
Chapter 9: The second worst day of humanity

The party had already long since ended, it was so far into the night that no soul was walking on the streets, only a single boy was walking in the silence, whistling a light tune to himself.

The tune was low in volume, but it had a good rhythm that displayed the serenity the boy was feeling at the moment.

'Nothing better than a walk deep into the night' he thought, he enjoyed simply walking and feeling the night breeze on his skin, one of the things he didn't like about being inside the cities was that this near to the walls no wind could be felt.

'What a pity' he thought as he looked up to the stars, the best ideas he ever had came when he looked at them, this night was a particularly clear one so they were on full display.

He reached a more deserted part of the city, there were no houses near, it was a plaza with a little bit of vegetation, he lied down on one of the benches around and looked up.

'What am I even doing?' he thought, he had never really wanted to become a soldier, there was nothing he particularly wanted to do from the bottom of his heart, he just knew that if he left Liesl alone after all that they went through he would regret it until he lived.

It's not that he didn't think her dream was worth pursuing, but he just didn't see the point, from the village where they lived they could barely see the walls in the distance, so he couldn't understand how she came to feel so suffocated by them.

The land inside the walls was large, too large to actually see every single thing, every mountain, every river, every plain or every forest.

He did however understand and share one thing that she had said in her many rumblings, that if it had happened once, then it could happen twice.

He didn't want to be in that nightmare again, seeing the people he loved being eaten alive as if they were nothing but snacks.

He didn't care much about people at the beginning, other than Liesl he couldn't care if anyone else died, but this changed during the cadet training.

He met many different people with different dreams, hopes and dreams, he came to understand that no matter who, any and all living being had something to offer, from the fool who wanted to die to the smart blond boy, from the seemingly cold girl who enjoyed honing her martial arts to the stupid girl that enjoyed food too much.

Any and all of them changed him in some way, singularly they weren't noticeable, but their influences changed him and kept doing so.

He came to realize something really important, that it didn't matter if he had a dream as big as freeing humanity or not, sometime you don't have to have a dream, he had decided that he would live for the people he loved and trusted and to see their dreams accomplished.

It might be dumb, but it was his solution, he would no longer bother with useless things like the meaning of his existence, if he found one that would be it, if not he had no reason to chase one that he might never find.

He closed his eyes for a bit, before he someone walking toward him, he knew that way of walking better than anyone else.

"Hey Kle, having trouble sleeping?" came the voice, he opened his eyes to find in front of his eyes the girl he had spent all his life with, Liesl.

She was far too near for comfort, with her face mere inches away from his, but he didn't care and just closed his eyes again, but he still replied "Hey Lie, I'm just figuring things out"

"Still thinking about pointless things like always?" she asked with a slight grin on her face.

"No, not anymore" he replied with a soft and peaceful tone, so peaceful that the girl didn't like it.

Seeing him so relaxed and at ease didn't amuse her, so she decided to just sit on his stomach.

He emitted a groan that seemed to satisfy her sadistic tendencies, so with a victorious smile she asked "What happened? Did you gain enlightenment on the meaning of life or something?"

"Or something" he replied "Rather, are you just here to bother me or is there something? How did you even find me in the first place? It's been hours since we separated" he was interested in the answer to his second question, he didn't really care if she wanted something or not.

"Just bothering you, as for your second question the answer is..." she made a dramatic pause to add emphasis "You stink, I could sniff you from half a city away, you need a bath"

She even pinched her nose to be more convincing.

'Should have figured' he should have known better than asking her, she often liked to act mysterious for no reason 'Maybe it's puberty'

He didn't fully understand what puberty was, but he had heard his parents talking about it once, but never asked what it was.

He barely felt the weight of her body on top of his stomach thanks to the extensive military training, but just knowing she was there all proud of herself pissed him off, so he stretched his arm to grab her and dragged her down.

She emitted a squeak being caught off guard as she was dragged towards him face down.

She managed to stop an instant before disaster, which he didn't realize as he still had his eyes closed, but she was slightly panicked.

The two were now in a very compromising position, she was on top of him with both hands on his chest and a fully flustered expression on her face.

But she immediately calmed down, noticing that this was a prime opportunity to mess with him, so she emitted a seductive moan and whispered to his ear even more seductively "Oh yes darling, you can be rougher if you want" she then blew in his ear causing a jolt down his spine.

He opened his eyes in a panic, only to realize the position they were in, his mind was too muddled by the drinks to be fully in command of his mental faculties, this caused him to react unlike his usual self would.

He put his hand on her cheek just giving her a smile, he was far gone and could barely comprehend the situation, it was his first time drinking after all and he was fifteen years old now.

"You really grew up to be a beauty Lie" he then took back his hand and closed his eyes again.

'That completely backfired, not to self, he is completely shameless when drunk' now that her face was even more flushed than before she stood up and made a small cough "Kle, I think that it's time we should go to sleep, tomorrow is important after all"

"Oh yeah" he replied, stretching the word slightly, he then stood up with a serene expression on his face and started going in the wrong direction.

She was still flustered, but she still told him "Hey idiot, that's the wrong direction"

"I know, I just want to take a walk with you" he replied.

This last critical hit seemed to be too much for the young girl's heart, so she started simply walking by his side, while swearing in her heart that she would have her revenge by teasing him about this the next day.

But she would never have the chance.


It was a great day, Liesl was completely pumped, they were on top of the wall, a good distance away from the main group.

They were by far the best among them, so they had a bit more of freedom and individual action in their missions, while the others had to be in group the two of them could handle logistics and check the equipment on top of the wall on their own with no problem.

In fact, Klemens really liked doing this sort of thing, it remembered him when he tried building his friends crazy ideas when they were small, failing more than succeeding, but still having fun while doing so.

"Look at that Kle! Isn't it fantastic? And what sight could be even farther, so far away from the walls that we would have no chance of seeing them if we don't free our lands from the titans threat" she asked with a smile on her face looking at the mesmerizing scene at the top of the wall.

'It's indeed beautiful' the sight shocked him when he came at the top of the wall for the first time.

"Hey, Armin told me that far, far away there is a thing called the sea, an enormous expanse of salty water, so large that no one will ever be able to drain it, can you believe it? One day we'll see it too" she said with sparks in her eyes.

"Sure, sure, one day, but now pass me that piece over there" he replied, he didn't know about this sea thing, but she sure seemed happy.

But that didn't last for long.

Her face drained of all color and her smile became expressionless she turned to look in the direction of the other cadets in the distance.

This sudden change incredibly alarmed him, this never happened before "What happened Lie?"

"I don't know, I don't know" she repeated herself "I only know that something incredibly bad is about to happen"

"Let's reunite with the others before anything, then we'll..." but he was interrupted.

Just as his words were about to come out a bright yellow light with lightning and thunder could be heard and seen right in front of where the others are, before that thing appeared.

An enormous, fifty meters tall skinless titan appeared from seemingly nowhere and kicked the door of the wall open, repeating the tragedy of five years before once again.

The second worst day of humanity started.

They instantly started running in that direction with all their might, Klemens left her behind instantly as he run at more than double her maximum speed.

But it was all over by the time they got there, they saw Eren being shot away by a jet of vapor before he could give the last hit behind the neck of the monster killing it.

The monster then disappeared in nothingness.

The two of them were as white as a sheet, but they had to collect themselves, they knew what they had to do.

"Calm down" shouted Liesl with her powerful voice, instantly snapping everyones attention to the two of them.

"Listen here, Sasha and Eren will go to the headquarters to give the news of what happened" she said, but before Eren could open his mouth to object she shut him up "You'll go as you are the one who had the closest encounter with the colossal titan"

"A third of the remaining will go to the deposit and bring here blades and gas so that we on the wall won't remain without when we need it, another third will remain here on top of the wall as lookout for any titan that comes near, while the remaining third will go calm down the population and start evacuating the civilians to the interior of Wall Rose"

By now Sasha and Eren were already gone, they all knew full well of their abilities, the girl being the best when it came to critical thinking and her being second in the rankings made them compelled to follow her words.

Not that anyone had the guts to not do so, everyone who pissed her off in serious situations got thrown to the ground after all.

But Connie then asked "And what about you and Klemens? Will you remain here as lookout too?"

To this Klemens replied with a strained smile "What's the reason for a lookout if no one goes to fight, I'm going down, but you" he said turning to his friend "You'll stay here"

"How dare you go fight without me once again? I'm strong now, I don't need you to protect me again!" she was extremely offended by his words, she had trained harder than anyone else exactly for a situation like this and now he wanted her to stay out of this?

"No, you idiot, I'm more than enough to take care of them one at a time as they get in the city, but I'll eventually need to get supplies and eventually get tired, at those times you'll take over the situation.

Don't worry, you'll have to wait next time to throw away your life, now I have to go, the firsts are arriving, see you later" he winked nonchalantly as he was about to jump down the wall, but he was stopped by Liesl "What?"

"Don't die on me" she said briefly before throwing him down the wall herself, to his dumbfoundment.

Hello, it's me, as usual if you liked the chap leave a comment and a stone, they mean a lot to me, thanks for reeding and see ya

LordHornZcreators' thoughts