

At 6:30pm, Marshall lay on his bed facing the ceiling, lost in thoughts. After a while, he picked up his phone from under a pillow, dialling Bambi's number. Bambi, bathing in a bathtub at the time. She wiped her hands with a towel, reached for her ringing phone, and picked the call.

Marshall, resting his head on his palm : "Hey beautiful. How are you?"

Bambi, nudging the tap with her big toe: "I'm good. What about you?"

Marshall: "Cool, Just feeling the mood. Are you free or busy?"

Bambi: "I am both."

Marshall, gasps with a smile: "Ok, what does that mean?"

Bambi: "I'm chilling in a bathtub, but we could talk."

Marshall: "Oh, that's good to know. I was wondering if we could have a nice chat, may be a video call or something."

Bambi, seems interested: "That would be great, I kinda feel bored. A litle chat would help."

Marshall: "Wow.... but, are you ok? Is your environment friendly?"

Bambi: "Yeah, I'm good. No problems here."

Marshall: "Never mind, I asked because you said you were bored. I wanted to know if you were facing any form of difficulties by any chance."

Bambi, light heartedly: "Awwn, that's thoughtful of you. What are you doing now?"

Marshall, exhaled loudly: "Nothing.... Absolutely nothing."

Bambi, giggles: "So I take it that you are as bored as I am."

Marshall, smiling softly: "Exactly....I don't know how this is gonna sit with you, but if you don't mind, we could both go out, have some fresh air. Go somewhere that doesn't look familiar. How about that?"

Bambi: "Right now?"

Marshall: "Yeah, right now."

Bambi, contemplating: "Uhh.....um....Ok, that would be nice. So where are we going?"

Marshall: "Anywhere, it all depends on you. Where ever you want to go tonight, I will take you."

Bambi, feels delighted: "Alright..... I will be out of the shower in a minute. I'll text you when I'm ready."

Marshall: "Ok, love. I Will be waiting."

Bambi jumped out of the bathtub as soon as she was done, rushed into her bedroom, wore a red T-shirt and a baggie jean pants, before drying her hair. Marshall drove one of his exotic cars to the house. He parked outside the gate waiting for her.

Nadella, sitting by a beautiful balcony, sees Bambi walking down the stairs in a hurry.

Nadella, curious: "Where are you rushing to?"

Bambi, comes to an abrupt halt, shocked: "Godmother! You are here!.....Um...It's Marshall! He is waiting for me at the gate."

Nadella: "Oh wow! You are going out on a date already? Uh! Darling you look like a boy in that outfit. Go wear something more appealing."

Bambi, giggling: "Godmother, its not a date. We are just hanging out."

Nadella: "Ok then, have it your way. You can send him my regards."

Bambi giggled her way out of Nadella's presence. As she stepped out of the compound, she felt a surge of joy and pride seeing Marshall gorgeously standing by his car, sweetly smiling at her. He gently pulled her to himself, giving her a heartwarming hug. They stood there with their hands wrapped around each other. The moment felt like they've been in love for a long time. Bambi enjoyed sniffing him, although she did it without making the sound.

Marshall, gently: "So where do you want to go?"

Bambi, softly responds: "I don't even know. I just want to sit and watch the stars in the night sky."

Marshall, gently stroking her hair, in a romantic tone: "We are going to the beach then. So we are gonna grab some edibles and watch the night sky together."

(He passionately kisses her on the forehead, right after his last statement. They both released each other, entered into the car, and drove off.)

Meanwhile, Nadella patiently observed their body language from the balcony she was standing on.

Nadella, smirks, drinking from a cup of wine: "Poor girl."

As soon as they drove off, a black Mercedes went after them. The men in the car were no other than David Psalm and Net Jacobs; detectives in Patrick Russell's paranormal investigation team.

David: "Looks like our boy loves someone else."

Net Jacobs: "Aye, we don't even know if the red haired likes him."

David: "We will find out soon enough."

At the Beach

The atmosphere feels warm and tranquil. The breeze gently tousling through Marshall and Bambi's hair while they relaxed on a stone bench.

Marshall, gazing at Bambi with admiration: "I like that you are a girl whose eyes lit with joy when she sees the stars starring from the sky. Most people don't notice "

Bambi, slowly turns to Marshall, in a cool sweet tone: "Do you notice? Do you feel it's watchful gaze?"

Marshall: "Sweetheart, everything stares at you if you believe it does."

(He slowly raise his head glaring at the sky with wonder, admiring its beauty.)

Marshall, gently places Bambi's head on his shoulder: "Tell me about yourself. What makes you happy?"

Bambi, slightly closing her eyes: "Anything that gives me peace, anything that makes me feel safe without having to try to fit in."

Marshall: "That sounds peaceful...So that's your parents house or...?"

Bambi, interjects: "I live with my godmother. That's her compound."

Marshall: "Oh, that's cool. So what about your parents? Do they live here in Panama?"

Bambi: "I never knew them."

Marshall, pauses in shock: "Oh, how come? I am so sorry."

Bambi: "No need...luckily for me, I got blessed with a home."

Marshall: "Your godmother, she is the one who raised you?"

Bambi: "Yes. Her mother, whom I call Nana, found me. She gave me to her daughter to raise as a foster child."

Marshall: "hmm, That's kind of her."

Bambi, light heartedly: "I am not the only one though, there are over forty of us. But then, my godmother took a liking to me. She asked me to come live in the family house. God has blessed me so much."

Marshall: "You are special. I'm glad that you live with loving people, not everyone gets this lucky."

Bambi: "You know, I told her about you. She asked that I bring you along anytime I want to."

Marshall: "That's great....I wouldn't mind visiting and saying hi tonight."

Bambi, smiling suprised: "Already?"

Marshall, gently raising Bambi's face: "What do you mean by already?.... look at me, why do you think we are here?"

Bambi, playing dumb in a cute manner: "To stare at the sky I guess."

Marshall, laughing: "What!... You gotta be joking right?"

Bambi: "May be not. What do you want then?"

Marshall, looking into her eyes intensively: "You....All of you."

Bambi: "How would you know? What if you're just thrilled? How can I know that you mean what you said?"

Marshall, pouring out his heart: "No one can know anything if they are not willing to give it a chance.... Listen, I have never been so stunned by a girl before, as I was, the first day I met you. I don't know why, but I have always hoped I could see you again. When I saw your friend at the painting studio, you were the first thing that came in mind. I can't completely explain what I feel. I guess time will reveal my true feelings for you. "