
Spilling it all.

In an auspicious location within new moon city, 2 people, a girl, and a boy could be seen materializing from thin air and into the grassy flooring.

The duo was naturally jasmine and Azazel who teleported from the xiao set manor after being cornered by its elders.

The needle of catastrophe does indeed live up to its reputation. It was only recently did Azazel realize that he could not only teleport himself but others as well, albeit at the cost of much more profound energy.

Jasmine looked at the winded boy next to her with an analyzing gaze. Teleportation? at the mere true profound realm? and done so effortlessly at that. All of this further clarified her initial conjecture that this boy is an impeccable monster that could be groomed to a person of high status in the future.

"so, what should I call you?" she asked, feigning nonchalance.

"just Azazel is fine." he paused to gather his breath while leaning on a nearby tree for support

"Back on the topic of the conversation. Yes, I know a lot about you, if not everything."

Jasmine narrowed her eyes dangerously, yet did not interrupt him, simply motioning him to continue

" If I'm not wrong, you are the first princess of the star god realm and the second offspring of the realm king. Your real name is Xin Tong, Jasmine is merely a title you used to remind yourself of the countless murders you have done in the past, all for an understandable cause nonetheless. Your older brother is the inheritor of the heavenly wolf star god, he died as a result of a plot by the golden-haired bitch, also known as the Brahma moon "Goddess". Let's see here, what did I miss."

Azazel pondered further, minding not the impeccable killing intent originating from the princess. He was aware that at the mention of that woman, she was going to lose almost all rationality. It is to be expected anyways. "Right. Your mother was captured by people from the moon god realm. I do believe that your brother tried to save her to no avail. Additionally, your father refused to exchange her for some treasures of the star god realm, henceforth causing her to suicide."

Azazel sighed, turning to look at the trembling frame of jasmine. He almost forgot that this person who has killed almost a million people was just 12 years old. That cold and indifferent front marring her contours was a facade, something that was unfortunately created due to her tragic past. The saying was right. Experiences are so paramountly important that some of them change the very core of the person for all eternity.

" I think I don't need to show my knowledge anymore right? I'm of course aware of the situation between you and Yun Che as well."

"worry not," Azazel spoke again after seeing her irresponsive vessel. " I can help you with these problems in the future. "

"you? help? don't mess with me. What can a true profound realm cultivator do to aid me? If you are so aware of where I originate from, then you should understand that you will never amount to anything in the future, especially considering everyone in the upper realms has an immense headstart" Jasmine coldly retorted, showing no mercy as she vehemently tried to make him understand the harsh reality.

"Never amount to anything in the future huh." Azazel cocked his head to the side, all the playfulness he had from before disappeared into nothingness. Instead, what replaced his contours was an extremely calm aura.

" here I thought you were a person of immense intelligence. It seems like I was more or less incorrect. You are blinded by your arrogance and anger, forbidding you from making the best of decision nor thinking with a certain degree of smarts. If one is in a cornered situation, they ought to seek all the help they can get. Instead, you choose to foolishly drown in your ignorance, believing yourself to be the same divine lord cultivator of the past. What's even more tragic is the fact that you release your power in this world only to fail in realizing that the people from the star god realm can track its source."

Azazel shook his head and stood up, looking at jasmine without any anger or awe, Just pity.

" I hold no grudge against you. If anything, I truly feel sad about your situation. So, I ask you one more time, do you want me to help?"

Jasmine did not answer, she simply put her head down, arms lax on her sides.

Azazel smiled in satisfaction, there we go. This small gesture was her naturally giving in to what she truly wanted, small improvements to her otherwise harsh character are being made.

Without wasting a single moment, he moved closer and closer to her general position, placing a single hand on her shoulder as he circulated his profound energy.

A single second later, both of them disappeared

Back at the hotel, Chief opened his eyes and peered upon a specific place within the room, as if expecting something or someone.

Granted, a second later both Jasmine and Azazel appeared in a flash of scarlet energy.

"took you long enough" chief closed his eyes and continued on with his nap.

"your brother?" Jasmine asked attentively, the similarity between the two is near uncanny, it was as if this man before her is the split image of Azazel, only a little older.

"Nope. That is my partner, Chief. I don't know too much about how strong he is, but I'm pretty sure he can destroy your father with a single flick of a finger." he responded seriously.

" you must be joking. " jasmine waved off his claim without any doubts. The star realm king? he was a person who was close to becoming a true god. In this entire universe, only a few could ever hope to be his match.

" Suit yourself princess. Make yourself at home, let me change to more fitting clothes so that I can answer more of your questions." Azazel chuckled to himself before going into the adjacent room under Jasmine's intense glare.

She did not question his weird yet very much appealing sense of style. If anything, it further deepened her doubt. Just who was he? everything about him seems arcane. She could not get the slightest clue by analyzing him.

"that Poison in your body is extremely dreadful. I can smell its toxicity from here." Chief calmy spoke without opening his eye.

"did he tell you about it?"

"tell me? You must be joking. Anyone who possesses my ability can see, smell, hear everything around a certain vicinity."

" I don't know whether to take your word for it. If you are so powerful, then, why are you in such a lower realm." Jasmine asked the question that has been bothering her.

" Because the person I'm grooming needs to start at the bottom and slowly yet effectively make it to the top. Besides, I truly don't give a damm whether you believe me or not. I have nothing to gain by obtaining your trust on the matter anyway." Chief indifferently answered, much to the annoyance of jasmine.

Who was he to talk to her in such a manner? however, Azazel's words previously hit where it hurts. As such, she decided to not blindly fuel her words with arrogance and pride, but calm logic.

"Alright." was her short reply.

After 3 minutes of awkward silence between the two, Azazel walked inside of the living room wearing a new white bunny outfit and a different hairstyle. HIs hair was formatted elegantly to resemble Itachi from Naruto, with the only difference being the fact that Azazel's hair was white and not a deep shade of black.

He did not mind the weird gaze from Jasmine but instead flashed a short smile as he sat on the flaming red couch.

"Alright, princess. What else do you want to know?" he asked patiently, despite being a hundred percent aware of the question she was about to ask.

" How do you all of this? about the higher realms, and about me personally."

"that is a very good question." he mused before continuing. " you see, I do not come from this world. I used to be in a planet called earth where there was no such thing as cultivation or energy, no such thing as sects, no such thing as the dao. The concept of heaven and earth does exist, with it being usually stemming from religions. It just so happens that in that world, your story along with all the people you know was put together in the form of a novel for the people's enjoyment. On a certain day, I was teleported into this world by none other than chief, that person who is laying on that couch." Azazel directed her gaze to where Chief was taking a nap.

" that is how I know a lot about you. I know a little bit of the future as well, which is why I've warned you previously that your actions of exposing your power will prove to be detrimental. With my understanding of the future and my innate ability, I can be of great help..."

Jasmine did not know how to process this information, it was too much to take in all at once.

" alright." she finally said in the form of a sigh, " I understand now."

Azazel nodded while smiling brilliantly. " if that is the case, I think I found an immediate way to help you...."

Here it is everyone. Do enjoy and don't forgot to comment. This is your story.

SadisticPrincecreators' thoughts