
Auto Cultivation

In a world where technology and the supernatural collide, and evolution reigns supreme, meet Aaron - a transmigrator who unlocks an incredible ability to cultivate. As he rises through the ranks, Aaron discovers just how far he's willing to go to seize his destiny in this unforgiving world.

Fairn · Fantasi
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32 Chs

Beast Soul (1)

"How dare you touch Linda like that?" The voice of a furious spectator resonated through the crowd, expressing the collective outrage.

"Linda, unleash your fury on him!"

"Break his hands, Linda!"

Linda prowled the arena like a tigress, her movements swift and agile, leaving behind mere blurs as she relentlessly barraged Aaron with a flurry of kicks. He struggled to evade her strikes, trapped within the whirlwind of her assault.

Aaron, now composed and focused, marveled at Linda's impeccable footwork. Despite the intensity of their confrontation, he couldn't help but gaze at her with a mixture of admiration and love, oblivious to any openings she inadvertently revealed, allowing her to display her true potential.

This fierce exchange persisted for some time until Linda abruptly halted her movements. Sweat trickled down her face as she fixed her gaze upon Aaron, questioning him with an icy coldness. "Why aren't you attacking...? What's holding you back?"

Pretending innocence, Aaron took a deep breath before responding. "What do you mean?" His voice wavered slightly, betraying his underlying emotions.

"At first, I sensed something was amiss," Linda continued, her demeanor devoid of warmth. "I intentionally left openings, expecting you to seize the opportunity. But you never attacked me. Why?"

Struggling to find his words, Aaron exhaled heavily. This wasn't his typical demeanor—he wasn't accustomed to feeling shy or nervous. Yet, his heart continued to race uncontrollably whenever he laid eyes on her. "I... I couldn't," he finally confessed, his voice trembling with vulnerability.

"Why?" Linda demanded, her curiosity tinged with frustration.

"You remind me of someone," Aaron confessed, masking the full truth. He knew better than to divulge the details of his transmigration and the complicated connection they shared. The risk of appearing delusional outweighed the desire to be fully honest with her.

Unsatisfied, Linda turned away and began walking off, muttering to herself in a mixture of confusion and embarrassment. "Who does he think I am? And that hug...!" A faint blush adorned her cheeks as she shook her head.


"FIGHT ME!" A sudden intruder leaped into the arena after Linda's departure, fueled by anger and the crowd's collective fury. "I'll shatter the arms that touched her!"

A frown creased Aaron's brow before a wide grin formed on his lips. This was the moment he had been waiting for. "You mean these arms?" he taunted, wrapping his own arms around his body as if embracing the air. "She felt so soft!"

"You bastard!" The man's restraint dissolved as he charged forward, consumed by his rage.


Before he could comprehend what had happened, a powerful strike connected with the back of his head, sending him crashing face-first to the ground, sliding for a short distance.

[Absorbed Spirit Crystals: 473] *+21*

"Linda is mine, and none of you can change that!" Aaron bellowed defiantly, incurring the wrath of every disciple present in the training center.

Unbeknownst to Aaron, Linda had not ventured far, overhearing his bold proclamation. Her anger surged within her as she muttered through gritted teeth, "I belong to no one!"


[Absorbed Spirit Crystals: 1752] *+1297*

Aaron returned home, his bruised countenance contrasting with the victorious smile adorning his face. His body bore the marks of countless battles—bruises and bumps —a testament to his unwavering determination.


Just like that, a month passed with Aaron's only routine being attending classes, sparring in the training center and entering the hunting dimension at night.

[Race: Fane (Human Form)]

[Spirit Crystals: 211 (Unranked)] *NEW*

[Absorbed Spirit Crystals: 120] *NEW*

[Cultivation: 8th Realm (Unranked)] [0 /6 400] *NEW*

[Cultivation Time: 1 Spirit Crystal per 5 minutes] [Upgrade (0/10 000)] *NEW*

[Training Time] [Unlock (0/10 000)]

[Hunting Dimension: 16 Hour] [Upgrade (0/8 000)]

Determined and fueled by a thirst for revenge, Aaron had honed his skills to unprecedented levels. His eyes glimmered with anticipation as he envisioned tearing apart the creature that had brought him endless suffering and death. He was prepared to face the dog-wolf looking entity and unleash his newfound prowess upon it.

Through rigorous training within the hunting dimension and intense sparring sessions, Aaron had made remarkable progress. His abilities had reached extraordinary heights, surpassing his previous limitations.

[Feline Steps: 10th Realm (Peak Mastery)]

[Basic Spirit Energy Manipulation: 5th Stage (Peak Mastery)]

[Basic Swordsmanship: 8th Realm]

Taking a deep breath, Aaron lay down on his bed, his anticipation palpable. With a flick of his will, he activated the hunting dimension, and within seconds, he found himself transported to the familiar expanse of the grassy field.

A nearby rabbit sensed his arrival and, displaying aggression, bared its teeth before charging toward him. Aaron scoffed at the feeble threat. "Get lost, I'm not interested!" he scoffed, moving with breathtaking speed. In one swift motion, he swung his sword, severing the rabbit's head from its body. "To think these creatures posed a threat to me just over a month ago," he mused, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Determined to confront the green wolf, Aaron ventured deeper into the forest, his gaze intense and unwavering. He scoured the surroundings, his senses sharp, ready to face his nemesis head-on.

"When I'm not actively seeking them out, they appear incessantly, one after another," Aaron muttered, frustration seeping into his words. "But the moment I search for them, they vanish without a trace!"

Undeterred, he pressed forward, his determination unyielding. With every step, he vowed to find the green wolf and bring about its downfall, eager to prove his newfound strength and claim his long-awaited vengeance.

As Aaron ventured deeper into the forest, the tension in the air grew thick. He knew that the green wolf possessed formidable abilities, including its swift and deadly Spirit Energy slashes. Undeterred by the dangers that lay ahead, he steeled his resolve and prepared for the confrontation.

Suddenly, a rustling sound broke the silence, and the green wolf emerged from the shadows, its emerald eyes gleaming with malevolence. Its sleek fur bristled with anticipation, radiating a palpable aura of danger. Without hesitation, the wolf lunged forward, its speed surpassing anything Aaron had encountered before.

Reacting swiftly, Aaron activated his Feline Steps technique, his movements becoming a blur as he evaded the initial onslaught. The wolf's Spirit Energy slashes sliced through the air, leaving behind residual wisps of energy that crackled with power. Each slash was imbued with deadly accuracy, a testament to the wolf's lethal prowess.

Aaron relied on his Spirit Energy Manipulation to erect a protective barrier, deflecting the incoming slashes with precise control. After entering the High-Stage Disciple stage Aaron was able to manipulate Spirit Energy externally. He swiftly countered with his own attacks, his Basic Swordsmanship displaying the mastery he had attained through countless battles.

The clash between Aaron and the green wolf intensified, the forest echoing with the clash of steel and the crackling of Spirit Energy. Aaron's movements were fluid and precise, his strikes imbued with the essence of his training. He danced around the wolf, his sword a blur as he aimed for its vulnerable spots.

However, the green wolf proved to be a formidable adversary. Its agility and speed allowed it to dodge Aaron's strikes with uncanny precision. The wolf retaliated with renewed ferocity, launching a barrage of Spirit Energy slashes that forced Aaron to maneuver swiftly to avoid being struck.

The battle raged on, the forest becoming a swirling vortex of power and determination. Aaron's muscles strained, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he pushed his limits. Every swing of his sword carried the weight of his past suffering and the desire to protect those he cherished.

With a burst of determination, Aaron unleashed a series of lightning-fast strikes, his sword dancing through the air in a deadly dance. He anticipated the green wolf's movements, his Spirit Energy Manipulation empowering his attacks with enhanced speed and precision.

As their clash reached its climax, Aaron seized an opening. With a swift and decisive strike, he landed a critical blow on the green wolf, piercing through its defenses. The wolf let out a haunting howl, its form dissipating into ethereal mist as it succumbed to its wounds.

Silence descended upon the forest as Aaron stood amidst the aftermath of the intense battle. Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, mingling with the dirt and blood that adorned his face. He had emerged victorious, having overcome the formidable adversary that had plagued him time and again.

Breathing heavily, Aaron surveyed his surroundings, his heart filled with a mix of triumph and relief. Green light particles emerged from the wolf's body and quickly merged with Aaron as he started to radiate a green glow.

[Absorbed Spirit Crystals: 233] *+113*

[Beast Soul Received: Forest Wolf (Dagger Form)] *NEW*