
Baldur Odinson: God of Light

In this unique tale of reincarnation, a scientist finds himself thrust into the Marvel universe as Odin's youngest son. Armed only with his intellect, he must learn to navigate and thrive in this new and unfamiliar world. This captivating fan-fiction piece, which I stumbled upon online and found immensely enjoyable, lacked an English translation. Hence, I took it upon myself to share this remarkable work with others who might appreciate it, emphasizing that I do not claim ownership over it. Support me at patreon.com/Lonely_Translator an read up to 15 chapters in advance

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Chapter 55 - 2010

POV: Baldur 

Royal Castle of Genosha 

Subterranean Laboratory, 2010 

"Calculating results... Calculations successfully completed... Chance of success 63%." 

In my private laboratory beneath the royal castle of Genosha, I'm utilizing the processing power of my AI to test my chances of success in the plan to prevent Ragnarok. I've been preparing for it for centuries, and only now have I achieved a success rate of 63%. Unfortunately, Alice can only calculate the situation superficially, there's no way to compute the uncertainties that may occur, such as Hela. She was very vaguely depicted in the movie. The only clear information about her was her immense strength, battle skills, and the ability to create swords. Of course, changes can occur in this reality, as they already have. 

After my fight against the Kree, things have been somewhat quiet on Earth. The calm before the storm, as they say. A month ago, as in the movies, Anthony Stark was kidnapped after a weapons demonstration for the US military in Afghanistan. It was easy for our spies to locate him imprisoned in the mountain where the Ten Rings terrorist group's base is located. I let the story unfold as it should, only then can Tony become the man the world needs. I mourned only the future death of Professor Ho Yinsen, who is also imprisoned with Tony. Unfortunately, his death is also part of the change that needs to happen. 

I also managed to create a way to differentiate camouflaged Skrulls, I must say it was a great challenge. Their shape-shifting ability is flawless, without any faults. When I was about to give up on this idea, I was saved by the Ancient One, who was with Amora when I paid a visit. She told me that regardless of physical appearance, every living being has a different aura. 

So, I created a device combining magic and technology that can differentiate the aura of Skrulls from humans. The tests were successful, and I managed to uncover some hidden Skrulls on Earth, all of whom are now under the surveillance of the WarDogs. 

Speaking of Amora, I still tremble at the thought of our reunion after my fight against the Kree. 

POV: Baldur 

Royal Castle of Genosha 

Subterranean Laboratory 

Days after the fight against the Kree, 1995 

I've been analyzing the scanner data from the Skrull scientist for days, unfortunately, I haven't had any ideas on how to differentiate them while they're camouflaged. 

"This is going to be one of those long research projects," I say aloud, turning my attention back to the computer screen, until I hear the door behind me opening. I don't need to turn around to know who it is, only Amora and I have access to this room. 

"How was your visit to the Ancient One, my love?" 

"It was fun, we created a new kind of spell, but it seems like you had more fun destroying those Kree cruisers." 

I turn and embrace Amora, we stay like that for a few seconds before parting. 

"These are the Skrull data?" She speaks, turning her attention to the screen. 

"Yes, it's practically impossible for science to differentiate their camouflage." 

"That can wait, it's been a few weeks since we've seen each other. Why don't we go upstairs to catch up?" 

She says with a smile, a hint of mischief in her eyes. 

"Of course, my love." 

"Oh, I almost forgot." 

As we're about to leave the laboratory, she turns to me and extends her hand, a green mist surrounds me. Even after so many years, she still uses the same detection magic on me when I return from one of my trips alone. 

"Every time she uses this magic on me trying to find out if I've been in contact with another woman... Wait!" 

When I remember something, the green mist surrounding me turns red, for the first time in hundreds of years she's using that spell on me. Amora looks at me with wide eyes in shock, the shock fades, and in a few seconds turns into anger. 


Her scream makes the whole laboratory tremble. 

"Wait, Amora, there's an explanation for this." 


POV: Baldur 

Royal Castle of Genosha. 

Underground Laboratory. 

The grand and majestic castle of Genosha, which has not suffered any damage since its construction, was almost destroyed that day. In the end, I managed to tell Amora what happened. Even so, that didn't erase her anger, she even threatened to go to Asgard to talk to Heimdall, she wanted to know Carol's location to kill her. Her anger against me lasted three long years, it cost me a lot to make her return to her normal state, even so, she swore she would have a "conversation" with Carol when she returned to Earth. 

"Should I erase the results as usual, sir?" Alice interrupts my thoughts. 

"Yes, the information about my plan must be saved in the safest place possible. My mind." 

The laboratory is one of the best defended places in Genosha, it is not only below the castle but also between my dimension and the physical world. Below the castle is only the entrance that can only be accessed by me. Here I have devised several plans for future events, after the transformation I underwent on the celestial ship, my brain now functions like a computer. Any information I learn can be erased or saved forever in it at any time, making me the safest "computer" to protect my secrets. 

I spent a few more hours conducting some experiments until the unexpected happened. 

"Sorry to disturb you, sir, but a strange meteor just crashed into the earth." 

"And why is this meteor worth attention?" 

Several meteors enter Earth's atmosphere almost every day, few of them are large enough to survive re-entry. 

Alice doesn't answer me, but she puts an image on the holographic screen. On the screen, I see the meteor falling from the sky, unlike the usual burning rocks, this meteor has the shape of a humanoid. 

"Where did it fall?" 

"In the Australian desert." 

Alice has total control over Genosha's satellites and can easily invade others, so it's no surprise she saw this asteroid. 

"Should I send a team to check, sir?" 

"No. I have a feeling it's something more serious, I'll go alone." 

Amora is now with the ancient one, leaving me alone. 

"You should hurry, S.H.I.E.L.D. also detected the anomaly and sent a team to investigate." 

"How long until they arrive?" 

"An hour." 

"An hour is enough time." 

The problems created by S.H.I.E.L.D./HYDRA are starting to annoy me because of the great technological advancements in recent years. They have agents active all over the world, except in Genosha, but not for lack of trying. The only one that really surprised me was the Black Widow. 

Since our encounter during World War II, I have had no other encounters with the now S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Natasha Ramonovi. After joining S.H.I.E.L.D., she became worthy of using the weapon I gave her. Natasha now has blonde hair different from the black in the movies. The golden tube transformed into a beautiful pair of golden daggers, a worthy weapon for a great assassin. She must have told Fury how she received this weapon from me, I bet they conducted hundreds of tests to try to recreate its magical effects. Unfortunately, American science does not compare to that of the dwarves, they are thousands of years behind. 

Fury then tried to use the only connection with the outside world to try to create communication between us. Natasha was then sent to try to enter the island with the best infiltration technology they could create. They managed to pass through the storm, but their submarine was captured shortly after by the Genosha navy. Natasha, of course, escaped being captured and managed to set foot on the beach. She was the first to do so since World War II. She was then captured by Freyja, I must say it was an interesting fight, neither of them managed to injure the other using my weapons, they canceled each other out. So a direct fight resolved everything, even with Natasha's incredible talents and skills, she could not match Freyja's hundreds of years of training and lost. 

After that, the captured men were interrogated, those who belonged to Hydra were executed, and those loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D. like Natasha were sent off the island in a small boat. We didn't meet in person, but I sent her a message. 

"Tell Fury that if he tries another ridiculous idea like this one, I'll personally pay him a visit." 

That put a pause in our interactions. 

I quickly make my way to Sleipnir's stable and mount him. He neighs with joy, I haven't ridden him since I learned to use my powers to fly. Without wasting any time, Sleipnir gallops through the air, speeding towards Australia. It was easy to locate the crash site due to the enormous crater in the desert with not a single soul around. From above, I see no sign of wreckage confirming the image captured by Alice. Whoever fell here came from space without any protection or transportation. Even if they were already dead, few alien races can withstand re-entry from an entire planet. 

I leave Sleipnir a little ways from the crater and enter it myself. The crater is almost thirty meters wide and ten meters deep. In the center, I can see something covered by several rocks. I begin to remove all the debris to find out what fell from the sky and why. 

What is revealed beneath the large stones is a humanoid figure over four meters tall. It certainly wasn't human. He was thin as a stick, with gray skin and long silver hair. What caught my attention the most were his elongated ears like those of elves, but I'm certain he's not from the Nine Realms. 

I brush some of the dust off his body and see a wound like nothing I've seen before. On his chest, I see a gash suggesting that a sword pierced him, but around the wound, black roots spread throughout his body like cancer consuming him. 

"Analyze, Alice." 

I point the scanner at him, which covers the visitor's body. Alice has access to the Kree database. When my ship landed with Fury and Carol on Mar-Vell's cruiser, I took the opportunity to steal the data from the cruiser. I did the same when I invaded Roran's cruiser. It took only a few seconds for Alice to steal the information. Only the Supreme Intelligence and Ultron can compare to her now. 

"The database reveals a 92% chance that he is Ralthur, the god of harvest from the planet Vrny." 

"A god?" 

I feel something grip my arm. I look down and see that Ralthur is still alive, looking at me with his black eyes. 

"He's coming... the Godslayer!" 

(T/N: That's early) 

After saying these words, he stiffens. The light in his eyes fades, and then his body transforms into several points of golden light like fireflies that scatter through the air. 

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