

" it's all about him.. if he didn't come.. its not happen.. after that whatever happened he deserved it.." I said angrily to girls.. " I don't know but you didn't know ava.. he really care about you.. I didn't get it.. he always fight with you.. and than something happen to you.. his always the first person to just get mad and involved.. and stand by you..  it's just that he's crazy for you.. totally in to you.. " Clara said to me. " don't pitty him girl's.. he's not like that what you think about him.." I said to them.. they all are looking at me.. and than my behind I don't know what they looking but I continue.. " he's jark.. asshole.. who doesn't know how to talk with girls.. always calling bed name's.. and insults them front of people.. he don't have heart.. he's heartless dick.. never care anyone just love himself.. girls for him only tissue pepper.. who's he just used them.. and throw them like trash.. I just hate him so much.. I want to kill him.. he never change.. he always do what he wanted.. never thinking about anyone.. I just hate him.. I hate him so much.." I burst out them.. but I don't know whatever I said to him. I didn't mean it.. I know that.. " anything else princess.." someone say behind me.. and I stop to eat.. girl's are give me sorry look.. and got up and left me.. Wow .. now I have to face him alone.. I Don't scared him.. I still site the and eat my food.. I don't care.. if he heard that what I said to him..

BADASSGIRL143 · Kombinasi musik
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97 Chs

I Can't Promise It..

Whole night I didn't sleep my mind is keep thinking about what just happened. What he tell me to do. And how can I will do it. And play with it.. what I am missing. How can he know my all things. All my moves.

One think that I know that there is no one girl that complete me. That I now understand well..

Next day I do what I always do in my regular day. I act like Nothing is going on.. I didn't get any message or text from staffs gang.. means they still finding him where he is..

I do my practice my game. And than join dance when I already know that I am banned. I see that Janna still here. She did keep looking at me. Amma did join me. And we do both talk. And I act like that I am okky. And fine. I am not have any tansion About what will happen tomorrow.

I did crack joke. But Amma doesn't laugh. She know that it's not that even joke. And I am trying to act like I am cool. Damn it.. how can she know me that well.. but I do try act like she is wrong. And I am happy.

In lunch time Nothing happen. All is going well. One think is that I missing is my friend's. I am dying to know that where they are. They are happy or not. But other hand I do know that if I did one move and they will be in danger. Which I don't want to put them in that.

After lunch. I straight to go to gym. And when I enter it's is full.. but when I enter there everyone looking at me. No surprise they now know me well that who I am so yeah right..

I rolled my eyes. And walk to separate place where Max workout.

When I reach there I feel relax. It's empty.  Throw my backpack one side in corner. Tie my hair in ponytail. And than I started to do my regular think. Push-up sketching and like I always do.

After that I wear my gloves. And than started to practice. I don't care what will happen tomorrow. But my mind only one thing is going on that I will kill all of them. And I will do that. I am Red Bloody Hell.. and I never give up. Or never lose any fight. Or war. So why I am so worry about tomorrow.

I thinking about what happened to old Red. Who never think about anybody. And always do what she like it. And love it. She never like this give up or scared type of girl. She is badass and kick everyone's asses..

And I am going to do this this time too.. i know Stafen is not here with me. But I do have to continue with him or without him. And it is my war. Why I should help to all of them. Why I need lots of man or gang like them. When I know Justin's every weak point. And I know how to make him crush than why I am so so feel like I am weak. When I know that the real me if anyone see it it's Justin. And he also know that if I did come up in my real self he will be end.

I don't know thinking all of this. I don't know how many time I spend in here. My both hands are hurt like bitch. I did wet with all of sweat. And I know I did wester that I can't walk anymore.

I seat in ground and drink water. And make myself relax. And take deep breath. Clear my all thought.

Wanted to end this day and come fast tomorrow. Because I can't wait anymore to see what and do anything.

This war before silent didn't make me claim it's make me restless. And I can't think straight or do anything.

I get up and than walk to my dorm. I don't want to go. I feel like sleep here and spend my time here. But I don't want that Amma got worrid about me. I don't want to do things that people got worry about me.

When I reached home. Amma , Tom and Ray there are seating there and talking. I walk there and they all come to me and hug me.

" Awww ye smelly yukkk.. go get shower first.." Ray said to me. And I punch he's arm. And did what he said to me.

After shower I did join them. And I see that they already ordered food for us. And I did join them act like Nothing is going on. And act like I always do..

" So I see you are ready for tomorrow huh..." Tom said to me nad I Rolle my eyes..

" Can't wait for tomorrow right Red.." ray saif to me and I just ignore it..

" So I am forgetting to say that the food was yummy.. who's up for movie.. how about movie night guy's.. " I said to them with cheering Voice..

" Red... " They three of said to me nad i look at them and give them look like what..

" You okky.." Amma ask me holding my hand. And I look at her. And smile at her and nodded with my head.

" Why you keep asking me that. Don't you see that.. or you don't want to see it.." I said to her. I mean she keep asking me.

" I am seeing all and I do want to see it more but what you showing us we know that all fake. We know that it's all act. You can always share with us you know.. " Amma said. And I just give her look like are you fucking with me now.

" Amma I am not faking at anything. And I don't have to act like I am happy. And you guys seriously. You both know me well that how I am.. I never act okky when I am not okky. That's the think I don't know how to do like hide things. I am open book and i always show my emotions. So why you still feel like.. ughh.. now I can keep smile or watch movie..  " I said to them grabbing my hair frustratedly.

" Doll.." Tom said and I look at him with bord look.

" Are you up for Charlie's Angels" he ask me. And I smile again and hug him and nodded with my head.

" So Charlie's Angels it is.." Ray announced and than we all watch it together.

When I sleep I didn't see it. But when I wake up I am hugging with Ray. And we both sleep like we both are brother and sister. Don't mind me. But I did feel like this. He is Hugging himself and I am all hugging him. Like I am the one who want to cuddle.

Smiling at myself. I wake up and done my business.. today is day that decided what will happen in my future. And today is the day we will all written our own destiny that what will be..

When I take shower and get ready and get out from my bathroom I see all are up and rubbing there eyes.

" Good morning my favourite people.. now get up we are going out for breakfast.." I told them. They look at each other and than me and I nodded with there head. And I smile at myself that they did agree on this.

I did check my phone. And yeah like I think there is message to me that I am waiting for read it. And want to confirm it. And now I know what I have to do..

We all left for breakfast. And they still not like it my this behaviour. They still are worry about today's event. When I on other hand just trying to not to think about it.

" Did you check this.." Amma said. And we all are eating our breakfast and look at her what she still looking at her mobile.. and than she show us.

I see and than grab her phone and read the article and than look at the photos. It is photos of mine

And he did exposed me in underground fight club to me. That Red is live and her death is lie. And today is big big match of her first match afterr a long year..

And there is lot of people are beating it. I know business people are. They all are just want moeny. And I am there favorite kind of think. They know I am girl and even I never lose. Lots of people will be take money on me. Nothing now. I rolled my eyes and keep eat my food.

" Nothing is new.. it will going to be happen or later. We all know that whoever is girl is it's not Red. And they will know this when Max kick fake Red's ass.. " Ray said..

" But still it's not about this.. it's about we know that what are going to happen tonight. And there is innocent people who are going to come and we can't risk there life. Now we.. " Amma said.

" We can't stop them. Don't you see this announcement. No one can stop this now. People are already excited about it. And who want to miss this match.  You tell if I mean just think forgetting all this and think if you are in there State what you do.. " Tom said to Amma.

" See now I am not there State and I know what is going on that why I am thinking or saying it don't I.. and I hope all will go well. I am so so fucking scared and worrid about you Ava just please please take care of yourself. I want to be safe at the end of the day.. can you promise me that . " She ask me looking at me. And I other hand don't know what you said. Hell I didn't even know what will go.. or I just thinking it will do or he is two steps a head of me..

" I can't promise you.. but I will try my best that I will be live at the end of this shit.. " i told her nad she smile at me. We both know that it's only 1% chance that anything will be happen. So she just smile and nodded.