

Here comes a guy who rivals Tony stark....so what do you do when you have both power and money?....well let us find out....warning:this is a serious mad ride across mcu...you know how mad that can get...enter at your own risk.

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Dr. Pym was practically bursting with excitement when I arrived. He couldn't wait to show me the masterpiece he had created. "And here it is, Mr. Wade," the former Ant-Man said, pointing towards something that left me both overjoyed and astonished.

At first glance, it looked like a tight blue fabric draped over a body. But upon closer inspection, it became clear that this was no ordinary suit. It was crafted entirely out of pure vibranium. The sheer brilliance of it was mind-boggling.

With a mix of anticipation and nerves, I cautiously approached the suit. "I assume you've already tested it, doctor?" I asked, my curiosity piqued. Dr. Pym smiled mischievously, as if he held a secret I was yet to discover. "Not yet," he replied, his smile widening. "I wanted you to have the honor."

My excitement turned to concern. "What if the suit doesn't perform as expected? What if it malfunctions mid-flight?" I blurted out, unable to contain my worries. Dr. Pym's response was simple yet profound. "The only way to find out is by testing it," he said, his smile unwavering.

Reluctantly, I agreed, sensing that the old chap was playing me. With Dr. Pym's guidance, I slipped into the suit, feeling it conform to my body like a second skin. It was sleek and metallic, adorned with the four elemental symbols I had requested – fire, earth, water, and air. The power emanating from it was palpable as if it was just waiting for me to unleash its full potential.

Suddenly, the visor closed, and my surroundings transformed into a surreal technological wonderland. It was like stepping into a vast field of advanced technology, rather than just wearing a suit of armor.

A feminine voice echoed in my ear, jolting me out of my awe.

"Welcome to your new suit; my name is ASHA," the AI chimed in. It paused, clearly expecting me to introduce myself as well.

"Nice to meet you, ASHA. My name is Tom Wade," I replied, not wanting to leave the AI hanging. "If you don't mind me asking, what does ASHA stand for?"

"Of course, I don't mind," ASHA responded cheerfully. "ASHA stands for Advanced Suit Harness Assistant. You see, besides being your assistant, I was designed to harness and integrate your abilities into this armor."

I let out a sigh, amazed at how genius minds seemed to think alike. It reminded me of how similar Hank Pym and Stark named their suit assistants.

"Alright, ASHA, spill the beans. What do we have here?" I inquired eagerly.

ASHA wasted no time in giving me the lowdown. "This is the latest model of advanced combat armor," it began. "Equipped with cutting-edge technology, it will enhance your strength, speed, and agility, while seamlessly integrating your personal abilities and skills."

I nodded, my intention all along had been for the suit to be more than just a mere piece of protective gear. It had to be an extension of myself.

"The armor is crafted from vibranium, capable of withstanding extreme temperatures and impacts," ASHA continued. "It also boasts an array of built-in weapons systems, including a plasma rifle, a retractable energy blade, and a grenade launcher. It's also equipped with advanced sensors that can detect enemies from miles away, a cloaking device that renders you invisible to the naked eye, and me an AI assistant that provides real-time tactical information."

As ASHA described the suit's capabilities, my mind began to conjure up various scenarios.

"How many modes does the suit possess?" I inquired eagerly.

The AI responded promptly, "The suit boasts three modes: stealth mode, combat mode, and exploration mode. In stealth mode, the suit activates its cloaking device and conserves power by shutting down non-essential systems. In combat mode, all weapons and sensors are unleashed, and the armor is reinforced to provide maximum protection. And in exploration mode, the suit's sensors are optimized for scanning and mapping terrain, while its mobility systems are enhanced to conquer even the most challenging landscapes."

Impressive, indeed! It appeared that this armor was prepared to handle any situation I might encounter on my mission. However, a few lingering questions remained.

Curiosity piqued, I inquired further, "When you mention the suit's ability to withstand extreme temperatures, could you provide me with some specifics?"

"Well, Tom," ASHA began, her voice brimming with knowledge, "thanks to the suit's vibranium armor, it possesses an incredibly high melting point, allowing it to endure temperatures of up to 3000 degrees Celsius. Moreover, the suit is equipped with a cooling system that regulates the internal temperature, ensuring the wearer's safety even in the most extreme conditions."

My mind then wandered to the subject of radiation, recalling incidents from the Incredible Hulk. It never hurt to be prepared, after all.

"And what about radiation?" I inquired cautiously.

With confidence, the AI assured me, "The vibranium armor is highly resistant to radiation, and the suit is equipped with a built-in radiation shield capable of protecting against even the most intense sources of radiation."

Satisfied with the suit's capabilities, I nodded, feeling a wave of relief wash over me. The decision to commission this suit for my upcoming mission was undoubtedly worth the hefty price tag of 2 million dollars. But then, another question struck me.

"How fast can it move in the air and on land?"

The AI paused for a moment before answering my question. "The suit is capable of incredible speeds both in the air and on land," it said. " it can reach speeds of up to Mach 3 in the air and can run at speeds of up to 160 km per hour on land."

"Looks like we got a tiny Ferrari." I joked and was impressed to note that the AI did not comment. At least that would make up for her lack of humor.

"What about underwater?" I asked.

This time, ASHA's response was quick: "The suit is also designed to operate underwater. It can withstand depths of up to 1000 feet and swim at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. Additionally, it has built-in oxygen tanks and a filtration system to allow for extended periods of underwater exploration."

"And how long can its power last?"

"The suit's power can last up to 24 hours in stealth mode, 12 hours in combat mode, and 48 hours in exploration mode," the AI replied. "However, the actual duration may vary depending on the usage of different systems and environmental factors."

I nodded, thoroughly impressed. "Can you effortlessly switch between modes?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Yes," the AI responded confidently. "You can switch between modes using voice commands or manual controls on the suit's interface. The system is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive."

"That's fantastic!" I exclaimed. "What about maintenance? How often does the suit require servicing?"

"The suit is equipped with self-diagnostic and repair systems that can detect and fix most issues automatically. However, it is recommended to have a professional technician inspect and service the suit every six months to ensure optimal performance." ASHA explained

Through my visor, I could see Hank Pym gesturing for me to follow him. Eagerly, I took my first step and was astounded by how effortlessly the armor responded as if it were an extension of my own feet.

We swiftly made our way to the Pym Technologies helipad using the elevator. As I shook hands with Doctor Pym, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and gratitude toward him. Not only had he fulfilled his promise to me, but he had exceeded my expectations. The suit he had created was a true masterpiece of engineering, and the remarkable AI that powered it was beyond compare.

"Enjoy your flight, Mr. Wade," the scientist said with a genuine smile.

"ASHA, switch to stealth mode and take off, please," I commanded, excitement coursing through my veins.


A rush of adrenaline surged through me as I soared to insane


The suit responded to my every movement with precision and ease, making me feel invincible.

In stealth mode, the suit seamlessly blended with its surroundings, almost as if it possessed a mind of its own, effortlessly adapting to each new environment.

After a while, I gracefully landed on one of the helipads, taking a moment to catch my breath.

Looking out over the city, the sun was just beginning to set, casting a warm orange glow over the buildings. I couldn't help but feel grateful for the suit that allowed me to experience this view from such a unique perspective.

I knew that with this suit, I could take on any challenge that came my way. It was like having a personal army at my disposal, ready to do my bidding at a moment's notice. And the best part was that it was all under my control.

It was at this time that a system notification shone in front of me.

[You have received a quest to rescue Dr. Helen Chong from Utron.]

"What the actual fuck?" I yelled in shock. Up until now, I had not given serious thought to the actual MCU timeline I was in.

Now I could not imagine that I was in the same time zone as the genocidal AI, and to even think that I might have to mess with him in my first quest made me sick.

However, even As I pondered my next move, I couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. Dr. Helen Cho was in grave danger, and time was running out. Not just that, I realized that if I could complete this quest on time, I could actually prevent the doctor from helping the sentient robot upload himself into a new body. Of course, I realized that Ultron was a formidable opponent, and I knew that my high-tech armor and advanced air bending skills might not be enough to beat him if he had the mind stone.

But I had come too far to let this mission fail. So, I decided to focus on completing the system quest that would unlock my next air-bending trainer, Zaheer.

Zaheer was a legendary Airbender who trained some of the greatest benders in history. If anyone could help me improve my skills and prepare for future quests, it was him.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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