
Baby amidst turmoil

After being treated like a maid by her foster parents and excluded by her other pack members, coral didn't see a future in staying once she turned 16. She fled escaping after being rejected and almost assaulted on the same day. She was drugged years later and had a one night stand with a stranger who turned out to be her true mate. Her life began from there, she gained a wonderful family as the pack they started grew. All of them placed together by fate must work together to fight against a powerful entity who is after coral and Jackson 's unborn child. Years later Jackson found himself slapped in the face by his own wife and child.

Esmo_Rey · perkotaan
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16 Chs

The day after

Coral woke up the next day around mid afternoon alone in the bedroom, sore and covered in hickeys. She tried to stand up but fell back on the bed. Although she was drugged, she was conscious all the way through. She had heard what Luis had said and felt Jackson's turmoil when he touched her. She can't control her gift and it didn't feel nice being compared with the other woman. She saw how she had broken him and knew that he had devoted himself to his mate and the moon goddess's teaching.

She almost laughed when she heard his concern about his size for a moment until she felt it. It was big and it hurt but the feeling of being full is even better. She knew that their bond will be even stronger now that they mated but she was also relunctant just like he is. Ash was an as***** but at least he didn't take advantage of her like Santana did with Jackson. He felt sorry for the guy but she wasn't ready for a mate either.

She is well aware of being naked at the moment but she can't feel her legs. They were both alpha and had a huge stamina, the drug made it worse for her as she wanted more and more to the point where she took control in the middle. She knew he liked it but like being on top of her the most. They started taking turns everywhere, bathroom, the floor,the couch etc.

Jackson came in at that moment with a pair of brand new clothes.

" You are awake?" he asked.

" Yes, I can't feel my legs" she replied.

" I'm sorry, it was your first time and maybe i should have just taken it easier on you. I got carried away. " he said.

" It's okay, thank you for saving me." she said trying to get up again but failing. Jackson looked at her with guilt and went to the bathroom to run her a warm bath.

He carried her in and left her to bathe herself as she requested and thanked him.

After the warm bath, she was able to move but still sore. She put on the clothes he had brought earlier and went to the dining room where Luis, mike and Jackson were. The introduced themselves.

" Hey do you mind if i take your pulse" Luis said.

" No it's okay" she said holding her phone and seeing macy's missed calls.

" Babe where are you? I managed to get away from my sister thanks to another group of vampires, I have our stuff, I'll come pick you up." Macy said. The guys of course had werewolf hearing so they heard what she said.

" It's okay Macy, I'm glad you are safe. I'll turn off my gps and you can follow it. Make sure you are not followed. I have a bad feeling about yesterday so becareful." she said and said goodbye. She turned on her GPS and secured it so only Macy could see it.

" Why were vampires chaising after you" Mike asked still hung up on macy's voice.

" I have no idea, I didn't offend any as of late" she replied.

" As of late?" Luis asked.

" I offended one the day i was born and I'm pretty sure she was the one after me if she knows I'm alive." she replied.

" Have something to eat. You have a very beautiful name by the way." jackson said making her blush.

" I can't, there is still an unknown drug in my system. I can't eat anything until i know what it is." she said.

" That's the love whisper, by the looks of it, it should be neutralized." Luis said eyeing her hickeys. Making jackson growl at him.

" I'm actually immune to it so they must have mixed something in it to make it work." she said making Luis curious.

" How do you know you are immune" Luis couldn't help but ask.

" I know the person who invented it. " she said stated making everyone curious.

" Oh then so you know who drugged you" mike asked.

" I have a clue but the drug is also on the market so i can't be sure until i have my blood sample tested." she said.

They talked on various topics, well everyone except jackson who was looking at her the entire time. He was admiring her intelligence and how beautiful she was seeing her up close in daylight. Macy came thirty minutes later and she couldn't enter because the place has vampire barrier.

" Your friend is a vampire?" Luis asked skeptical.

" Well yes, she's also human. I have to go, i have a lot going on at the moment and i don't want to implicate you." she said while reaching out her card to jackson who was reluctant to see her go.

' Mate!' mike yelled as soon as he got close to Macy making her freeze for a moment before grabbing Coral's hand and fled within seconds to the car. She stepped on the paddle and the sports car left in high speed leaving a flabbergasted trio on the spot as they didn't see what happened despite their high reflexes until the car sped from there. Jackson was holding on to the card tightly. Although he wasn't ready for a mate, she was still his sole mate!! they had a lot to talk about.

He didn't even know where she was staying and why her life was in danger. Who did she offend the day she was born?. He's an alpha for goodness sake but he couldn't talk to her earlier. He knows that the bond will be stronger now that they mated and it will be torture being away from her. He quickly saved her number and sent her a text that they should talk or at least meet. He also asked for the reason Macy ran from Mike seeing his heartbroken state.

She replied to him 10 minutes later saying that he and Mike were their second chance mates. Macy had it worse with her fated so she is scared with the fact of gaining a second one. He was surprised because she was still a virgin so that means she rejected him or was rejected. He was of course happy that she responded and was all his. She told him that she was staying in australia for the moment since she just graduated a few months back. She couldn't stay in Paris as her life is in danger and were leaving but he was welcome to meet them three months from now.

He quickly explained to Mike that Macy was hurt by her 1st fated and panicked when he yelled mate. He gained his mood back when he said that they agreed to meeting again in three months since they were currently in danger. They also had to go back to the hell they call a pack. Jackson wasn't looking forward to seeing Santana with his brother but thinking about Carol brought back his smile scaring mike and Luis. Jackson always wanted to leave that place because of his father's controlling ways and favoritism. He is an alpha but it doesn't feel that way since his father never stopped controlling things. His brother is the one taking care of the family company while he has to stay at the pack to take care of things they don't want to do. He has his own company that is even more successful than his family business but he also hid it from his greedy family. He had grown nurm to their ways and this trip was the last straw. He is strong and powerful which is why he chosen as an alpha because he can protect them. He already sent a notice to the elders of the pack about his decision to leave and they accepted since they didn't like him and was very afraid of him. They disliked the fact that he was a hybrid while his brother Jacob was a werewolf.

He came to Paris to celebrate since his family didn't care if he leaves or not. He is the son of the 1st wife who died when he was 2. She was a witch and died protecting the pack. Everything changed after his father brought in a new wife a year later with a newborn son. They were a family with him excluded of course. They only have to return there to make it official. Everything he owns were bought with his own money so they have no say in it.

Mike also decided to follow jackson as he knows his life will be hell as long as he stays there. Luis was away to medical school and just returned, he is an orphan so he's free to go wherever he wants. They will cut off their ties with Moonlight pack that was named by jackson's mother. They don't mind being rouges at all if it means gaining their freedom.

" You do know that you can start your own pack right?" Louis asked.