
Chapter 56

“First, I will show you to your bathing room and you can relax for a little bit while your gowns are being prepared.” Lady Dorwenna pushed a door open, and the scent of flowers poured out. “Would you like assistance or do you prefer to bathe alone?”

“I will bathe myself if that is acceptable.” Ardala looked through the door at the sunken tub in the floor. It was the size of a small pond and was already full and steaming gently into the air. “I am not accustomed to assistance.”

“Call me if you need me.” Lady Dorwenna bustled to another door that once opened was full of rolls of cloth. She pulled one off the shelf and set it on a seat near the bathing pool. “Once you are done, I’ll help you with your hair, court hairstyles are impossible this season.”

Ardala nodded, hands moving to undo the buttons on her dress. “I trust when you say that. The people we passed in the halls had very elaborate hair.” She had only barely noticed them, but now that she thought about it, it was true.