

Bambi: "What exactly do you like about me?"

Marshall: "To be honest, first day I met you, what I liked was your serenity, your beauty and how you responded after your friend fell. But now, I can't lay my hands on a thing. You are gorgeous, in and out, I think you are something more."

Bambi, with an adorable smile: "Thank you.....and so are you."

Marshall: "I feel so me around you, it's funny how we just connected as though we've known each other."

Bambi, raising her eyebrows: "Maybe....What if we've been here before? What if this isn't our first time meeting each other?"

(Bambi's statement send down shivers down Marshall's spine.)

Marshall: "Ok that sounds weird.... but I like weird. I wouldn't be surprised though. Whatever it may be, I sincerely want us to stay this way..."

(They both stayed silent a while before Marshall asked a profound question.)

Marshall: "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Bambi, responds truthfully: "No, have never had one."

Marshall: "Seriously? Not even one? Why?"

Bambi: "Yeah, I just didn"t feel the need to. I just never liked a guy that much to want to date him, that's all."

Marshall: "You sound like you feel better when you are all by yourself than around poeple. "

Bambi: "Exactly.....do you feel the same?"

Marshall, nodding in coherence: "Absolutely.... but I also like to make time for people who also brighten my day."

Bambi: "Do your parents live around here?"

Marshall: "No, they live in New Jersey."

Bambi: "Ok, so do you have a girlfriend?"

Marshall: "Now?"

Bambi: "yes."

Marshall: "Yes,.... You."

Bambi, chuckles: "No way. I'm serious. I doubt you not having a girlfriend, not after breaking necks when you walk by most of them."

Marshall, smiles sweetly: "I know. But it's true. I don't have a girl that I love. The last time I dated was two years ago. I have not loved another girl until you."

Bambi: "What caused the breakup?"

Marshall: "life... we were growing. Actually, I was the one who wanted out. I could not continue with it and I had to let her go."

Bambi: "Did she do anything wrong?"

Marshall: "Her crime was loving me too much. She wanted me to dedicate all of my time to her, I couldn't do that. She hated every female I broke words with. She was quite obsessed with me. I couldn't deal with all that.

(Marshall takes a deep breath)

Marshall, continues: "But admits all these, she was an interesting person. I just didn't think it was mentally healthy to stay around her anymore. I had to end everything. "

Bambi: "How did she take it?"

Marshall: "She threw all the tantrums, cried and pleaded. But then, she had always known that I'd leave her. Not my fault, she refused to change."

Bambii: "Is she a student of our school?"

Marshall: "No, actually, we've known each other from home, before I ever registered to study here."

( Marshall immediately receives a few message from his friends; Ray and Terry. He unlocked his phone, tapping on the notification button. Bambi takes the time to observe him closely. She notices his lock screen wall paper.)

Marshall, cracking up after reading the messages: "Ahh.... You guys are crazy."

Bambi: "You really love mystical creatures, Don't you ? If I dont know anything about you yet, I sure know that you love werewolves."

Marshall, smiles narrating: "You've seen my wallpaper right?.....Yeahhh, I love these creatures. You know, growing up as a kid with white hair, people who misunderstood my looks called me all kinds of names, good and bad. Out of all the names that I was called, I remembered the name 'Orion', the most. My teacher used to call me that. One day, I looked up the name and found out that in Greek methodology, Orion was a name of a white haired male who was a hunter and lover of the moon Goddess, Artemis. I know that werewolves have a magical connection to the moon. After that day, I began to see myself as some kinda extraordinary human. But mind you, only in thoughts."

Bambi: "Cool, I wish someone called me the blue ocean."

Both laughed. They talked for a while, respectfully teasing each other. Finally, it was time to go home. They walked out of the beach holding their hands, heading towards the car.

David and his colleague watched them all the while without their notice. They followed them as soon as they were about leaving.

At the gate.

After they got to the compound, Bambi highlighted from the car. Her face, beaming with joy, having spent the early hours of the evening with one of her favourite human.

Bambi, in a happy mood: "Thank you, for making my day. I appreciate you coming around."

Marshall: "You are welcome darling. So can we walk in now?"

Bambi, shocked: "You are coming with me?"

Marshall: "Yeah, I told you I was gonna visit tonight. Didn't I? You thought I was joking?. "

Bambi, baffled and giggling at the same time: "Wow, ok.....You are not as introverted as you may think."

Marshall, gives off a short laugh: "I am.... it's just that most times, I let my intrusive thoughts win."

Bambi: "Ofcourse you do. I can see that."

(They both walked into the compound together.)

Marshall, looking around in amazement: "Your home looks beautiful."

Bambi, smiling: "Thanks."

On entering the house, they saw Nadella's mother; Edina Harris, an 86 years old woman, sitting on a wheel chair, accross a long passage leading to the living room.

Bambi had not seen her in a while because she was always locked up in a room upstairs, where only a few like her daughter; Nadella, and two care givers were permitted to enter.

Bambi, delighted, her face brighten with a huge smile: "Nana!"

Edina Harris, smiling back, in a slightly shaky voice: "Youuu...."

(Bambi walks up to her,Marshall follows suite. She gently wrapped her hands around Edina without applying pressure. Edina reciprocated by planting a kiss on Bambi's forehead.)

Bambi, smiling: "Nana, you look lovely today."

Edina Harris: "I could say the same of you. Who is he?"

Marshall, respectfully: "Good evening"

Edina, reciprocating: "Evening love."

Bambi, clears throat: "This is Marshall Willington. He is my boyfriend. Marshall, this is Nana, my godmother's mother."

Edina, starring at Marshall, speaking to Bambi: "Oh, since when? He is so gorgeous. Where did you find such a fine man? "

Bambi, giggling: "We officially started dating today. We met at...."

Nadella, interjected, majestically walking in from the living room: "Sweetheart you brought him home!"

Bambi, smiling: "Yes, I did, godmother! Actually he wanted to come!"

Nadella, seems impressed: "Oh, that's beautiful. Come on in and have dinner with us. "

Marshall, respectfully declines: "I would really love to, but I can't. I already had one with her, and I won't be staying long too."

Nadella: "Oh I see. Thank you for coming my dear, you are always welcomed here."

Marshall, humbly accepting: "Thanks for receiving me."

(Nadella quickly turned around, walking back into the living room, calling out a caregiver's name.)

Nadella, calling loudly: "Grace! Grace!"

(While Nadella stood in the living room yelling Grace's name, Edina subtly made a sign with her old hands which indicated that both Bambi and Marshall needed to move closer to her, which they did.)

Edina, in a lower tone: "You two need to leave, go somewhere else, but not here. She....is....evil."

(Bambi and Marshall stood still, shocked at Edina's statement. The smiles on their faces gradually fading away. Their excitement went from hundred to zero real quick. )

Nadella, still calling: "Grace!"

(Grace immediately shows up.)

Nadella, ordering: "Take My mother back to her room now!"

(The three talking at the passage could hear Nadella loud and clear.)

Bambi, still surprised, intoned: "Nana, are you ok? You need to take your meds. Don't worry, Grace will take you back to your room, so you can have some rest."

Edina, insisting: "Listen to me child..... Your journey has just begun. They would come after you but you have a power within. You must recognize who you are before you move on. Do not trust everyone, including her (Nadella), but you will find those willing to fight by your side."

(As Grace approached, Edina hurriedly revealed more. However, Bambi and Marshall were still trying to grasp what was happening at the moment. They could not believe what was coming out of her mouth.)

Edina, fixing her gaze on Marshall: "Guide her. That is your highest task."

Grace, softly: "Nana, its time to go to your room. "

(Grace turned her around heading for the stairs, while Bambi and Marshall stood silent trying to unravel the meaning of Edina's message to them.)

Marshall, whispering into Bambi's ears: "What's happening?"

(Bambi, confused and embarrassed at the same time.)

Bambi, in a slightly shaky voice: "I don't know."

Marshall, still whispering: "Are you sure you aren't coming with me tonight?"

Bambi, in a hush tone: "What? This is my home. I am not scared, besides she could be talking gibberish. "

Marshall: "Yeah....she's old, but she did sound like she really wanted to tell you this. One thing I know, is that children and old poeple tell truths that others may not see."

Bambi, sacred but remains resolute: "I can't just leave because of a few words. I will stay, nothing can hurt me."

Marshall: "Ok then, I will check in on you later from time to time. If i notice anything that doesn't seem normal, I am calling the police right away. Agreed?"

Bambi, nodding in coherence: "Agreed. "

Marshall, gently kissing her on the chin: "Stay safe."

Bambi, in a hush tone: "You too."

Marshall hurriedly leaves the house. His hands, shivering a little after listening to Edina. He walked out of the compound, entering into his car in a haste. David and his colleague immediately followed him.