
Baby amidst turmoil

After being treated like a maid by her foster parents and excluded by her other pack members, coral didn't see a future in staying once she turned 16. She fled escaping after being rejected and almost assaulted on the same day. She was drugged years later and had a one night stand with a stranger who turned out to be her true mate. Her life began from there, she gained a wonderful family as the pack they started grew. All of them placed together by fate must work together to fight against a powerful entity who is after coral and Jackson 's unborn child. Years later Jackson found himself slapped in the face by his own wife and child.

Esmo_Rey · perkotaan
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16 Chs

chapter 1

It was supposed to be the happiest day of my life, the day i find my mate and also my sweet sixteen. I've been waiting to get to meet my wolf ages ago, My name is Coral Edwards and I grew up in the blood moon pack. I was adopted by James and Amanda Libby when I was three years old. My biological parents died from a vampire attack while defending the pack. They already had two children Jada and Jaxon Libby who are both six and eight years older than me.

The couple treated me well when I was young because of the child grant they get from raising. My parents were warriors and left a certain amount of money from the pack and my foster family for their help raising me till I turn sixteen. The luna would check up on me but that also stopped eventually. The blood moon pack doesn't like to follow the rules, the legal age to regard a person an adult is eighteen but once you turn 16 and get your wolf, you'll be treated as an adult.

A month before my birthday I got a notice for the apartment I'm supposed to move into once I turned 16 on the other side of the pack for training purposes. Since I'm just a foster kid and the contract signed by the Libby's had to take care of me will end a week before my birthday so I will have to move there. It is mandatory until i turn 18. I went to my parents's former home that day because of the letter that was placed inside the locked my dad left for me.

I discovered the letter when I was five and because of my photogenic memory, I already knew how to read by then. The letter said that I had to lie low and never tell anyone about my strength and abilities including the alpha or Luna. It specified that the moment I get a move notice, I was to visit our old house to get the will and bank accounts they left for me at my favorite hiding place. I was to make sure nobody knew about it and burn the account numbers after reading it since I have photogenic memory.

I was surprised when I went to the house since it was now under my name. The place was full of cobwebs and dust since I haven't cleaned it for two years working as a maid at the Libby's. Alpha Eric handed me the keys on my thirteenth birthday as per the 1st will agreement they know off. The house was a bit far from the pack house and residential areas but I was used to it. Those people are used to me going there to clean once in a while since I was holding a bucket filled with cleaning tools. I didn't want to be too obvious. I noticed that there was always someone following me around ever since my birthday started approaching but I pretended not to notice anything less they do something foolish to me.

I started cleaning the house, still feeling eyes looking at me so I placed a mirror on the floor so I can see my stalker who turned out to be beta Logan. I cleaned everything there and took some of the books my parents left behind just so I don't seem suspicious. I opened one and read them on my way home.

I had already placed the will in my underwear when i feigned the urgency to go to the bathroom. I purposely chose a book about mating and hid it deliberately for him to see and make sure they don't search me. As expected, as soon as i reached the house. Beta Logan stopped me and asked to see the books i had on me and he specifically chose the one I hid earlier about wolf mating. I tried my hardest to blush as he took the book from me. He was surprised when he saw the contents and gave me a weird look, he confiscated all the books. I gave him a confused look but he just walked away.

I only have a few days left at the Libby's and they keep giving me chores so i hardly have time to myself until they go to sleep. I still had the feeling of being watched so i didn't take out the Will and started all my chores. I was so tired by the time i was done, I did all the cleaning,cooked and washed the dishes plus did all the laundry around the house. I wasn't allowed to eat anything until i finished my chores.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower since nobody was home at the moment, it was only after I took fresh clothes and toiletries that the feeling of being watched disappeared. I secretly took a lighter so i can burn it as instructed. I went to the bathroom and closed the door since Jaxon was being a perv these past few days. I opened the envelope that had two two papers, one was the Will and the other was a letter. The letter was written as follows.

' Dear Coral

If you are reading this letter means that you'll be turning 16 in a few days. I am sorry i won't be able to be there for you. I have so many things i wanted to do with you like watching you graduate, have children etc but i know my time is limited. I fell in love with your biological father when i was 18.

we were fated mates but the only difference was that he was a vampire and already had a chosen wife of 30 years. They had a son already, I was heartbroken when got to know that but i understood as he had waited for his fated for a hundred years and already gave up on looking. I decided to to reject him but he refused my rejection and wanted to take me as his second wife which i of course rejected.

The mate bond didn't affect him as much as it did to me, I would be in so much pain everytime they mated .  I don't know how many times i rejected him but he kept on rejecting it. Both parties have to agree in order for it to be effective. I told him that if i ever felt the pain from his love making, i will blow his lower part of the body with a gun. I am a sharp shooter. I didn't feel it again afterwards. I was in college at that time and i was betrayed by my best friend/ roommate who drugged me on her boyfriend 's order but i was saved by your father. The drug was so strong and i couldn't fight it so we mated. The following day i rejected him again but he still wouldn't accept it even when i told him that it hurt when he slept with his wife. I took matters in to my own hands and went to a witch to get rid of the bond. I met your father Troy Edwards who's on your birth certificate while i was running away from Owen and his crazy wife.

Troy had just lost his wife to rouges and he was a warrior at Blood Moon pack. He helped me by lying to the alpha by saying that i was his second chance mate. I found out that i was pregnant with you a week after he marked me as his chosen mate as to not make anyone suspicious of me. I was weak after the mate bond was broken and pregnant at that. The alpha started harassing me after finding out that i was a college graduate and had a well paid job plus my parents left me some money. I only told him that i only 2 million and as the pack was in trouble, he demanded it. I remember Troy got so angry that he confronted the elders and the money was returned. I gave birth to you in a human hospital and you inherited my powers that i tried to hide so much. Thank goodness You looked like me and a hybreed . I went to a witch to help me bind them until you turn 18 to keep you safe. I became a warrior two months after and my career was really taking off , I made so much money along with Troy that i surpassed the 35 million inheritance I got from my parents. While we were successful, the pack was loosing money thanks to the lavish lifestyle of the alpha . Owen's wife found me and made a deal with him to kill me in return she'll give him 100 million to save the pack. I started getting suspicious after he stopped asking money from me and Troy so we made preparations in case something happens to us.

I made a fake will that the alpha has a copy of and transferred all the money i had in secret accounts all over the world in your name. I changed your surname to my maternal name that nobody knows about and made you a new birth certificate. You have two legal birth certificate with two different names, one is for Coral Edwards that the alpha has and the other is for Coral Larissa Cornwell. We have left you a total of 7 billion and a few houses across the world in the name of Coral Larissa Cornwell and you'll find your birth certificate in a safety deposit box in London. Once you turn 18 , the spell will be broken and your wolf will receive its natural golden color from grey  and eyes will  go back from being blue. Never show anyone your wolf colour unless necessary or use your vampire gifts after you get your blood urges in check.

You were blessed by the moon goddess with a protection spell that hides your family gifts until you meet your true mate , not your fated mate that you will meet on your sixteenth. I love you sweet heart and I'm proud of you. PS: Honey, I wasn't able to hide from the family curse and so will you. My advice is to accept it to avoid further trouble, at least you have genes on your side!!

love. Mom. '

The will specified which properties and all the bank accounts. I quickly memorized it all and burned it after reading it and flushed the evidence down the toilet. I took a quick shower and made sure that the smell of fire dissipated before getting out.

Two hours later, all the family had returned and someone from the pack house came and told me and the Libby family that i was to move to the pack house that very same night for training. James and Amanda were so mad that they demanded that i come back on the weekends of which i declined and they couldn't do anything as i was no longer their foster kid.

I moved to the one bedroom apartment since I'll be doing mandatory training for the next three months then I'll move to my parents house. The lawyer with the fake will came a day later and I was called to the pack house. The fake will stated that my parents left me 100 million along with the house and a house near cambridge university. They also left the condition that i will only receive 5 million on my birthday and the rest if I get a degree from Cambridge university. The alpha was happy when he heard the amount of money and turned sour at the mention of the condition. I maintained straight A's from a young age so it shouldn't be a big deal and I skipped two grades when i was young so I'm in my final year of high school, only a few weeks before i graduate. I want to get out of here as soon as possible, the alpha's son keeps looking at me as if i was naked.