

Andy Zheng (A.Z) was once an unstoppable gangster who swept through Gotham City. That day and night, following a thunderclap, he discovered that he had entered another world - the God Realm. Let us see how this bad god takes over the god realm.

Blu_Lion · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Chapter 2 Y semantic school

The old man in the white robe took A.Z. on the carriage to the Emperor's capital. A.z. Turn his face and ask the old man, "I said old man, aren't you God? Why don't we fly?"

"Do you think anyone can fly? Only My Zone reaches the middle -level people to fly to the sky." A.Z. Nodded after listening, and then he then said, "Old man, I think you can't fly?"

"Ah?" He was startled by this sudden problem. "Bad boy, did you see me fall from the sky?"A.Z.'s scornful eyes made the old man feel unhappy.

The carriage stopped in the borders of the Y Empire, and there were heavy soldiers in front of the national border. In addition, there were huge stone giants. This makes A.Z. very excited. He didn't expect that there was such a new thing. He asked the old man, "Why don't we have a transportation?"

"Can people fly, do we still need to have carnish cars?"Old man said, "The world of God does not have such as oil, so technology does not exist here. Everyone is more cultivating my zone and gaining huge power."

But when A.Z. is more excited, people here wear all kinds of clothes. He thought that God had to wear those robes, and in fact their clothes were the same as the human world. And some clothes are more gorgeous and cooler, and some materials cannot be described at all.

The carriage entered the gate, and a large amount of people and transportation can describe the prosperity of the Y empire very well. The old man patted A.Z., "Hey, sit down, don't be so shameful?"

The carriage drove out of the market for about an hour, and the market was really huge.

The old man said, "A.Z., You listened carefully. The school you will enter is the third largest military college of the Y empire. Here you can graduate for 4 years. If you have excellent grades, you may be sent to the Y Empire's important position. "

In fact, the old man in the white robe did not tell him the truth. The Y seminary was indeed the third largest military college of the Y Empire, but it was also the most promising college. The students here are composed of poor quality, bad personality, and serious problems. Only a few outstanding talents are sent to the army every year as important positions.

"Don't talk nonsense, I know what to do!" A.Z. said, "You are so embarrassed!"

The carriage finally stopped. A huge golden iron door was in front of A.Z.. There is a huge plaque above the gate -Y semantic. "I can also go to a university, it's really a joke!" A.Z. Shower his shoulders and thought, "Okay, here is my beginning, I want to unify here!" The nature of his underworld began to be exposed again. A.Z. Jumping from the carriage, the old man didn't know what the boy was going to do.

A.Z. Suddenly laughed, he rushed towards the crowd. "All the students listened carefully. From today, you will obediently be my servant! Wow !!!" He jumped towards the door suddenly, but he did not expect that he suddenly floated into the air, jumping for more than 10 meters, and the whole person seemed to fly up. He fell on the door, "Why? How do I do?"

The old man was surprised. He secretly ecstatic. This kid can be as light as swallows without cultivation. Could he be a genius?

"Stop, who is here?" At this time, a group of people in a red robe ran out, and they were holding swords in their hands.

"Damn, it's really interesting. Someone provoked it as soon as he came?" A.Z. fought towards the crowd, and his speed was just like a Falcon. There was a loud noise, mixed with thick smoke gravel, and a howling came from the smoke, "Wow ~~~"

The old man quickly got out of the car and saw it. It turned out to be A.Z. lying on the ground, and the guy's arm and shoulders were crushed.

"Hey, who do you think you are?" The old man sighed helplessly.

In the medical room in the college, the doctor is treating A.Z.. He grinned with his teeth, "I think I am a copper -skinned iron bone, but I didn't expect that I was still a mortal body."

The old man in the white robe touched the beard, "You are still ordinary people, that is, you can get God's body only by breaking the My Zone, and you need more cultivation."

The doctor next to him really made A.Z. a surprise. His eyes shot red light. While looking at the wound, he slowly moved back and forth on A.Z.'s arm with a green long stick. A.Z. didn't feel pain, "Doctor, are you seeing the eyes?"

"You'll close your mouth. This is a stunt of the Department of Medicine. When it is repaired, you will practice this kind of medical eye. But you can only see the body of ordinary person. God does not need this kind of medical skills." The old man seems to know everything What happened.

A.Z. realized that he hadn't asked the name of the old man yet, "Old man, you didn't tell me your name."

"The name is just a code."

"You should not be ashamed of your name."A.Z.said.

The old man is really speechless, "My name is Sky."

"Your name is really not popular enough!" A.Z. Smiling. Sky is really helpless, this boy is simply a problem. In the strict divine realm, how long this kind of unparalleled child can live is an unknown.

"I will take you to the Academic Affairs Office for a while!" Sky said.

After half an hour, A.Z. finally recovered. He lamented the medical skills of the immortal world, so he could treat it so quickly. But he still felt that the internal organs were a little uncomfortable, and it seemed that there were still internal injuries.

Sky took A.Z. through the main building. Ordinary people in a human world can attract countless people wherever they go. Others are uniform in clothes. It is a very beautiful clothing, which is very similar to the robe of bachelor's clothes. And their colors are different. It is estimated that it is distinguished according to grade.

Finally came to the Academic Affairs Office. This is a huge dome building. There is a huge space here, and there are many people standing inside. Sky took A.Z. to the room next to him and said, "Wait for me."

A.Z. looked at the people outside and what kind of clothes wearing, but no matter what, this is a new beginning. Sky pushed the door and walked out. He shouted, "A.Z., Come in!"

He ran upstairs lightly.

The furnishings in this house are very charming, and there are wooden accessories everywhere. In the middle of the room is the table and chair of walnut, and there is a huge wooden bookcase on the wall.

A old lady was sitting in front of the table, and her dress was the same as missionaries. The old lady took off her glasses, "Are you A.Z.? What do you want to choose to practice?"

"What do you mean?" AZ asked.

The old man explained, "Here, the martial arts college is specializing in martial arts. Secondly, the magic college of cultivation of spiritual power controls the five elements of the five elements of nature, which is used in nature. There are also medical schools. But I suggest you go to the New College, which is a shortcut to my Zone. "

A.Z. Seeing the empty chair in front of the old lady walked over, and then sat down, the posture was very arrogant. He was still like the boss of the gangster in the past. "What does the new college learn?"

The old lady was not very comfortable to watch his sitting posture. She coughed to remind A.Z. But he did not respond, "You explain to him!" The old lady shouted at Sky fiercely.

The old man was startled, and then hurriedly kicked A.Z., then he reacted, and sat up slightly. "The new college can cultivate divine arts, that is, to learn to use My Zone, he is a science that combines magic and martial arts. Martial arts cultivation allows himself to get a strong body. But their strength depends entirely on their own abilities. The strength of the magician depends entirely on the strength of the spiritual power. Only divine art can convert the energy of the outside world into its own ability. "

In fact, the old man buried the facts again. The divine art is a kind of ability to rely on My Zone. The stronger the MZ, the greater the strength, and the cultivation of MZ is a long and difficult process.

"It doesn't matter!" A.Z. Stand up and then walked out of the teaching office. In this way, he officially settled in the Y semantic school of the Y Empire and became a student of the new college. The battle has just begun.