
Baby amidst turmoil

After being treated like a maid by her foster parents and excluded by her other pack members, coral didn't see a future in staying once she turned 16. She fled escaping after being rejected and almost assaulted on the same day. She was drugged years later and had a one night stand with a stranger who turned out to be her true mate. Her life began from there, she gained a wonderful family as the pack they started grew. All of them placed together by fate must work together to fight against a powerful entity who is after coral and Jackson 's unborn child. Years later Jackson found himself slapped in the face by his own wife and child.

Esmo_Rey · Urban
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16 Chs

Blood line discoveries

After being followed for a week. I decided to ignore it and continue working on my new business. I've always been sensitive to smell, I can not only recognize smell but materialize it as well. I noticed that I've been attracted to water this days, I would stay in the pool for a long time and able to breathe underwater which is weird. I get the animal instinct but this is very exciting. Is it a new ability?

I decided to consult Sally when i get back to my new home. It's weird, just like the creepy feeling of being watched but not being able to know who it is despite all the training i went through recently.

* ********************

After getting out of the airport, the weird lady who was watching Coral made a call to her brother.

" Brother, you won't believe who i saw just now." she said.

" You see a lot of people Lillian, how am i supposed to guess?" he replied.

" A girl around the age of 21-22 who looks like the portrait on your wall and the funny thing is that she has our hair and eyes. She almost reminded me of mom." she said and heard something break through the phone.

" Whatever you do, don't let my ex wife find out about her. Send me a picture of her and get some of our people to protect her. Talia is there in Paris and i don't know what she'll do if she sees her" he said

" Is she really my niece? The one you told me about?" she asked.

" I believe so, I don't know what happened to her mother but i can feel that my daughter is still alive since her birth through my gift. She must be 22 now" he said.

" She's very beautiful, like her mom. I still can't believe Talia went after her. Did you get through to Tyson?" she asked.

" No, I haven't talked to him ever since she took him away from me and i can't find him anywhere. She went crazy after she discovered that i had a fated who turned out to be a werewolf. It's been 23 years now. I managed to get divorced then but Talia took it too far by chasing after her. She blamed her for everything and even attacked her pack." he said getting up.

" Alright, I'll do it secretly. There are a lot of people following her but i don't know who they belong to. She managed to get rid of them though" she said sounding proud.

" I'll send my men to gather more information on what's going on." he said and they both said goodbye.

What both of them didn't know was that his phone was bugged and "Talia" was listening to their conversation . She had thought that the good for nothing alpha had killed that child should she look like her ex husband. Both her son and husband hate her for what she had done. Her son ran away from home 10 years ago and she bugged her ex husband's phone secretly to see if he'll contact him. What she didn't expect was to find out about that bi***'s daughter is still alive.

While she was plotting, she didn't know her son tyson was there to surprise her and was about to knock when he heard the conversation between his father and aunt. He knew his mother was the worst but he couldn't believe what he heard his mother said afterwards. Talia hurled some insult at coral nearly forgetting that she is a woman too.

He wanted to inform his mother about his achievements after he received her letter of apology. He now understood that the woman his dad left her for was his fated but his mother took it too far this time . He was there when the woman rejected his father years ago when he chose his mother over her. He still remembers the pain she faced when she completed the rejection ritual but still refused his father's help when he refused the rejection. I still don't understand why dad was still against the rejection so much.

He respected her for not compromising and understanding that he was a married man. He also has a girl he likes but won't do anything in case he is blessed with a fated one day. It took his father Three years to mourn her after he heard of her eternal passing.

He knew he had a sister but was too afraid to face her. What would he say? Hi I'm your brother and my mom killed your mom out of jealousy?. He saw her a year ago when she came to the international space station for a tour. He heard she was doing a PhD in chemistry and business management. She was beautiful just like her mother and unlike him and his father, she is able to walk in the sun perfectly fine. She didn't need the magic salve vampires use to walk in the sun nor is she drinking blood. He watched her closely and was impressed with what he had seen. Tyson is a researcher and he is successful at that. He was able to find out more information about her that others couldn't but it was also limited. His sister was a genius hacker and she hid herself very well.

He teleported back to his house and sent a magic text with the help of his friend to his father explaining the situation. He warned his father of his tapped phone and what his mother's plans were. He knew Coral was able to defend herself but it's best to have some help. He went back to his research while still keeping an eye on her.

Coral won the competition days later and her company rose to a new length. Macy came to join her and of course she also noticed the attention they were getting. Both girls were trained and were lethal weapons if need be but it's the modern century and they didn't have enough connections in the town or country they were in so they laid low.

The day before they were supposed to leave, they were attacked but managed to escape. They then got separated while running, Macy ran into her sister while Coral ran into someone she never expected to see. She collapsed right into his arms, exhausted and drained.

Jackson Green was planning on taking one of the blondes they were hanging with for the night to release some built up tension when an incredible smell hit him. He knew what it meant as he went through the same process before but this time the smell seemed different. It felt strong and he couldn't resist taking a deep breath to take it all in.

That's when he saw her, she was chased by someone and smartly managed to dodge them. He was watching from the private room and pulled her inside when he saw that she was about to be spotted again. She was so beautiful and smelled so great, his wolf Jay was howling so much that it was starting to get annoying. He doesn't want another mate nor is he in the right space at the moment. The girl looked so vulnerable that it broke his heart somehow.

His beta knew what his expression meant so he sent all those girls away. He fetched the car and they headed to their private house here in paris. Coral woke up feeling hot and started getting rid of her clothes startling the two.

" I think she's drugged " Beta Michael said.

" Don't look" Jackson growled as soon as he saw her milky skin.

" I won't, we will leave you guys be. I'll go call Luis for help." Mike said as he took out his phone and left.

' help me' Coral said feeling the heat rushing to one place.

" Don't worry help is on the way." he said and took her to the master bathroom and placed her under a cold shower.

Luis came in 10 minutes later panting. He almost got killed for looking at her by jackson but he was used to him and didn't take offense.

" She is heavily drugged by a new drug called loved whisper, the only cure is to get her a man or she might go crazy and start releasing hormones to attract other males. The drug mainly attacks females, she is a werewolf and all she will think about 2 hours from now on is about mating. If you do not want a crazy turn out happening, sort it out first. If she's an alpha, then it will be worse." he said in a french accent.

" How am supposed to do?" jackson asked in a husky voice after he left her in the cold water and closed the door to talk with Luis.

" Get her a man!" he stated as a matter of fact making jackson throw him out in that instant.

Left confused, Luis had no choice but to join Michael (mike) in the living room.

" Why did he kick me out so ruthlessly?" he asked Mike.

" She's his mate" mike stated knowing that it would not be wise to disturb his best friend at the moment.

" No wonder he was ready to chop my head when i took her pulse when he wrapped her up like a sausage." He said.

" Yeah and it's going to be a long night for him" mike said.

" Alright, my job here is done. I would advise him to use protection but i want to have my head attached when i leave. I'll see you tomorrow when i come to check up on her." he said and left. Mike also secured the house and went to sleep in a hotel nearby not wanting to disturb the two.

Back in the room, Coral was getting hotter by the second and struggling to maintain her rationality. She opened her eyes and saw that man from earlier. The man was hot and it wasn't helping her situation. She increased the cold water temperature to fight the drug making jackson raise his brow at her actions. She's a strong one it seems.

A few minutes later the water was no longer working and she was starting to release a faint scent that alarmed him. She was already naked and having lost a bit of resolve, he took her to bed and kissed her. He could tell she was inexperienced but was a quick learner as she was already driving him mad. He took of his clothes and started pleasuring her, he played with her large but firm natural breast, his ex mate had implants so Coral's was a breath of fresh air. He had only been with a woman once and that was it. She wasn't even a virgin so he was inexperienced at this department.

He reached the drawer and took out the condom. He wore it on his throbbing large member. She was so tiny that he wondered if he'll fit in her. He thrust inside but stopped when he felt a barrier and saw her tears. He quickly realized that she was a virgin and kissed away her tears.

" This will only hurt a bit but it will pass soon. I promise, You'll enjoy it." he whispered making her shudder which he enjoyed.

After a sharp thrust and breaking her hymen, he started going slow to let her adjust. After a while, she started increasing the movement and he obliged by giving her what she wanted. She was a quick learner and went along with his speed. After a few more thrust they both released at the same time but they weren't done yet, he removed the condom and the pleasure multiplied that he felt his fangs coming but managed to control himself, he wouldn't want to mark her in this state.

They went at it the whole night in different places and only stopped when the sun was about to rise, both exhausted. He took a wet cloth and cleaned her carefully as she had just passed out. He felt his heart ache for her when he saw the blood stain but soon felt proud that she kept herself for him. He also cleaned himself and slept with her in his arms. He even forgot about the vow he took a year ago.