
Avian's Advent

Haruto, the story's protagonist had lived contentedly and had a long life ahead of him to look forward to but is one of many who perishes due to unforseen circumstances. He is then reincarnated as a monstrous bird! How will he survive and adapt to his new life? What will his future adventures as an avian in another world entail? Cover not mine.

Frostoon · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Calm Before The Storm

2 days have passed since i appraised my bird kin and i learnt a bunch of new things. First off, i managed to fly kinda. It was challenging. I fell a couple of times, but it eventually worked out. All i had to do was not look down. Simple isn't it? It will be difficult to use my aerial advantage if i were to hunt though. Therefore i shall only fly for travelling and such, at least until i can look down without losing my shit.

I also experienced my first hunt with my hatchling siblings, under the guidance of our parents of course. We ganged up on smaller and weaker beasts that were alone such as other snakes similar to the one i killed, rabbit beasts and insect type beasts. They all tasted nasty by the way.

This made me wonder if there were any fruits, seeds or plants around that are edible. I tried communicating to my parent birds my thoughts on the matter through another skill that i picked up during this period called Avis communication(F-rank). It appeared after i tried various ways to convey my thoughts through bird noises. Back to the thing about food, apparently it is rare to find anything similar that is edible, those with special effects that provide boosts even more so. Thats what i understood from my bird mom. She also said that she consumed one of these fruits before. Wonder what buffs she got from it.

Guess i will be eating disgusting food most of the time now but i'm sure i will eventually get used to it. If i'm lucky, i can somehow befriend an individual from a sentient race and they could give me cooked food.

Why not cook my own food? Well i tried. But its near-impossible with me being a bird and all. Also i've been behaving too differently from my species while trying to unlock new skills and if i did manage to make a fire to cook my food it would probably make my parent birds suspicious. Its to the point that my cute hatchling siblings have started to copy me. Its a good thing though, since they are also unlocking new skills. I might get them to work and hunt with me in the future as well and who knows? We might end up starting the legend of the three musketeers among birdfolk. Three birdieteers? Something along those lines.

Oh yes, i almost forgot. Since i can actually somewhat fly now, my title has been revoked! Yay!

With the few hunts during this period i had accumulated a nice number of evo points as well as secured a few level ups. My status now looks like this:

Name: Haruto

Species: Skepre Avis Hatchling(F-rank)

Lvl: 5

Health: 70/70

Mana: 30/30

Attack Power: 15

Agility: 13

Endurance: 7

Intelligence: 38

Title: <Air Traverser>

Evo points: 0

Skills: F-rank>(Compress)(Avis Communication)(Sprint)

Upgrades: Feathers(thickness I) Beak(sharpness II)Talons(sharpness II)

Legs(Muscle Mass I, Sturdy Bones I)

I learnt more things about the system as well. First of all, the number of evo points the system rewards me with for each level up is equal to the number of my level before the level up. So for example, from lvl 3 to 4 i get 3 evo points and from lvl 4 to 5 i get 4 evo points. This lead to me having 7 evo points to spend.

As for the upgrades, i can improve a single aspect of a part of my body even further by using more evo points. I upgraded the sharpness of my beak and talons again which cost me 4 evo points in total. The next sharpness upgrade will most likely cost 3 evo points each. Each upgrade also increases my stats even more. When i upgraded my beak and talons only once back then it only increased my attack power by 2 in total. Now, my attack power has increased by 6 in total after upgrading both parts again. By doing some simple math, it seems that the rate of my stat growth will increase the more i continue to upgrade a single characteristic. If the next upgrade follows the pattern, i will get a stat increase of 6 for the sharpness III upgrade.

Now that i think about it isn't that kinda op? So if i get sharpness X, won't i get a stat increase of 55!? I quiver in excitement just thinking about it.

Ah, i also upgraded my legs to increase my agility stat. Whats the use of atk power if i can't land any attacks? I'll have to make sure to keep a good balance between these 2 stats in the future. Endurance? Who needs that? You can't hurt what you can't hit! But my agility stat is still relatively low so if i get hit i'll be in deep shit. Its fine though! I've got my family to save me if that happens.

I still haven't unlocked any E-rank skills. I got a sprint skill though, which i got from running around. There was a fly skill but i thought the sprint skill would be more useful. And its a different from compress and avis communication.

|Sprint(F-rank): When activated, increase agility by 10% while on land|

Its a buff skill! There might be more types of skills in the future. Maybe i'd get to manifest energy beams like light sabers out of my claws? Stuff like that.

All in all, its been a pretty productive 2 days. I learnt how to communicate with my fellow avians, improved my bird self a bit, learnt how to fly, got rid of the defective title, and got more information. For now i think i'll set my goal to something along the lines of finding other reincarnated people like me. After all i couldn't possibly be the only one who was reborn in this world right? Hopefully i'll be able to find my friends. Alright! I think thats enough to sum up the past 2 days! Time for cuddle time with the fam! If there's one thing i enjoyed ever since being reborn here its-


*Crackle crackle*


Kay what the fu-
