
Bad Girl Reborn

The protagonist of this novel is a complete bad girl, all because she believed that a bad man was her "fate mate" and wrongly trusted him and another despicable woman. This led to her family's ruin and the death of the man who loved her dearly. If given the chance to start over, she would no longer accept such a fate. She wants to cherish all the people who love her and seek revenge against her enemies. Just as she is on the brink of death, a miracle happens, and she is transported back four years. This time, she will not be toyed with like in her past life, and she will seek revenge in her own way. While she has enough tenderness and kindness for her relatives and friends, she has no mercy for her enemies. Anyone who has harmed her or deceived her in her past life will face her various forms of retaliation! Remember, she is a bad girl! Oh, and by the way, it would be nice to have a romantic relationship with Mr. CEO whom she let go in her previous life.

WhenWolfLovesSheep · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
70 Chs

Chapter 60: Shameless

As soon as Chloe finished speaking, William looked at her disapprovingly, "Chloe, I think Maddie makes a valid point! I asked you here today to give your opinions, but you have no thoughts at all!"

William's eyes were full of contempt.

She was just mindlessly praising him, not at all like Maddie, who always had her own opinions and was simply his muse of inspiration.

Chloe felt a little aggrieved.

She just thought William was perfect, and there was no need for any improvements.

Maddie quickly interjected, "William, don't say that. Chloe admires you. You should feel happy that she loves you so much."

As soon as Maddie said this, Chloe's face instantly turned red.

Although she had been engaged to William since childhood, he had always been lukewarm towards her.

Fortunately, with Maddie's help, she had more opportunities to get to know William.

"I'm planning to perform this song at the Freshmen Welcome Ceremony to give everyone a surprise!" William exclaimed excitedly.

Diana was sitting next to them, snacking on the treats on the table.

Upon hearing this, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The group turned their heads towards her.

"Diana, what are you laughing at?" William frowned disapprovingly.

Sure enough, even though she had changed her appearance, this woman was still just as unpleasant!

"Nothing. Who says I can't laugh?" Diana stuffed a piece of chocolate into her mouth and said leisurely.

William was furious at her attitude.

Chloe quickly interjected, "William, don't argue with her. She doesn't know anything about music!"

Maddie also looked embarrassed, "William, let me apologize for Diana. That's just how she is..."

"It's okay, Maddie. You don't have to speak for her. I won't argue with her!" William put on a magnanimous look and looked down on her disdainfully.

Diana was disgusted by his arrogant demeanor.

After a few more rounds of mindless praise for William, they finally left the practice room.

As they were walking down the stairs, Maddie suddenly stopped in her tracks. "Oh, I almost forgot, the counselor wants to see me about something. I have to go to the teaching building first. You guys go ahead," she said.

"Okay, hurry up and go then," Chloe and her friends replied.

After Maddie left, the three of them gave Diana a glance, then immediately distanced themselves from her and walked away without saying a word.

Diana didn't care. She found them annoying anyway.

She watched Maddie's back as she walked away, her gaze flickering slightly. Then, she took out her phone and began to track Maddie's location.

To her surprise, the location showed that Maddie was heading towards the piano practice room in the music department, not the teaching building.


Diana immediately followed her.

Her phone indicated that Maddie had gone to the piano practice room in the music department. The music equipment in the practice room was still under maintenance since the beginning of the semester, and no one was using it.

What was Maddie doing here?

Diana followed the location and quietly hid by the door, wondering what Maddie was up to. Suddenly, she heard a voice that made her heart race.

"Maddie, it's been two months since we last saw each other. I really miss you..."

That voice...

Wasn't it William's?!

They had just met earlier, and now he was here for a secret rendezvous?

How shameless! 

Diana cursed in her heart, then opened the window slightly to get a better look at what was going on inside.

William was seen holding Maddie in a hurried and fiery manner, pressing her against the wall. He was simultaneously lifting her clothes and kissing her passionately. Maddie put on a look of wanting to refuse but also welcoming his advances.

"William, this is not right. What if Chloe finds out?" Maddie said.

"At times like this, forget about her," William's voice was filled with undisguised disgust. "If it weren't for my parents always pushing me to be with her, I wouldn't even want to look at her!"

"Maddie, my heart belongs only to you," William continued.

Maddie's face flushed. "What about the thing you said before about using your family's company to promote my career as an artiste?"

"Don't worry, Maddie, you were born to be a star. I will make sure more people see your brilliance!" William said, while continuing to kiss her feverishly.

Diana silently took out her phone and captured the whole scene. She had been waiting for this for a long time and Maddie did not disappoint her. She had given her such a great gift.

As Diana watched with great interest, she was suddenly startled by a male voice behind her.

"What are you doing?" the male voice said.

Diana was taken aback and quickly put her phone away in her pocket. She steadied her nerves, turned her head, and collided with a stranger's face.

The boy was wearing a black t-shirt and casual pants, his hands in his pockets. He looked tough, and although his features were extremely delicate, his eyes had a somewhat fierce look.

At this moment, Maddie and William inside the room also heard the commotion.

Maddie was frightened and pushed William away, quickly adjusting her clothing.

"Who could it be?!"

William's expression darkened as he hurried towards the door.

Whoever it was, if they saw him and Maddie together, he would make sure they kept their mouths shut!

William aggressively opened the door, only to find someone he never expected.

Liam Baker!

"Baker... Liam, what are you doing here?"

William's tone instantly softened.

Of all people, it had to be this guy!

Liam's family had been involved in criminal activities for three generations, until his father's generation managed to turn things around.

Liam himself had a bad temper and a group of followers who rarely followed rules, making him a college bully.

William swallowed hard. "What brings you here?"

"What, is this your personal training room? I can come whenever I want!"

Liam glared coldly at him, his tone unpleasant.

William felt frustrated.

This guy was actually one year below him, but he didn't even address him as his senior and acted so rude!

He didn't want to get involved with Liam, but when he thought of Maddie, he had to ask, "Did you see anything just now?"

Liam squinted his eyes.

He only saw the girl sneaking around here, but didn't know what happened inside.

However, judging by William's behavior, he could guess what happened.

But he wasn't interested in getting involved in their petty drama.

Liam didn't answer, just casually scratched his forehead and gave William a cold glance before walking in the direction of downstairs.

It wasn't until he was far away that Maddie slowly walked out of the practice room.

"What do we do? Did he see it...?" Maddie was so anxious that she was almost in tears. If this matter were to be exposed, her image as a campus goddess would be ruined!

"Don't worry, Maddie. Maybe he didn't see it. Besides, according to Liam's character, he won't tell anyone about this even if he knows," William hurriedly reassured her.

Upon hearing this, Maddie calmed down a bit.

Upon careful consideration, William made sense. She stomped her foot in annoyance. Regardless of anything, this matter must not be known by anyone else!


On the other hand, after Liam went downstairs, he immediately caught up with Diana ahead of him.

He frowned and reached out to stop her. "Stop!"

Diana glanced at him, her initially cool gaze suddenly turning into a cheerful smile. "What's up, buddy?" she said.

Her change in demeanor was so sudden that Liam was taken aback. He furrowed his brow irritably and said, "I owe you an apology for what happened earlier."

When William had been about to step out, this woman had turned and run away. Liam had instinctively grabbed her, only to receive a painful kick to the knee that made him question his life choices.

Seeing the fierce look in Liam's eyes, Diana's smile receded. "Are you in cahoots with William?" she asked.

Did this guy tell William about her peeking earlier? But he didn't even know who she was, so it was probably fine.

Before she could finish that thought, Liam spoke up. "Who the hell is in cahoots with him? Diana Thompson, apologize to me!"

Diana widened her eyes in surprise. "You know me?!"

Damn, was this guy a pervert? He had been surreptitiously watching her the whole time?

No wonder he had appeared there earlier!

"Hmph, with your terrible reputation, who in this university doesn't know you?" Liam snorted. "Apologize!"

Realizing that Liam wasn't in league with William, Diana didn't want to tangle with him any longer. She casually said, "Alright, I'm sorry."

With that, she turned to leave.

Now it was Liam's turn to be stunned.

Did she just apologize that easily?

It wasn't like what he had imagined at all!

Liam furrowed his brow in confusion and was about to leave when he noticed the bracelet on Diana's wrist.

This bracelet...

Liam was taken aback and walked over to Diana, grabbing her wrist. "Is this..."