big-sized dinosaurs we meet on our way to use them as main ingredients for the feast I'm going to prepare.

Of course, I'm very careful to not kill too many of them, just enough to satisfy the appetite of 2 Giants and everyone else on the Athena's God Bidoof and mostly those dinosaurs that are already wounded from a failed or successful, after all, I don't want to harm this ecosystem too much, this is also the reason why I just put those volcanos in a dormant state only for hundreds of year instead of simply destroying them of turn them into extinct volcanos. 

After some time, we are finally back to the Athena's God Bidoof with several dinosaur corpses floating right behind us and everyone is standing on the deck waiting for us to return, or more precisely to greet Koby's back and congratulate him for his successful Survival Training.

And indeed, as soon as we jump on the Athena's God Bidoof's deck, everyone starts to clap their hands and cheer while yelling, ""You did it! Congratulations, Koby!!""

Koby looks very moved by everyone's caring for him, so much that he starts to choke a little as his eyes get watery and says, "T-Thank you very much, everyone!"

At this point, Seika comes forward and says, "You did very well. You can rest now, take a bath, change into some clean clothes, and enjoy the feast that we will prepare for you." Koby nods and says, "Y-Yes! Thank you, Seika-san." 

One after the other, all came close to Koby and congratulated him for his successful endeavor, probably this is the first time that Koby received this much attention and goodwill, as he became a shy mess, and after that, he rushed inside the Athena's God Bidoof's living quarters to finally take a hot, relaxing bath and after that, put on some proper clothes.

Meanwhile, Seika and I started to prepare the dinosaur's meat and side dishes for the upcoming feast while Eri, Tio, Vivi, and Igaram prepared the table on the shore of the river, of course, they also made sure to create two giant-sized places for Dorry and Brogi, so that everyone can enjoy the meal together.

At the same time, while I'm focusing on roasting the dinosaur's meat, I also carefully brewing my own mead using a little bit of Telekinesis as an extra arm and Restoration Magic to speed up the process.

Luckily brewing mead is a lot simpler than it seems, first, the main ingredients of mead are only water, honey, yeast, and the Nymphs' Fruits for added flavor, then one needs some simple tools that I can easily create using my Spiral Cosmo, then it comes the various steps to brew mead.

The first step, sanitize all the equipment, this is the most important as even the smallest amount of bacteria can derail your entire mead-making operation, luckily for me, this is quite easy. 

Second step, boil your water in a large pot, and once at boiling point, pull it off the stove and mix in the honey and the juice of the Nymphs' Fruit thoroughly.

Third step, add cool water to your mixture in order to bring the temperature down and form an acceptable climate for the yeast, if it's too hot or too cold, the yeast won't properly activate.

Fourth step, measure the temperature of your water, honey, and juice mixture, when it's between 80 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit, transfer your liquid over to the wooden barrels to ferment it in, then add yeast, and yeast nutrients, and vigorously stir as the more oxygen the better at the start of fermentation, measure the starting gravity via Hydrometer or sense and seal the top. 

Usually, one will want an airlock of some sort filled with sanitizer or clear liquor that allows air to escape during the fermentation process while deterring bacteria on the outside but a simple use of my Spiral Cosmo makes for an easier and faster solution.

The fifth step, allow the mixture to ferment for about a month, of course, the longer the better, in a cool, dry area, and once again Restoration Magic is for the win in this case as it allows me to speed up the process to just a few seconds.

There is also a sixth and last step, which is to bottle the fermented mead, usually, this is done with a piece of siphoning equipment, but I simply teleport it into an already closed bottle and get done with, and of course, these small bottles are in the end for our use, because for Dorry and Brogi, the wooden barrel will work as their glasses just fine.

(AN: The process is really mostly like this, only I have left behind some nuances and details that while useless for the story are important for the production, like if you add too much honey or some fruit or anything with sugar, it is possible to start a second fermentation when you siphon the mead in a bottle causing it to explode, so if you are curious, want to do it, and is your first time doing something like this, do not use this as a guide or recipe.)

In the end, I end up brewing more than 2 dozen of bottles, and almost as many barrels of mead, which should be enough to entertain the Giants without them ending up dead drunk, or at least I hope so. 

After some time, it is finally time for lunch, and both our guests, Brogi and Dorry, arrive on the shore of the river, quickly after introducing everyone to the Giants, we gather around the prepared table and start to merrily eat, drink, and have a lot of fun celebrating both the end of the Giant's duel and the successful completion of Koby's Survival Training. 

At one point, Dorry laughs out loud as he yells, "Gegyagyagya! This is one of the best meats I have ever had in my life, I never knew that dinosaur meat could taste so good!!" followed by Brogi, who adds, "Gababababa! That's right, Dorry! And this mead is exceptional too!! I usually prefer rum as it is much stronger, but this one is just too delicious to drink!!"

Needless to say, both of them are having a good time, just like everyone else, and even Vivi and Igaram who were at first very intimidated by the Giants' impressive size are now having fun with them too. 

Like that, we continued to celebrate, eat, drink, and play games, basically, we simply had fun for the rest of the day, until the sun started to set.

In the end, even if the mead wasn't too strong, Brogi and Dorry drank so much of it, that they ended up drunk, and fell asleep soon after with a big grin on their faces, while both the kids and the girls were showing signs of fatigue. 

Seeing that, I smile and decide that it is time for everyone to go to bed as tomorrow we will say goodbye to Little Garden and head toward the next island on our route, the winter island Drum Island.

The next day, we are all standing on the deck of the Athena's God Bidoof which is ready to move out from the river that leads to the western exit of Little Garden, and standing on both of the shores, I can see the figures of Brogi and Dorry as they face the endless sea it is obvious that they came to see us off.

Seeing them, Koby rushes forward and waving his hand, he yells, "Brogi-san! Dorry-san! Farewell! We are going now! Be careful on your way home and please do not fight to kill each other anymore!"

Both the Giants wave back, then Dorry once again says, "Little Koby, I once told you some of the reasons why you little humans who come to Little Garden aren't able to reach the next island but..."

At this point, Brogi concludes, "... The most important reason why all the little ones who come here do not reach the next island lies straight ahead..."

Hearing that, I with little Kharna in my arms step forward and with a smile, I ask, "You guys are talking about the Island Eater, right?"

Seeing both of them nod, I reassure them, "We already know about its presence in these waters. Don't worry about it, we can deal with it."

They both smile, then Brogi says, "Of course, someone as strong as you can easily deal with it. We already knew about that." then Dorry adds, "That's why we are here only to say our farewell as you guys set sail to the next island, as well, thank you guys for both helping us and for all the delicious mead you have left us!"

After that, they raise their weapons point straight ahead, and yell at the same time, ""Now, go!! May we meet again in the future my friends!!""

At the same time, I smile and command, "Bidi, straight ahead to the next island at cruise speed!"

Soon, Athena's God Bidoof starts to move forward, but as soon as we leave the borders of Little Garden, the water ahead of us starts to rise as a humongous creature starts to appears in front of us.

It is an enormous fish, rivaling the size of even the most massive of Sea Kings. 

He resembled a typical white-red colored goldfish, with protruding eye sockets and a wide mouth that had a set of large teeth, this is the famous Island Eater.

(Image Here - Island Eater)

Its appearance shocks Koby, Vivi, and Igaram very much despite them already knowing about its existence, I even hear Dorry in the distance as he calmly comments, "Oh! Well, well, well. Hasn't he grown quite a bit since the last time we have seen him, Brogi?"

Brogi then replies, "The most surprising thing isn't the size of this goldfish... but rather the size of the feces it craps out, after swallowing whole islands!" Dorry just as quickly replies, "Yes certainly... feces enormous enough to be called the Nanimonai Island."

At this point, Brogi laughs and says, "Gegyagyagyagya... I still remember the time we landed on it, mistaking it for dry land...!" once again making Dorry agree with him, "Aye, those fond days of adventure... the memories come flooding back when I look at them...!" and both once again start to loudly laugh.

At the same time, I hear Vivi behind me exclaim, "This is way too big!! Are you sure it is safe?" and Igaram quickly tries to reassure her, "Don't worry Princess Vivi. Remember the strength that Jayr-san showed us when facing the Strongest Swordsman in the World! Such a monster should be easy to deal for him!" but it is clear that he also is slightly worried about the imposing size of the Island Eater.

Seeing that, I step forward to deal with that, but then I remember that I still have Kharna in my arms, and worried I look at her and see that she is calmly looking at the Island Eater with a small frown on her face which makes me internally sigh in relief while thinking, 'Ah... Luckily that thing didn't scare my brave and beautiful Kharna so I don't have to erase all the goldfish from the Omniverse... Oh well, let's just quickly deal with it...'

But just as I'm about to make my move, I hear Kharna in my arms mutter, "Ugvly..." 

Then I suddenly feel her Spiral Cosmo surging, and quickly after that, our bodies are enveloped by the phantasmal image of a mid-size beautiful dragon, which looks like an older and bigger version of Kharna's Dragon Form, with two big horns coming out from the sides of her head, the big and powerful wings, her sharp claws, and a long sinuous tail.

Then the phantom image of Kharna's Dragon Form lets out a silent roar and soon after that, Kharna's Spiral Cosmo surges even more and the phantom dragon releases a Dragon Breath of bright light green spiral flames that quickly heads toward the Island Eater splitting the sea in half on its way to its target.

Kharna's Dragon Breath soundlessly hits the Island Eater and a bright light blinds everyone for an instant, soon after that, it fades away, enabling us to see the result of her attack, and I can't help but smile brightly seeing that Kharna's Dragon Breath totally erased the Island Eater leaving nothing behind but the still parted waters, and with joy I compliment, "That's my girl!"

50 Stones Bonus!


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

Odyincreators' thoughts