

Jayr POV - Earth, New York City - 2022

A few hours passed, and I'm still looking through all the various kinds of shit that the Vought International and the Supes pulled out throughout the years, and the only thing that come out of my mouth seeing some of them is, "Fuck!"

The reason for that is quite simple, the number of victims is truly staggering, in the 78 years since the foundation of the pharmaceutical company Vought America, which later became the conglomerate Vought International, the number of victims is well over 27 million, and what is worse is that the most of those numbers comes from Supes casualities during intervention, failed experiments, casual murder that Supes did just for fun, straight up assassination of enemies political or to cover up other messed up things, and those are only the fortunate ones that are simply dead, if I add the number of lives that are simply ruined these number more than double.

Seeing all this I can't restrain myself from voicing my thoughts out loud, "Fucking hell! They cause way more damage than the Nazis during the Holocaust and the people still worship them!?"

Meanwhile, I continue to compile everything in a way that is clear and easy to read with proof of every crime committed by this evil conglomerate and its Supes, making sure that every crime is listed under the name of its perpetrator, as I will publish everything on a site where the people can check for themselves, only the blind or truly stupid will be unable to believe such incriminating evidence, such as photos, videos, and even Vought International's internal reports made by Vought Special Services (VSS), a secret division of Vought International that specializes in cleaning up the messes left behind by supes.

In fact, seeing the amount of evidence I took from that particular division, a smirk forms on my face as I mutter, 'Those fools, they truly thought that by simply deleting a file from the hard disk and network, that file disappears without a trace? Sorry to burst your bubble but it doesn't a trace always remain, and using the hacking techniques from the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Universe, it was quite easy to recover and restore those files... In fact, I just had another idea..."

Without hesitation, I once again summon Cratergann from my Silver Core Drill and ask him to connect to the net to search and gather all the evidence it can find of crimes pertaining to the Vought and its Supes.

Meanwhile, I continue to focus on the data gathered from the Vought to find more of their dirty little secrets, like the fact, that Victoria Neuman is, in fact, the adoptive daughter of Stan Edgar, or that before Homelander there was another piece of shit called Soldier Boy, Captain America's caricature, that once he wasn't useful anymore, he was then betrayed by his comrades of the team called Payback, the knock-off Avengers, and sold to the Russian so that they could kill him off, because at the time they just created Homelander using Soldier Boy's sperm and the eggs of fucking Stromfront implanted into a mentally disabled woman who then died on childbirth as Homelander opened his way out with his laser eyes.

Reading about that particular incident, I mutter in disgust, "Of course, the guy is fucked up, his first victim was his surrogate mother, and plus what he did with his nazi biological one... talk about keeping the bloodline pure..."

Of course, these aren't the only things in these data there are many more, like when they blackmailed politicians to get the reforms they wanted to be approved, or covered up the Supes' sexual assaults, or covering up Lamplighter burning grandkids of a CIA task force leader that had incriminating evidence alive under their order and then covering the fact up, and a whole other lot of fucked up things.

In fact, among the Seven, if you ignore Anne/Starlight, the only one that can be considered a decent human being is Queen Meave, she is the only one that actively tries to really help people instead of doing it only to gain fame or for her own vanity, she also has the smallest body count, and all of them are criminals that she was forced to put down to save an innocent, sure she isn't without faults, but compared with most of the Supes of this world she can basically be considered almost a saint.

Done with that, I start to study the Compound V formula while muttering, "While I can easily "cure" the Supes with my powers, I think it is better to create a solution that can also be used by normal people so that they can deal with the "rogue" Supes even after I'm gone..."

Studying the formula I realize, that Compound V is mostly made up of common if not rare chemical ingredients, all but a single one unique to this universe, a chemical element that they call Haxtratium, first found on a meteorite that fell on earth in the year 1924 which is even more radioactive than Uranium, Radium, Polonium, and Thorium all combined together, but different from those four elements, its radiations are special, and aren't totally harmful to living beings as the very few plant and animal lifeform that survived the exposure, those with stronger adaptability, came up mutated as a stronger and better lifeform.

Of course, when the Nazis realized that, the new chemical element was thoroughly researched and then artificially synthesized and combined with various other elements to weaken its radiations until, through many inhuman experimentations it became possible for a human to withstand them, and so, adapt and mutate, moreover, the strange nature of this kind of element makes it possible for children to adapt to it more easily than an adult.

Then I study the notes of a new variation of Compound V, which they call V24 or Temp V, as it in the name is a temporary Compound V that lasts 24 hours.

The Haxtratium in this version is very minimal and weakened, so much that it collapses on itself once the 24 hours pass, but that opens a new whole lot cans of problems, first of all, even if the Haxtratium of the Temp V ceases its function as a power booster, its harmful radioactive nature remains in the body, and as everyone knows having radioactive elements in one's body is very bad, moreover, the more doses of Temp V one takes, the more the harmful radioactive elements accumulates, until, well, the subject dies, and from what I see, 5 to 6 is the max a normal healthy human body can withstand.

Reaching this point, I start to come up with a possible "cure" for Compound V, 'Well, from these data, it is clear, that I can use a combination of other radioactive elements to contrast the ones in Compound V, nullifying its effects, but that will only stop the Compound V from enhancing an individual, not remove the harmful radioactive elements, in fact, it will even increase them making the one subjected to such treatment have a very short life expectancy...'

Realizing this, I change my train of thought direction, and try to think of this like it is some kind of radiation emergency situation, 'Talking about radiation emergency situations, the Potassium Iodide is used to protect the thyroid gland from possible radiation injury caused by radioactive iodine... maybe I can use that as a basis to come up with something that will counter the Compound V, maybe even render someone "immune" to its effects, this way the Supes will become a lot more manageable...'

Coming to this conclusion, I quickly start to work on it and use my Spiral Cosmo to create enough materials to start my test, including, the necessary instrument of an advanced chemical lab, with all the possible elements and compounds that I think will be useful for coming up with a cure, like Potassium Iodide, Haxtratium, and the Compound V itself to check if my solution will be effective while thinking, 'I really love the bullshit ability to create matter from the energy of the Spiral Cosmo, I can basically create anything I need as long as I have sufficient knowledge of it.'

Butcher POV - Earth, New York City - 2022

It is finally evening, but I'm still in The Boys' headquarters waiting for Meave to come here as she requested a meeting.

While waiting for her, I casually throw darts at Homelander's photo on the wall with a grin on my face thinking about the possibility of that motherfucker finally getting his due.

All of a sudden, I hear Maeve's voice as she says, "I heard Termite walked. My lead was good. What happened?"

I turn and look at her, throw one last dart at that motherfucker's face, and simply reply trying to contain the glee I'm feeling knowing that the bastard's days are counted, "Don't ask." after that, I move toward her.

After a slight pause, Meave says, "Well, we got to talk." and pulls something from her purse, some kind of folder.

She then offers the folder while saying, "I think I have something."

Curious, I grab the folder and open it, and taking a look at the familiar photo I ask confused, "Soldier Boy. So what?"

Meave then asks back, "Remember how he died?" and I explain what I remember, "Stopping a nuclear meltdown in Ohio. '83, '84, I think, got buried beneath a reactor. Always thought it was bollocks."

Hearing that, Meave takes a few steps back and leans on a nearby table as she confirms, "Yeah, you thought right. Read."

I continue to look at the files and instantly something catches my eye, "What's B.C.L. RED?" she instantly replies, "If you believe the rumors, it's the thing that killed Soldier Boy. Some kind of gun or weapon or something."

Hearing that I casually comment, "Had to have been a fucking H-bomb. He was nearly as strong as... Ah." and instantly realize why she is showing me this and raise my head to look at her.

And indeed, Meave smiles, stands up, and says, "If we can find this... weapon or whatever it is, maybe we can use it to blow Homelander's fucking brains out."

Hearing that I move closer to Meave while thinking, 'What's up with today!? Is it my fucking birthday!? I get not one but two possible methods to deal with that asshole. One is some fucking alien boy from another universe or something like that, while the other is some kind of unknown weapon used against someone almost as strong as Homelander some 50 years ago... And the fucking funny thing is that I don't know which is the most improbable of the two... What's the hell is happening to this world?'

I then sit on the table while saying, "If it is real, not some fսck¡ng fable."

Then turn the file page, see another photo, and mutter while scoffing, "Payback. Hmpf. What a bunch of fucking wankеrs." making Meave comment and explain, "I'll say. When The Seven passed them as the number one super team, Crimson Countess sent me a box of cat shit. She was fucking Soldier Boy. And, uh, Gunpowder was his sidekick. If anyone knows what happened to him, they do."

Hearing that, I ask, "Your mate Noir was in Payback. Why don't you ask him?" but Meave scoffs and says while pulling out something from her purse, "Hmpf. Even if that walking tumor could talk, it wouldn't be to me. Here."

Then she gives me three small capsules containing a suspicious green liquid, and seeing that I ask, "What's this?"

She replies, "It's Temp V. One shot makes you a Supe for 24 hours. I mean, they think. It's still in R&D."

Hearing that I joke, "Oh, great, so powers, maybe. Maybe my bollocks swell up like footballs."

But she rebuts, "Yeah? Payback may be a bunch of fuck holes, but they're strong. And they're dangerous. If you're going against them, you're gonna need it."

I look at Maeve and question her, "And what makes you think that me, of all people, would want to turn into one of you?" making her reply, "This is our best chance to kill Homelander. Don't fuck it up."

But at this moment, I grin and reply, "That isn't exactly so... I just heard a fucking juicy good news today, there could be someone that not only will deal with that fucking flying cunt, but that can also bring down the whole fucking Vought International... and we are going to meet him tonight... Do you want to come and check for yourself too?"

Jayr POV - Earth, New York City - 2022

Seeing the milky white liquid in the test tube that I'm holding in my hand, I can't help but shout out, "Eureka!"

After I don't know how many trials and errors, it seems that I was able to create a solution that completely nullifies Compound V.

The proof is the test tube I have in my hand because this test tube a few seconds ago simply contained the usual bright blue Compound V, but then I added my own solution to it and after mixing for a few seconds, the Compound V lost all its radioactive proprieties and turned into this substance.

The reason I was able to come up with this so quickly isn't only because I'm an awesome, handsome God whose domain is everything that has something to do with Healing, no the other reason, is that I don't have any fear of any problem that a failure could have caused, an explosion? Simply compress it and throw it into space, deadly fumes? They can't kill me, so calmly rip open a hole in the space and throw it into the void, toxic waste? Vanish them out of existence.

Basically, any procedure that had anything to do with safety, I could simply ignore, and so, I simply mixed dangerous elements with very dangerous and careless procedures without any hesitation or fear, sure, I may or may not also come up with a couple of nasty and very deadly poisons, that I may or may not have kept, to use in case it is needed.

And like that, in the end, I was able to create this solution by mixing the Potassium Iodide with the Haxtratium, and a couple of other elements that made up the Compound V that weakens the Haxtratium, plus some simple H2O, plain water, making a solution that not only neutralizes the Haxtratium's radiations but also attracts and absorbs them.

(AN: Before anyone can say anything, this is pure bullshit that I come up with. I studied chemistry, yes, but for only 1 year and way too long ago to know anything concrete about it. For the readers more knowledgeable about the subject take it that anything that doesn't sit right for you is because of the proprieties of the imaginary element I created as the main ingredient of the Compound V.)

Anyway, looking at the test tube, a frown forms on my face as I mutter, "Well... now that I have created something that can neutralize Compound V, I have to test it to make sure that it works as intended... Time to find some unwilling test subjects."

Saying that I move back to the laptop and look at the list of trashy Supes to search for a couple of test subjects, and I instantly lock on a couple that not only are quite easy to find because of the characteristics of their powers but also because they are quite public figures, the first one is Ice Princess who freezes her partner's penis mid-orgasm and that isn't because she loses control of her powers, but something that she willingly does as she enjoys their reactions, the other is Oh-Father, a Supe of the Capes for Christ, a Supe Christian organization affiliated with Vought, and of course with a name and setting like that, it is clear what his vice and crimes are, he is a religious corrupt superhero and the organizer of Capes for Christ events, who sexually abuses his adolescent sidekicks.

Focusing on those two, I quickly use my senses to search for them, and after a few seconds, I find them, Ice Princess is clearly riding someone, and seems about to freeze another poor guy's penis, while Oh-Father is flying around as some kind of publicity stunt.

Without hesitation, I lock on their presence and quickly teleport them here, Oh-Father is a tall and muscular, bald black middle-aged man with a ridiculous white and yellow superhero suit with a horrendous cape, while Ice Princess is a somewhat good-looking woman in the mid 30s, with black hair and azure eyes and a petite build, and of course, she is totally naked.

Of course, both are stunned by the sudden change of their surroundings but before they can do anything, I simply hit them in their acupoints preventing them from moving, of course, that doesn't stop Ice Princess from trying to freeze everything but I simply take control of the temperature preventing her from doing it while thinking, 'What a fool she wants to play with ice in front of me...'

After that, I simply knock them out and put them into a coma-like state so that I can test my creation on them in peace while thinking, 'Still the one that chose the name Oh-Father should have some really throughout sessions with a psychologist because that person for sure has some issues that need to be addressed as soon as possible.'

Without hesitation, I pick up two doses of what I'll call Anti-V, and inject them into Ice Princess and Oh-Father, at the same time, I focus my senses on their bodies to see the reaction they have to the Anti-V.

I sense the milky white liquid coursing through their bloodstream, and anywhere it passes, it slowly absorbs any traces of Compound V in their bodies.

The process isn't instantaneous, but I can clearly feel their bodies getting weaker with each passing moment, at the same time, so do their powers, as Ice Princess' body temperature is continuously rising until it reaches the ones of a normal human being.

After around 15 minutes, the two in front of me aren't Supes anymore, they are once again normal human, 'Well, no really normal, the Anti-V will continue to remain in their bodies their whole life... this could create some problems down the line... better check...'

And so I use good old Restoration Magic on them to speed up their bodies' time making them grow older in a matter of seconds while also infusing my Spiral Cosmo to substitute their need for food, and instantly notice one of the side effects of the Anti-V, right now their bodies should be in their 100s but they still look middle-aged, not only that but all their organs are still as healthy as they could be.

Seeing that, I continue to speed up their time, and only when 250 years pass their bodies start to show the signs of aging, so I stop speeding up their time and check the situation more closely and mutter, "Hmm... Now their bodies start to look like someone in their 80s more or less, but despite that they are still quite lively and healthy, in fact, in her 170s Ice Princess still produced healthy eggs making her able to have children despite her advanced age, and it seems that there is no other apparent complication. It looks like the Anti-V enhanced their overall health and lifespan by quite a lot, but it didn't alter them or grant any superhuman ability..."

To further confirm this, I make a small cut on their palms, but I see them going through the four phases of healing, hemostasis, inflammation, growth and rebuilding, and strengthening at a normal pace if not a little speed up by my own time manipulation as I didn't want to wait a few days to confirm such a basic thing.

After that, I move to the next part of my test, to see if the test subjects gained an immunity to Compound V making them unable to regain their powers with a new dose of Compound V.

So I take a big vial of Compound V and fill two syringes with it, then I inject the Super Soldier Serum knock-off into the test subject and focus on them while getting ready to act in case of some messy or unexpected result, like them suddenly exploding, shitting themselves, turning into zombies, growing extra limbs, getting gender-bended and so on, you know the usual stuff when you deal with such things.

While nothing of that happens, something somewhat unexpected still happens, as the now elderly bodies of Ice Princess and Oh-Father, are going through some interesting changes.

They are slowly getting apparently younger, and soon, they appear like a couple in their 60s.

Feeling what is going on in their bodies, I realize what happened, and what are the other side effects of the Anti-V, 'I see, the Anti-V in their bodies once more absorbed all the Compound V and its radiation, then that extra energy was used to nourish the body, extending their lifespan once again, making them appear younger. Their bodies are, in fact, still 250 years old, but before, that was near the end of their previously enhanced lifespan, with this new dose of Compound V they gained another 50 years or so. I unexpectedly created a fucking Elixir of Life! As long as someone with Anti-V in their bodies is injected with a dose of Compound V then their lifespan will be constantly extended...'

Realizing this, I proceed to test this side-effect of my serum further and after injecting many doses of Compound V, I notice that this won't turn them into true immortal, as the lifespan gained with each injection gets smaller and smaller until it becomes ineffective, reaching a total lifespan of around 1000 years.

But at this point, I realize what kind of problem the Anti-V could cause, 'For sure wars will be fought over the monopoly of this resource, those greedy politicians that can be barely considered human beings are able to do anything to get more influence, power, and live longer... It seems that I have to find a solution to this... What to do...'

I sit in silence trying to come up with some kind of solution that doesn't need my constant presence to work, 'I could bless the Anti-V with my Justice Divinity making so that those that are evil will receive the opposite result, which means decreasing their lifespan, but for one that kinda goes against my own belief, as I consider such an act a clear violation of the Healer Oath, moreover, it won't fix anything because once humanity knows it is possible to reach some kind of immortality it won't stop at anything to reach it.'

Realizing this a frown forms on my face as I continue to search for a solution, 'I could also simply erase Compound V from existence, eliminating the formula and removing the memory of it from everyone's mind... but that is only a temporary fix, as it will be rediscovered once more, humanity is just that good at such things.'

Finally, I came up with the only possible solution, 'I have to create a conglomerate that takes Vought International's place, one with the same level of power and influence, but with a working moral compass... One where only the good people can be in a position of control and power, people like Anne and Hughie... That could work in limiting the problems...'

Reaching this conclusion, I start to fix Oh-Father and Ice Princess, turning back their bodies' time making them return to their actual age, while at the same time, removing the memories of their encounter with me from their minds, then I teleport them into the La Santé Prison's cell, in France.

They will be detained there as someone very smart and handsome puts them into the database adding their crimes to the file, plus a donation from a private account, Homelander's one, to the prison and its warden so that they keep quiet about their situation, you know the usual covering their mistakes story that everyone easily believes.

Done with that, I start to clean everything in the apartment and pull out the ingredients from my Soulbound Territory to prepare some homemade pizza for dinner while keeping some part of my awareness on Hughie for protecting him with my barrier, I learned that The Boys will be coming here to meet me and learn more about me and my plan.

And so while I start to prepare the dough for the pizza, I mutter, "What kind of guest would I be if I don't at the very least prepare a nice dinner for my host and his friends?"

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

Odyincreators' thoughts