
Baldur Odinson: God of Light

In this unique tale of reincarnation, a scientist finds himself thrust into the Marvel universe as Odin's youngest son. Armed only with his intellect, he must learn to navigate and thrive in this new and unfamiliar world. This captivating fan-fiction piece, which I stumbled upon online and found immensely enjoyable, lacked an English translation. Hence, I took it upon myself to share this remarkable work with others who might appreciate it, emphasizing that I do not claim ownership over it. Support me at patreon.com/Lonely_Translator an read up to 15 chapters in advance

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184 Chs

Chapter 5: Baldur, A God Reborn

Fighting in the arena held deep significance in Asgardian tradition. For aspiring warriors, it was a rite of passage – a test of strength, courage, and skill. Every boy and girl who sought to join the ranks of the warriors was required to face off against a creature from another kingdom. Only by emerging victorious could they earn the esteemed title of Warrior.

However, for members of the royal family, the arena held even greater stakes. Winning a bout in the arena was not merely about proving one's prowess in combat; it was a declaration of divine status. Upon triumphing in battle, a royal would be bestowed with the title of God, signifying their ability to manipulate and shape a particular aspect of creation.

Now, standing in the dimly lit basement of the arena, surrounded by an array of weapons, I selected a spear. Though it paled in comparison to my previous weapon, which had been consumed by the searing heat of battle against Frandal, it would have to suffice for the task at hand.

As I gripped the spear, a soldier entered the chamber, addressing me respectfully. "My Prince, have you chosen which monster you wish to face?"

Without hesitation, I responded, my resolve unwavering. "The most powerful one."

The soldier's expression wavered, a mixture of fear and concern evident in his eyes at my resolute command. "My Prince, I cannot recommend..." he began, but I cut him off firmly.

"The most powerful. Go now," I insisted, my voice brooking no argument.

With a hesitant bow, the soldier hurriedly exited the chamber, leaving behind a palpable aura of trepidation. It was understandable – the request I had made was not one to be taken lightly. Yet, as a Prince of Asgard, I could not afford to shy away from challenges, especially those that held the potential for great honor and glory.

Ordinarily, an Asgardian warrior would exercise caution and choose a foe within their capabilities. But for me, the son of Odin, settling for anything less than the most formidable opponent would be an affront to my lineage and legacy. Thor had faced a Fire Demon from the realm of Surtur, while Loki had confronted a lion beast from the realm of the elves of light. I was determined to follow in their footsteps and emerge victorious.

Leaving the confines of the small weapons room behind, I strode purposefully towards the towering doors that loomed ahead. Standing three meters tall, they began to swing open, revealing a sight that momentarily took my breath away.

The arena sprawled before me in grandeur that surpassed even the legendary Coliseum of Rome. Its walls, towering over fifteen meters high, gleamed with a golden hue, a testament to the majesty of Asgard.

As I stood within the grandeur of the arena, surrounded by walls adorned in the shimmering brilliance of gold, I couldn't help but marvel at the spectacle before me. Thousands of citizens from the kingdom had gathered, their faces a tapestry of excitement and anticipation. Protected by an energy barrier that encircled the arena, they awaited the forthcoming clash with bated breath.

At the apex of the arena, seated upon a majestic throne, were Odin and Frigga, the pillars of Asgardian royalty. Beside them stood Thor, exuding an aura of confidence, flanked by his loyal comrades – Hogun, Fandral, and the jovial Volstagg, his laughter echoing through the air as he brandished a leg of meat in his hand. Thor's smile was infectious, a reflection of the camaraderie and joy that permeated the atmosphere.

As I stepped into the arena circle, I was momentarily halted by the deafening roar of the crowd. "BALDUR! BALDUR! BALDUR!" they chanted fervently, their voices rising in unison as they pounded their feet against the ground, causing the very foundations of the arena to tremble. My heart raced with excitement, the adrenaline coursing through my veins, and for the first time, I understood the sheer exhilaration that Thor experienced in battle within these hallowed grounds.

Yet amidst the thunderous cacophony, a wave of energy swept across the arena as Odin rose from his seat, slamming his spear into the ground with a resounding thud. Instantly, silence descended upon the crowd, their fervent cries replaced by an expectant hush.

As I gazed upon my family, I couldn't help but notice the concern etched upon my mother's face. Her worry was palpable, a reflection of the love and apprehension that she held for her son. In that moment, I vowed to make her proud, to emerge victorious and uphold the honor of our family name.

"Baldur Odinson, are you prepared for your fight?" my father's authoritative voice resounded throughout the arena, carrying with it the weight of tradition and expectation.

"Yes," I affirmed, my voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

"Then let the beast in," Odin declared, his command echoing through the vast expanse of the arena.

As the imposing doors before me swung open, I assumed my battle stance, spear poised and ready for combat. Moments passed in tense anticipation, the silence of the arena amplifying the pounding of my heart.

Then, with a resounding echo, the ground beneath me quivered as I took my first cautious steps forward. TRUMM TRUMMM TRUMM TRUMMM – the rhythmic thudding of my footsteps reverberated through the air, a stark contrast to the prevailing stillness.

And then, emerging from the darkness, I beheld my adversary – a towering humanoid figure, standing over ten feet tall. Its skin bore a chilling hue of blue, resembling ice, while its formidable frame exuded an aura of formidable strength and resilience.

An ice titan, I realized with a surge of both awe and apprehension. In the face of such a formidable opponent, I knew that victory would not come easily. But with determination in my heart and the legacy of my family spurring me on, I prepared to face this formidable foe head-on.

As the titan emerged from its slumber, a wave of trepidation washed over the arena. These creatures, unlike those depicted in the Thor movie, lacked intelligence, their massive forms driven by primal instincts rather than strategic cunning. Towering over thirty meters tall, they were formidable adversaries, capable of unleashing devastating force with little regard for the consequences.

Even the most seasoned warriors would balk at the prospect of facing such a behemoth. It would typically require a thousand soldiers or more to subdue a creature of this magnitude. Yet here I stood, alone in the arena, prepared to confront this monstrous foe head-on.

"Bring forth the beast," Odin commanded, his voice carrying a solemn authority.

As the chains restraining the titan were released, it wasted no time in charging towards me with ferocious speed. Despite the overwhelming odds, I stood my ground, my confidence bolstered by the knowledge that my speed and agility would be my greatest assets in this battle.

As the titan closed in, it unleashed a powerful punch towards the ground, shattering the earth and freezing the ground in its wake. With lightning reflexes, I dodged and rolled beneath its towering form, narrowly avoiding the devastating blow. Seizing the opportunity, I lunged forward, spinning my spear in a swift arc aimed at the creature's calf.

However, my strike proved ineffective against the titan's formidable defenses, the icy armor absorbing the impact with little more than a scratch. In retaliation, the titan swung its massive arm like a whip, narrowly missing me as I evaded its attack. Desperate to gain the upper hand, I attempted to pierce the creature's leg with my spear, only to find it ensnared in the thick ice.

With a sinking feeling, I realized that I had lost my weapon, leaving me vulnerable and unarmed against the relentless onslaught of the titan. Yet even in the face of adversity, I refused to yield, determined to continue the fight until my last breath.

As the titan's massive foot connected with my body, I instinctively raised my arms in a feeble attempt to shield myself from the devastating blow. The impact sent me hurtling through the air, crashing painfully into the unforgiving wall of the coliseum. Agony seared through my body, accompanied by the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. My arms, now numb and frozen, hung limply at my sides, rendered useless by the brutal assault.

Through the haze of pain and disorientation, I caught sight of my mother, her eyes filled with tears as she watched helplessly from the stands. Beside her, Thor stood poised, his hammer at the ready, prepared to intervene on my behalf. But even as desperation threatened to overwhelm me, a flicker of determination ignited within my soul.

I refused to succumb to fear – to the crippling dread of mortality that had haunted me in my former life. I was not Gabriel, the mere mortal who had known only the comforts of a mundane existence. No, I was Baldur, son of Odin, heir to the legacy of Asgard, and I would not meet my end so easily.

With a primal roar, I unleashed the latent power that lay dormant within me. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" I bellowed, my voice echoing with an otherworldly intensity.

In an instant, a blinding burst of yellow light erupted from within me, engulfing the ice titan's outstretched arm in a searing blaze. The air crackled with energy as the titan's frozen limb began to melt and dissolve, consumed by the intense heat of my divine power.

As the threat before me faltered, I stood tall, renewed by the surge of energy coursing through my veins. I had faced death head-on and emerged unscathed, a testament to the indomitable spirit of a god reborn.

As the ice giant writhed in agony, its bellowing cries reverberating through the arena, I rose to my feet, the warmth of the sun infusing me with newfound strength. With each step forward, the ground seemed to yield beneath me, the very earth trembling in response to my presence. I felt a connection to something greater, an inexorable force beckoning me forth, awaiting my command.

With unwavering resolve, I advanced towards the wounded titan, its massive form looming before me like a colossus of ice and fury. Drawing upon the boundless energy coursing through my veins, I moved with the speed and grace of a celestial being, closing the distance in the blink of an eye.

In a flash of brilliance, I stood before the titan, my hand gripping the spear embedded in its foot. With a surge of power, I channeled the energy within me into the weapon, its metal glowing red-hot as it absorbed the searing heat. Then, with a mighty thrust, I unleashed the full force of my divine strength, triggering a cataclysmic explosion within the titan's foot.

The creature roared in agony, collapsing to its knees in a futile attempt to escape the searing pain. Sensing its weakness, I wasted no time, leaping onto its knee and propelling myself upwards with all the force I could muster. As I soared through the air, I focused my energy on the spear, transforming it into a weapon of pure light and heat.

With a resounding impact, the spear struck true, its radiant form cleaving through the air with blinding speed. In an instant, the titan's head was engulfed in a brilliant golden light, a wave of energy cascading outward in a dazzling display of power.

As the echoes of battle faded into silence, I stood amidst the aftermath, the arena hushed in awe and reverence. My mother's tearful smile, my brother's jubilant laughter. Odin slams his spear to the ground and speaks as loudly as he can.

"ALL HAIL BALDER ODINSON, GOD OF THE SUN AND LIGHT!" Odin's declaration reverberated through the air, igniting a fervor of adulation amongst the assembled throng.

As Odin's voice thundered through the arena, resounding with the weight of his proclamation, a profound silence descended upon the crowd. Then, as if ignited by a spark, the spectators erupted into a cacophony of cheers and applause, their fervent cries echoing off the golden walls of the coliseum.

The arena pulsed with energy as the crowd rose to their feet, their voices raised in unison as they hailed their new champion. "BALDUR! BALDUR! BALDUR!" they chanted fervently, their enthusiasm palpable as they pounded their feet against the ground, causing the very foundations of the arena to tremble once more.

In that moment, amidst the jubilant cacophony of celebration, I stood tall, my spirit ablaze with the radiant power of the sun. The cheers of the crowd washed over me like a tidal wave, filling me with a sense of pride and purpose unlike anything I had ever known.

For I was Baldur Odinson, God of the Sun and Light, and in the hearts of the people, I had found my true calling. With their unwavering support and adulation, I knew that I was destined for greatness, my legacy etched in the annals of Asgardian history for all eternity.

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