
Baldur Odinson: God of Light

In this unique tale of reincarnation, a scientist finds himself thrust into the Marvel universe as Odin's youngest son. Armed only with his intellect, he must learn to navigate and thrive in this new and unfamiliar world. This captivating fan-fiction piece, which I stumbled upon online and found immensely enjoyable, lacked an English translation. Hence, I took it upon myself to share this remarkable work with others who might appreciate it, emphasizing that I do not claim ownership over it. Support me at patreon.com/Lonely_Translator an read up to 15 chapters in advance

Lonely_Translator · Filem
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184 Chs

Chapter 9: The Wrath Of The God Of Light Part 2

"Stand up."

The citizens of the small town rise in an awkward manner, clearly weakened.

"Amora, go and tend to those with more serious injuries."

Amora makes her way to the nearest houses, where many are too weak to leave.

"What is your name?"

I ask the first man to emerge from his home. He is bald with a beard, and the others look to him as their leader.

"My name is Sieg, sir."

"Sieg, gather the men in better physical condition and collect the dead. They deserve a dignified funeral."

Shortly after, the deceased are gathered in the town center. Amora uses her magic to create a funeral pyre for the fifty fallen. The survivors have increased in number after Amora's healing, now totaling around a hundred and thirty people.

I strike my spear against the ground, causing a ray of sunlight to descend from the sky and ignite the funeral pyre. This is one of the uses of my power that I've discovered: concentrating solar rays like a magnifying glass and directing them at a target. However, it requires intense concentration and isn't yet useful in combat.

The flames consume the bodies swiftly, and I observe several people weeping. They have lost family members. After a few moments, I summon Sieg and Amora for a discussion.

"Sieg, can you tell us what happened?"

"Yes, sir. We were having a normal day until blue giant beings appeared in the mountains. Their hands were blades of ice, cutting through our shields and people. Then they left, and we thought it was over. But then the cold and snow came, and we could do nothing but hide in our homes."

The situation mirrors that of the other realms. I truly despise the giants for killing so many innocent people to steal their relic.

"Sieg, can you tell me the name of this land?"

"It has no name, sir."


"I believe we are the first here."


"We were actually heading to a settlement of our people in a distant land. During our journey, a great storm threw us off course, and we spent weeks lost at sea until we found this island."

"So you chose to stay."

"We didn't know where we were or how to return home. The island has water and food. We have many farmers, so we started cultivating and building houses."

"How large is the island?"

"We're not certain."

Sometimes I forget that I'm in the "past." As we talk, I notice a child behind a tree, watching us. It's the same child who was with Sieg when we first met.

"Hello, little one. Why don't you come here?"

The girl glanced at Sieg until he waved to her, prompting the child to step in front of me. She had blue eyes, black hair, and a chubby face.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Freyja."

"Oh, what a lovely name."

"My mommy gave it to me."

"So, Freyja, why were you watching us?"

"Uncle said you're a God."

"Yes, I am."

"Can you bring my parents back?"

Sieg lowered his head as the child looked at me with innocence. I couldn't lie to her.

"Where did they go?"

"The bad giants took them."

I looked to Sieg. It seemed the girl's parents had died and been cremated already. He had told her a lie about the giants taking them. I gently stroked the child's head.

"I'm sorry, Freyja. Your parents aren't coming back."

Freyja began to cry in front of me.

"But aren't you a God?"

"There are things even gods cannot do."

Freyja began to cry loudly and hugged Sieg.

"Sir, excuse me."

He hugged the crying child and went back to his house.

"Why not lie to her?"

"I couldn't, Amora. It would be worse to give her false hope."

"Midgardians are so defenseless."

"Yes, but they have greater potential than all the nine realms."

"If you say so."

"Returning to the matter at hand, why did the giants attack such a remote place? Surely there are much more populous cities."

"The giants' method of travel isn't as precise as the Bifrost. This little village just had bad luck."

"Amara, can you create detection spells? I want to know when the giants will attack."

"Why not go after them?"

"There's no reason to. They have defenses in place, and our orders are to protect. That's what I'll do."

"Very well, if that's what you want."

Four days later.

Four days have passed since we arrived at this small village. Some semblance of life can be seen among the survivors now; they feel a bit safer. Amora showcased her magical abilities when she created a funeral pyre and cast detection spells around the village. Some began to say she was also a goddess under my command, which made them feel more secure. Sieg was the one in charge, ensuring they didn't stray from the village. They had food prepared for the winter, so for now, they could live without fear of hunger.

As for me, after crying for a night, Freyja came to me and asked me to teach her how to fight. When I asked why, she said she wanted to protect the people of the village from the giants. Since I had nothing else to do besides wait for an attack, I agreed.

"Sir, why do I have to use a stick for training?"

"Because you don't have the strength to lift a sword."

"Yes, I do."

"Then try to lift my spear."

The child came to my side and tried to pull my spear from the ground with such force that her face turned red.

"Hahahaha, you see? You don't have the strength yet. Go back to training with the stick."

Freyja sadly returns to training with her stick until Amora appears.

"They've arrived."

"How many?"


So few. Perhaps they haven't seen us arriving. Regardless, it's time to test my new spear.

"Amora, stay here. I'll greet our visitors."

"I'll go with you."

"Do you think six of them can hurt me? Besides, who will protect the village if another group attacks from another direction?"

Amora isn't pleased to let me fight alone.

"I'll stay. But I'll watch everything using magic. If you get hurt, I'll come to you."

I feel little Freyja tugging at my cloak.

"Are you going to fight the bad monsters?"

"Yes, I am."

"Will you come back?"

"Don't worry, child. It would take an army of them to hurt me."

Freyja laughs and hugs my leg before running back to the village.

"Well then. Where are they?"

The Ice Giants. The name of their race is Jotuns; the term "giant" was given by the Asgardians. Their realm is simply a block of ice without sunlight. The Jotuns have a tribal government with a king. They possess the ability to manipulate and freeze water, and the ice they create is stronger than steel. Some of them are powerful in the art of sorcery focused on illusions. They are weak against heat; exposure to high temperatures diminishes their size and weakens them, forcing them to return to a cold place to recover.

Six four-meter-tall blue humanoids wearing loincloths descend from the mountain as if they were strolling. I am seated on a rock at the base of the mountain with my spear by my side. The leader of the small group, wielding a spear of ice, is the first to spot me.

"Look, finally an enemy. I was getting tired of killing those mortals."

"Sir, he wears a cape of royal color."

In Asgard, only royalty wears red capes.

"Ah, a Prince. I've never killed a Prince before."

"Can we stop talking and get this over with?" I say.

"Hahahaha, he seems to want to die as quickly as possible."

The six giants are arrogant but not foolish. They surround me as I stand up. The giant behind me transforms his arm into an ice blade and attacks me. I simply spin my spear and counterattack without turning my back, piercing the first enemy in the chest and causing him to collapse into small pieces of ice. The two giants on my side touch the ground, creating two columns of ice that come toward me. I use my powers; my spear glows gold as a wave of heat prevents the ice columns from hitting me, exploding them. I then hurl my spear at the giant on the left, piercing his neck, and immediately run toward the one on the right.

(I'll try using the rune.)

I approach the ice giant on the right, who is shocked that I've approached him unarmed. I activate my primary rune, which triggers the uruz rune. I use it to increase my physical strength. I feel an explosive power surge within my body as I punch the giant's chest, and my arm pierces through him, killing him.

Another ice giant attacks me using a dagger made of ice. I dodge to the right, raising my hand, and the spear that was engraved in the ground after my second death seems to come to life as it spins in the air and returns to my hand. I swing it, cutting the fourth giant in half. Two more to go.

The leader of the giants becomes cautious. It's been seconds, and I've killed four of his best men. He stands before me and attacks using his spear. He aims a downward strike to cut me in half, but I defend myself with the shaft of my spear, then push his ice spear away, spinning my spear and cutting off his head, the leader stands still for a few seconds before collapsing like the others.

The last giant, frightened, turns and runs, trying to climb the mountain. I point the tip of my spear at him, and a golden beam of energy and heat hits him in the middle of the back.

Six came down, none of them returned. It was just a small group; now that they know I'm here, a larger group will attack. Well, I haven't finished my tests yet.



One day ago

In an immense ice castle, the king of the Jotuns, Laufey, is furious. His plan failed; the group sent to try to steal the artifact has not been heard from, likely dead. He also received news that the Allfather did not leave Asgard. It was all a trap.

"My king. Shall I give orders to retreat?" one of the king's servants asks.

"Are the princes of Asgard separated?"

"Yes, my king. Two of them are already fighting."

"The third shouldn't be far behind."

Laufey has lost. But that doesn't mean he couldn't strike at the heart of the Allfather.

"Summon Utgard-Loki. We must kill a prince."

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In Norse mythology, Utgard-Loki is the ruler of the castle Utgard in Jotunheim. He is one of the jotnar and his name means Loki of the Outlands

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