

Axel who was once an earthling known as Andrue Mikazily a 22 university student died due to COVID 19 was reborn on Krypton, a planet with advanced technology and a strong military during the expansion period. Due to his strong genetic ancestry all thanks to his parents he was born to become a powerful fighter, with strength, speed, durability, and brains far beyond that of a normal Kryptonian.

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CH 3

Finally, the day came when Steppenwolf's forces crossed into sector ER5489. Axel-ZAR and his battalion stood resolute, ready to defend their homeland with unwavering determination.

The battle that ensued was fierce and relentless. Axel-ZAR led his warriors with strategic precision, utilizing their enhanced abilities to the fullest. They fought valiantly, countering the onslaught of Steppenwolf's forces with remarkable skill and unwavering unity.

The galaxy was brightly lit due to constant exchanges of fire between the two opposing battleships forces. The battle had been raging for days, and neither side seemed to be gaining an advantage. The ships were close enough that the crews could see each other's faces, and the sound of gunfire was deafening.

On one battleship, a young lieutenant named Anya was manning a Fighter ship that has just take-off. She had never been in battle before, and she was terrified. But she knew that she had to do her part, so she gripped the controls tightly and fired at the enemy ship.

On the other battleship, a seasoned captain named Marcus was leading his crew into battle. He had seen many battles in his time, but this one was different. The stakes were higher, they were fighting the forces of Apocalypse known for their thirst for fear and try until you die moto and the outcome could mean the end of the sector ER5489 as they knew it.

The battle raged on for 4 years, and the casualties mounted. battleships were destroyed, and crews were killed. But neither side gave up. They fought on, knowing that the fate of the galaxy depended on it.

Finally, after years of fighting, one battleship was able to penetrate the defences of Apocalypse forces just to self-destruct which took out most of the commanding battleships and made the flag battleship of the Apocalypse unusable. The Kryptonian battleship's crew cheered and celebrated, while the crew that knew the crew of the self-destructing battleship's mourned their losses.

The battle was over, but the war was not. The galaxy was still in danger, and the two sides would have to find a way to work together if they wanted to survive.

After years of intense combat, Axel-ZAR's battalion emerged victorious. Steppenwolf's forces were driven back, their ambitions thwarted by the indomitable Kryptonian warriors. A sense of relief spread across sector ER5489.