
Auto Cultivation

In a world where technology and the supernatural collide, and evolution reigns supreme, meet Aaron - a transmigrator who unlocks an incredible ability to cultivate. As he rises through the ranks, Aaron discovers just how far he's willing to go to seize his destiny in this unforgiving world.

Fairn · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

First Encounter with the Guardians

As the auto cultivation was running, Aaron quietly and diligently absorbed the remaining crystals. With each crystal absorbed, he felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins. He could feel his muscles growing and his senses sharpening.

As he finished the last crystal, he felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. He knew that he had made great progress and that his body was now stronger than ever before. Aaron couldn't help but feel a little proud of himself.

[Race: Fane (Human Form)]

[Spirit Crystals: 0 (Unranked)]

[Absorbed Spirit Crystals: 1] *+1*

[Cultivation: 1st Realm (Unranked)] [9/100] *+8*

[Cultivation Time: 1 Spirit Crystal per 2 Hours] [Upgrade (0/1000)]

[Training Time: 1 Hour] [Upgrade (0/500)]

[Exploration Time: 1 Hour] [Upgrade (0/500)]

Aaron noticed the +1 in front of the Absorbed Spirit Crystals and decided to leave it there, assuming he could add it to whatever he wanted.

Feeling hungry, he decided to cook himself a meal. He rummaged through his supplies and found some fresh ingredients. As he began to cook, the aromas wafted through the air, making his mouth water.

He chopped vegetables with precision and skill, adding just the right amount of spices and herbs to create a tantalizing aroma. The sizzling of the meat on the pan made him feel even more hungry. These were the basic skills all single men had to learn if they wanted to live alone happily.

As he sat down to eat, the first bite of his meal was a revelation. It was delicious, bursting with flavor and perfectly cooked. He felt the energy from the food surging through his body, making him feel even more energized.

After he finished his meal, Aaron couldn't help but feel satisfied. He got up and was about to change his clothes when he noticed the clothing in the closet.

"These won't fit me" Aaron realized that he needed to go shopping for new clothes.

Stepping out into the bustling city, Aaron was struck by the beauty and grandeur of the unfamiliar surroundings. As he walked around the city, he couldn't help but marvel at the incredible technology that surrounded him. Giant holographic billboards flashed advertisements for the latest gadgets and futuristic vehicles zoomed past him on the streets.

The buildings towered high into the sky, each one a masterpiece of engineering and design. Massive glass windows revealed the bustling activity within, and Aaron couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the incredible feat of human ingenuity.

When he arrived at the store, he was pleasantly surprised by the warm welcome he received. The staff treated him with kindness as she hit on him a couple times, a stark contrast to the memories of this body's previous experiences.

As Aaron walked through the bustling city, feeling confident in his new clothes, the sound of blaring alarms shattered the peaceful atmosphere. Panic spread like wildfire through the streets as people frantically ran in all directions. Suddenly, his attention was drawn to a horrifying scene - a demonic creature, vicious and unrelenting, was brutally attacking a group of people with deadly precision. Limbs were torn off like they were nothing, and blood splattered everywhere. Aaron watched in horror, frozen for a moment by the gruesome spectacle unfolding before his eyes.

As Aaron surveyed the scene, he couldn't help but notice the horror etched on a woman's face as she lay on the ground, paralyzed with fear. She had stumbled and fallen in the midst of the chaos, unable to get back up as the creature closed in on her. It was a heart-stopping moment, and Aaron knew he had to act fast to save her from certain doom.

In a split second decision, Aaron acted on his instincts and snatched a nearby chair, flinging it with all his might towards the demonic beast. The chair landed with a resounding thud, sending the creature crashing to the ground, and allowing the fallen woman to scramble away to safety. As Aaron stood there, catching his breath, he couldn't help but feel an electrifying rush of power surging through his veins - a tangible proof of the effects of the crystals he had absorbed.

As the creature's attention turned to him, Aaron knew he had made a grave mistake. He turned to run, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to put as much distance as possible between himself and the demonic beast. His speed was now put to the ultimate test as he skillfully dodged the creature's relentless attacks. With each close call, Aaron wished he had something, anything, to defend himself with - a weapon, some fighting experience - but he was left to rely solely on his own wits and agility.

Suddenly, a group of individuals in uniforms appeared on the scene, wielding weapons that seemed to be powered by the same energy Aaron had been cultivating. These were the Guardians, the protectors of the city and its inhabitants.

As the Guardians engaged the creature in battle, Aaron watched in awe at their skill and power. He recognized the uniform from his previous research on this world - these were the cultivators under the government tasked with protecting the cities from the dangers of the supernatural world.

Aaron breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the Guardians skillfully take down the demonic creature, saving him and the others from certain death.

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