
Bad Girl Reborn

The protagonist of this novel is a complete bad girl, all because she believed that a bad man was her "fate mate" and wrongly trusted him and another despicable woman. This led to her family's ruin and the death of the man who loved her dearly. If given the chance to start over, she would no longer accept such a fate. She wants to cherish all the people who love her and seek revenge against her enemies. Just as she is on the brink of death, a miracle happens, and she is transported back four years. This time, she will not be toyed with like in her past life, and she will seek revenge in her own way. While she has enough tenderness and kindness for her relatives and friends, she has no mercy for her enemies. Anyone who has harmed her or deceived her in her past life will face her various forms of retaliation! Remember, she is a bad girl! Oh, and by the way, it would be nice to have a romantic relationship with Mr. CEO whom she let go in her previous life.

WhenWolfLovesSheep · Urban
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70 Chs

Chapter 61: The First Place

Diana was walking peacefully when she suddenly felt someone approaching from behind. Before she knew it, her hand was grabbed from behind. She looked back and realized it was a pervert.

"Let me go!" Diana exclaimed.

With a swift motion, she turned her arm, twisted Liam's wrist, and then turned him around and put his arm over her shoulder.

Liam was confused and had no idea what was happening.

Suddenly, Diana used all her strength to perform a beautiful judo throw, tossing Liam heavily onto the ground in front of her.

"Pervert! If I ever see you again, I'll beat you up every time!" Diana spat in disgust.

Seeing Liam lying motionless on the ground like a dead fish, Diana clapped her hands in satisfaction and walked away.

Liam lay there in shock, his eyes wide open and his face full of disbelief.

After a few seconds of blankness, he finally regained his senses.

He had been beaten up by that rumored waste of space, Diana Thompson?!

He was a college bully, and yet he had been beaten up by a woman!!!

It took Liam a while to come to terms with what had just happened.

He put his hand to his head and tried to calm down the buzzing in his head.

That woman was really ruthless.

Thank goodness no one saw this scene, otherwise he would be so embarrassed.


Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice calling his name.

Liam was startled and quickly stood up, trying to act normal.

When he looked over, Caleb was standing with a few other boys, looking at him in shock.

"What are you doing here?" Liam asked, his face turning black.

"Bro... you said you were going to the practice room to get something and asked us to wait here for you..." Caleb replied with a puzzled expression.

Upon hearing Caleb's words, Liam fell silent for a moment, seemingly composed, but inwardly, he was in a state of chaos. Did Caleb see him in that state just now? He couldn't have, right?

"Liam bro, how could you have been beaten by that Diana! Did I see it wrong?!" Caleb approached him and shouted.

Liam's vision went black, and he was so angry that he suddenly jumped up and grabbed Caleb's neck with one hand.

"Shut up! I was just resting on the ground! Believe me, if you keep blabbering, I'll shut your mouth forever!" he threatened.

"Yes...yes, I believe you, bro. I didn't see anything!" Caleb grabbed onto Liam's arm, almost passing out from being choked.

He begged for mercy, and Liam finally let him go.

"And you guys, if you leak a word about what just happened, I'll kill you. Got it?!" Liam glared at the several boys behind Caleb, made a gesture of slitting his throat, scaring them into promising to keep the secret.

This was just his bad luck!

After threatening his subordinates, Liam kicked a pebble on the roadside in frustration. However, the hand chain on that woman's hand looked familiar, didn't it?

Could it be...?

But that's impossible. That person, just like Diana, couldn't possibly have any connection with him.

Maybe he was mistaken.

The next day.

The exam results were quickly released.

As soon as the results were out, everyone hurriedly checked their rankings on the official website.

Since it was a class-based exam, everyone was quite concerned, as it would determine which class they would end up in.

However, this time, everyone was shocked when they saw the name on the top of the leaderboard - Diana Thompson.

Diana?! The biggest loser in Cloud City University, Diana?!

They couldn't be wrong, could they? Was this leaderboard upside down?!

"Diana, how did you manage to get first place! Was the test leaked?!" Martin shouted loudly in the classroom upon seeing the ranking on the official website, speaking what everyone wanted to say but didn't dare to.

Diana was lazily packing up her things and couldn't be bothered to respond to him. She had a professional course exam this afternoon and after that, she was heading to class A. She didn't have time to deal with him.

"Isn't that Maddie? What's she doing here?!" someone suddenly yelled.

Diana turned her head and saw Maddie standing outside the window waving at her.

What was she doing here at this time?

As soon as Diana stepped out of the classroom, Maddie said, "Diana, I saw the rankings on the official website..."

"Oh? So what?" Diana didn't believe Maddie had come to congratulate her.

As expected, Maddie grabbed Diana's hand and said with a serious tone, "Did you cheat? If Mr. Thompson finds out, you will be in trouble. Don't keep making mistakes, Diana!"

"Making mistakes again?" Diana replied.

"Yes, listen to me, Diana. You should confess to the teacher about your mistake. This way, the punishment will be lighter!" Maddie bit her lip and suppressed her displeasure.

When she saw her grades today, it felt like she had been struck by lightning and couldn't recover for a long time. She didn't believe it! How could Diana, a fool, possibly come first? She must have cheated!

Upon hearing Maddie's words, Diana sneered and shook off her hand. "Maddie, I don't know what you're talking about. I earned my grades without cheating. If you came here just to tell me this, you can leave!" Diana was on the verge of telling Maddie to "get lost."

What a way to ruin her morning!

Looking at Diana's unhappy expression, Maddie gritted her teeth and tightly held her phone in her hand. She had planned to record Diana's slip-up, but her answer had no loopholes.

"Well...that's good. I was just worried," Maddie finally admitted defeat.

She turned around and headed towards the classroom, where she saw Ava and Chloe walking towards her.

"So, did Diana cheat or not?" Ava asked.

Although she was asking Maddie, her tone was already certain.

Remembering Diana's words, Maddie's eyes flashed with a calculating light.

Maddie looked hesitant as she spoke, "Diana refused to tell me the truth when I urged her to confess. She simply ignored me..."

"Well, it's just one exam," Maddie continued, "I'm fine with getting second place, and letting her have the first place. I'll still be in the class A."

"No way!" Ava exclaimed angrily, "Maddie, that first place is rightfully yours. How could you just give it away like that?"

"Yeah, Diana has no shame!" Chloe chimed in agreement.

Ava's eyes suddenly lit up with a mysterious smile. "Don't worry, Maddie. I'll make sure to expose Diana's true colors and force her to admit it!"

Maddie's heart swelled with joy upon hearing this.

She loved being friends with these people. She didn't need to dirty her own hands with any unsavory business.

All she had to do was talk and pretend to be helpless, and someone else would take charge.

"Ava, what are you planning to do?" Chloe asked curiously.

Ava smirked, "You'll find out soon enough!"

Shortly after Maddie left, Diana's phone began to ring. She looked at the screen and saw the name "John Matthews," and the irritation she had felt from Maddie's earlier actions dissipated instantly.

She grabbed her phone and quickly walked to a quieter spot before answering the call.



Upon hearing her voice, John's usually stern expression softened immediately.

"I heard your exam results came out?"

John asked in a slow tone.

As soon as she heard this, Diana straightened her posture.

She proudly replied, "Guess what? How well did I do?"

Heh heh, John could never guess that she did so well.

She would scare him when she told him later!

"First place."

Diana: ...

This was unexpected. How could he have guessed such an unusual result?


Diana rolled her eyes and asked, "Did you send someone to find out early?"

"Yep." John replied honestly. He always kept an eye on everything about her. So he knew about her getting first place before she did.

Diana sighed in her heart. She planned to surprise him, but she ended up with nothing!

Her expression turned a little bit unhappy!

"What reward do you want?" John asked.

"I don't need anything else. You already gave me the bracelet!" Diana lifted her wrist, and the sapphire bracelet glimmered, causing her to squint.

John's face lit up at the sight of it. He had personally selected and set the gems on it. He had intended to give it to her that day, but the little girl had gotten drunk at that time.

"A bracelet is just a bracelet. Rewards are another matter," John said in a soft voice.

Diana replied casually, "Let's talk about it later. I have to go to class now."

She checked the time and quickly hung up the phone.

John sat in his office, listening to the beeping sound from his phone and fell into deep thought.

Strange, why does she seem unhappy?

He pondered for a while but couldn't come up with a reason.

He turned his head and looked at Ethan, who had been standing next to him all along.

"Did I say something wrong just now?" John asked.

Ethan shook his head and replied, "No, I think it was perfect." After a pause, he added, "Perhaps... it's Ms. Thompson's own problem."