

Here comes a guy who rivals Tony stark....so what do you do when you have both power and money?....well let us find out....warning:this is a serious mad ride across mcu...you know how mad that can get...enter at your own risk.

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It took me almost an entire day to figure out where Ultron was holding Doctor Cho, simply because back in my home world, where all this sh*t was fiction, my focus had been enjoying the movie and not memorizing every goddamn place and time where things took place.

So yes, that was the main disadvantage, plus I could not just go asking anyway.

Well, they say that almost anything will work once you unplug it and then plug it back in after a while; the same is true with the human brain.

The quest had been marked urgent, but there had been no time limit given, so I figured I had quite a few days for myself.

The next day, after I had dropped all my worries, I swung by the local spot club for a golf game.

I was locked in a vicious twosome with a Caucasian golfer who was truly enjoying my constant one-stroke penalties due to my carelessly deceived, unplayable lie.

Nothing eases a conversation like when a dude is thrashing your ass in a game.

I began to casually inquire about my subject and was soon made to feel like an idiot.

The guy simply pointed out that, if indeed Dr. Cho was a registered scientist, it was easy to find her whereabouts on the government site.

I had not even considered the internet since arriving in this world. I mean, I had thought that I had left such things in the normal world, but now I realized that the MCU was ten times more technologically advanced as compared to the world where I was coming from.

That night, having buried myself on the internet for hours, I finally learned that Dr. Helen Cho was a South Korean scientist heading a genetics company named u-GIN Genetics Infinite R&D in Seoul.

I finally realized that this was where Ultron had gone to make a synthetic body with the Loki scepter.

I had barely slept last night as I contemplated the possibilities. Aside from the fact that the quest was very important in my development in the avatar system, I suddenly realized that I could also continue seeking external sources of power.

For example, if I were to succeed in my current quest,what would stop me from taking Taking the Loki Scepter with me? It would, after all, be one infinity stone in my possession and a ton of power as well.

So in typical billionaire fashion, I had reserved a private jet. I mean, unlike the Avengers, I had no Quinjet, and it was impossible to fly in my armor from New York to Seoul. I wanted to be fresh when I landed.


20 hours later

The flight from New York to Seoul lasted 15 hours and 40 minutes. Six hours later, after I had taken a private Airbnb on a private ranch, I was already in the vicinity of U-Gin Company.

By now, you know I have a thing for helipads, and as you probably guessed, I was perched on one while ASHA did the preliminary scan of the building.

From the looks of it, you could not tell that the rogue AI had infiltrated the company, but since the system had issued the quest as urgent, it meant that the AI was already here.

Knowing Ultron's mastery of the internet, I felt a shudder thinking of him taking control of ASHA while I was still inside the suit.

"ASHA, do you have a firewall in place?" I asked, hoping that Pym had actually thought of this. The response was relieving.

"Affirmative, the system firewall is military level." The AI answered nonchalantly.

"Just be on alert. In case you detect unauthorized access,just log out of the internet and activate the emergency mode.

"That is highly dangerous, Tom; that would mean the system could override safety even midflight.

"Better plummeting down than a rogue AI taking over my suit while I was within it."

"Understood,request logged; based on the heat signatures from the building, there is very little movement on the parking lot, and I would recommend we access the building from there."

I heaved a sigh. This was it, then. Who could have ever thought that I would be here in the MCU fighting a sentient robot on a quest from some system?

The tides change indeed; however, if the elusive Lady Luck were on my side, I might even accomplish this quest without having to fight Ultron personally.

I activated the stealth mode on my suit and carefully scanned the area. My mission was clear: rescue Dr. Helen Cho and get out as quickly as possible. Well, and if I can grab the damn scepter as I flee, that's a plus.

None of Ultron's watch robots seemed to have noticed my arrival.

Finally, I landed silently outside the company's parking lot. Using Asha's advanced hacking capabilities, I quickly disabled the security system and opened the main door.

I was shocked to encounter no opposition at all. This was too good to be real.

I made my way through the abandoned laboratories with my heart racing. I knew that if Ultron caught wind of my presence, it could mean trouble.

Be that as it may, Dr. Helen Cho was a valuable asset to the Avengers, and her knowledge could be the key to defeating Ultron.

I specifically hoped and prayed that she had not yet created the synthetic body for the AI.

As I navigated through the maze-like corridors, Asha's voice echoed in my earpiece. "I'm scanning for Dr. Cho's location now," she said calmly.

I tried to keep my breathing steady as I waited for her response. Every second felt like an eternity as I crept inside Ultron's lair.

Finally, Asha spoke up again. "I've located Dr. Cho's whereabouts," she said. "Based on the CCTV footage, she's working in the company regeneration cradle on the third floor, and she is guarded by three robots."

My heart sank at the news. Three robots guarding Dr. Cho? This was going to be a tough mission.

"any sign of the main Ultron?"

"Non-detected, however, I should remind you that the AI is highly intelligent and advanced; he may be cloaking his presence", ASHA warned.

"Yes, it's better to operate on the assumption that Ultron might be aware of our presence."

"Thanks, Asha," I said, my voice steady despite the nerves fluttering in my stomach.

"Can you give me a layout of the building?"

"Of course," Asha replied, and suddenly a holographic map appeared in front of my eyes. "The building has six floors, with Dr. Cho being held on the third floor. There are multiple security cameras and laser sensors throughout the building."

I studied the map carefully, trying to come up with a plan of attack. I knew I couldn't just charge in blindly; that would be suicide.

"Okay," I said finally, making up my mind. "I'm going to need some distractions."

"Understood," Asha replied, and suddenly a swarm of tiny drones flew out of my suit's compartments and scattered throughout the building.

I watched from my HUF as the drones flew around the building, their small size making them difficult to detect. They were equipped with small speakers that emitted high-pitched noises and flashing lights, designed to distract and confuse any security mechanisms in place.

As the drones distracted Ultron's minions, I made my way towards the elevator. Getting past the security cameras and laser sensors would be a challenge, but ASHA was able to temporarily disable the cameras and sensors in my immediate vicinity. This allowed me to slip past undetected and make my way up to the third floor.

I had already picked the first door, only to find it empty. I was about to go for the second door when Asha's voice sounded through my earpiece.

"Warning, hostile drones are approaching." I could already hear their buzzing. I quickly pulled back into the room and closed the door, hoping that the drones wouldn't notice it was unlocked.

I automatically switched to X-ray vision on my armor suit and saw the two drones flying down the hallway. They seemed to be in a hurry about some kind of disturbance on another floor.

But what almost froze my heartbeat was the sight of the two people walking purposefully behind the drones.

"Fuck." I had completely forgotten that the Scarlet Witch and her twin were still on Ultron's side at this point.

I was fucked up!