
Ballad of the Crows

New chapters will be released regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

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171 Chs

Mary Geoise 1

Wano Country, specifically in the training room, Momonosuke and Katahara were present.

Katahara: Good, keep it up, don't lose the rhythm.

Momonosuke begins the fight by launching several attacks at Katahara, trying to destabilize him with fast and precise movements. However, Katahara is a skilled opponent, and easily evades Momonosuke's attacks.

However, the difference in skill between Momonosuke and Katahara is terrifying for anyone.

Katahara: You can now plan strategies in the middle of the battle, that's a great improvement. Now you can rest, and continue studying the book I gave you...

Momonosuke was lying on the ground, completely exhausted.

Momonosuke: That strange book about something called Chakra.

At that moment, Laffitte appeared on the scene.

Katahara: Laffitte, what's going on?

Laffitte: Van Augur was attacked while on Kotor Island by the Marines, all the Marines were killed. Augur is on his way.

Katahara: I suppose those were the last loyal remnants to the World Government that the Marines wanted to sacrifice... do we have any news from the CP?

Laffitte: They just contacted me while I was on my way here. They said to send the ships filled with gold and raw materials immediately. Once the ships arrive, we must go straight to Mary Geoise and reinforce the defenses. All kingdoms still affiliated with the World Government are sending unreal numbers of troops to Mary Geoise... The Gorosei is certain that the Marines will launch a total attack on Mary Geoise in approximately 1 month.

Katahara: Alright, tell them that the moment the 100 ships arrive in Wano, we will depart for Mary Geoise.

Laffitte: Hahahahahaha... I really admire you, my lord.... we are benefiting from both sides....

Katahara: We will fulfill our deal with the Marines... I do not betray someone when I have already reached an agreement...

Meanwhile, in the laboratories of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

King was currently in a sorry state, lying on a stretcher.

In front of him was the Grand Master Hanzo, who wore a red and silver robe, bearing several symbols and emblems indicating his rank.

Hanzo: Your genetic map is unique, King, or should I call you Alber, the only surviving Lunarian, so far.

As he watched the huge screen.

Hanzo: Finally, we can create more of your race, who knows, maybe in a few years you could see hundreds more like you...

At that moment, Vinsmoke Judge entered the room.


Vinsmoke Judge: Did you do it?

Vinsmoke Judge wore a red and silver robe, bearing several symbols and a single emblem indicating his rank as FABRICATOR-GENERAL.

Hanzo: Yes... now we can create hundreds of thousands of Lunarians at will.

Vinsmoke Judge: Start with cloning, 10 will be enough for now.

Hanzo: The control chips will be implanted in their brains, as usual.

Vinsmoke Judge: It will be done according to the protocol we have already implemented...

Hanzo: The cloning of the Shimotsuki family members is underway, the number of capsules is limited.

Vinsmoke Judge: Use the remaining cloning capsules.

Elsewhere on the island, specifically in Wano Ancestral, the robots of the Great Master Ratchet had already unearthed 40% of Pluton, revealing a massive warship.

Meanwhile, on Onigashima, Robin was with Katahara.

Robin: The Emperor of the Underworld sent a message.

Katahara: Jackal, what does he want now? As far as I remember, we paid for all the slaves he gave us for the Adeptus Mechanicus experiments.

As he received the document and began to read it.

Katahara: So that bastard dares to threaten me... If I join the World Government, all the Emperors of the Underworld will attack Wano as retaliation... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....

Robin: It seems they don't value their lives.

Katahara: Any other news...

Robin: The War for Egghead Island has ended recently, the Marines managed to secure victory, at a high cost. The key to their victory was the control of the Pacifista Mark III units, the latest and superior version to the units used. 50 of them were enough to change the balance of the war.

Katahara: I'm surprised the Red Hair Pirates haven't gotten involved to help their new allies...

Robin: The Red Hair Pirates are currently on Hachinosu Island, also known as Pirate Island. Their entire fleet is gathering there.

Katahara: So their entire crew is gathering in one place... That's why the Gorōsei asked us to go to Mary Geoise immediately...

Katahara: Tell everyone to prepare themselves, they have 2 weeks to prepare, the world's biggest war is about to begin.

Robin: As you command, Captain.