
Avian's Advent

Haruto, the story's protagonist had lived contentedly and had a long life ahead of him to look forward to but is one of many who perishes due to unforseen circumstances. He is then reincarnated as a monstrous bird! How will he survive and adapt to his new life? What will his future adventures as an avian in another world entail? Cover not mine.

Frostoon · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Another Party Appears

~Haruto POV~

This is bad. Like seriously bad! How am i supposed to get out of here now!?

a few minutes earlier~

After convincing the other hatchlings to follow me, we sneakily got down from the nest, to get away from the fight taking place behind us. If we flew away, we would be very noticeable and vulnerable to ranged attacks so i opted to escape by running instead. I'm only worried about beasts like that damn snake from back then lurking around but its safer this way. Some of the humans are also running this way but i doubt they will notice us and even if they did they probably wouldn't bother with us, i hope.

So here i am running for my life, new bird siblings in tow. I really wish that mama bird will survive but reality is often cruel and she already raised a flag when she told me to flee. Wow that thought made me more depressed than i thought. Thinking about it now, i'm really fortunate to have someone to protect me even in these circumstances. It looks like those safe and peaceful days are over. The other hatchlings protested against leaving the nest but once i told them it was mother that told us to flee, they complied. It just goes to show how much trust they put in mother. I ponder if some flock members managed to escape. Maybe i could find and reunite with the remnants of the flock. If i'm lucky, father might even still be alive. With that thought i set that as my new objective.

I was about to inform my siblings on my plan when i heard flapping noises followed by bird shaped shadows looming over the forest floor.

Well that was easier than i thought it would be. Before i could call for them, i heard a loud thud nearby. I looked over only to see a corpse of an avian on the floor, with an arrow lodged into its head. Shit, the humans are still onto us. This is why flying around so openly right now is a bad idea.

The death of one avis alerted the rest of the flock and they started firing at the surrounding flora.

Um is something wrong with their eyes? Aren't the humans behind us? My confusion was gone soon after though as more humans popped out of the greenery, wearing cloaks and hoods over their heads. Where the heck did these guys come from!? This is bad. Like seriously bad! How am i supposed to get out of here now!?

Contrary to my perturbed self, my siblings seem to be way more cheerful about the situation. I mean sure, from one point of view, it seems the remnants of the flock have the advantage in numbers. If i didn't see the strength of the humans for myself earlier, i would be jumping in joy right now thinking thay i've been saved. Unfortunately, i've had the honours of witnessing a massacre of my kind and i can say that the disparity in power between an avis and a human isn't small either.

To be frank, we're screwed. The only way i can see us hatchlings getting out of this situation is to sneak our way around them. That would mean having the other Avis act as decoys and be sacrifices for us and that didn't sit that well with me but what else could i do!? To me it looks like they are dead set on battling to the death, let alone even entertaining the idea of retreating to their safety.

By the time i've prepared myself to book it after getting rid of any hesitation, the battle was already close to over, if i could even call it that. In the span of a minute, the 30 or so avis had been obliterated. Turns out that we were the ones who were outnumbered. Following the deaths of the avians, more figures appeared out of the forest. Out from behind the shrubs and trees, tallying up to a total of about a hundred. I was still stunned from how easily they were subjugated. Arrows. Hundreds of glowing arrows flooded the skies, catching the flock members off guard and those arrows were now protruding out of their bodies, making them appear more akin to porcupines than birds. The hatchlings were devastated, huddling up together with me and shaking in their boots.

I cast my eyes back onto the assailants, through the shrub i've been using as a cover this entire time. Damn is this it!?

That was when one of them took off their hood, revealing a really long pair of ears, dazzling golden hair and an unnaturally ugly face.


Did i say ugly? I meant hideous. Seriously is that supposed to be an elf!? They have the ears and everything but the supposed unnatural beauty is replaced by an unnatural ugliness. The guy has eyebrows bushier than my past life dad's nether region, tumors all over the skin and white irises. This is messed up. If i didn't know any better, i would be calling them humanoid looking monsters instead.

More and more of them began taking off their hoods, all looking similarly grotesque but with varying hair colours. Mostly red and silver. The first elf that took off his hood looked into the distance with squinted eyes.

"The humans have been nearly exterminated from that explosion of frost, let us make haste and finish them off!"

With that they sprinted off into the distance. Wow what a shocking reveal. So they are elves not humans. Even if they are ugly as heck. I don't really think i should continue call them elves. Without any of their depicted beauty, they should be a whole new species entirely. I shall call them elves for now.

Also HUHHHHHH!? Was that english i heard just now!? It was english wasn't it. How awfully convenient. Not that i want to but doesn't this mean that i could potentially communicate with them? If humans speak the same language i can communicate with them too and then ask them not to kill me. Wait no i can't speak english as i am now, only bird. Maybe sign language? I can try but i don't think they will give me the chance to convey my thoughts through that. This is hopeless.

It also seems they are on bad terms with humans. A part of me wants to flee and survive but another part of me wants me to check on my parent birds, also to see whats going to happen.

Alright! i've made my decision. Even if its madness and basically makes me a retard, i can't leave without knowing what happened to my parents. With that i discreetly follow the elves back to the scene of battle.